Alternate Spellings of Some
Cheboygan County Surnames

One of THE worst things you can do to sabotage your research is to believe that the surname you're researching is spelled just one way. Frankly, early record keepers were not known for their great spelling abilities. Couple that with an immigrant's accent and many times an inability to spell even his/her own name, and you have an entry of what the record keeper THOUGHT HE HEARD ~ and that was not necessarily correct.

In addition, what one record keeper heard was not always what another one did.

And there you have a classic recipe for roadblocks, dead ends ~ whatever you wish to call being totally stopped in your search.

That brings you to the purpose of this page. Below are variant spellings for some of Cheboygan County's surnames as reported by the researchers of these surnames. Notice how much a variation there are in some of the names, while others have (perhaps) only an 's' or an extra 't' added.

You are invited to participate in this page by submitting your own discovered alternate spellings in Cheboygan records. Simply send those names to me using the email link at the bottom.

Bordo, Bourdeau
Claimore, Clairmeau, Clairmeaux, Clairmo, Clairmore, Clairmow, Clermont
Clement, Clements
Conner, Connor
Courval, Courville
Coutu, Couture
DeFraine, Defrain, ,Deffrain, Dufrain, Dufresne
DeLanory, DeLonais, Delonie, Doaner, Donet, Donor, Dunor
Deroshia, Desrosiers
Donais, Doner, Donner
Douglas, Dugas
Duffina, Duffiney
Elliot, Elliott
Enault, Eno, Enos
Fenneuf, Fineff, Faitneuf, Fainneff, Fineff, Fenieff, Phaneuf, Phaneauf, Phoeneuf
Fralick, Froelich
Gailbraith, Galbraith
Gauthier, Gokey
Geroe, Gerow
Giraud, Giroux
Gouin, Gouine, Goune, Goin
Hamel, Hamill
Hainault, Heanault, Henault, Heneau
Hubacher, Hubacker
Jewel, Jewell
Lagrandeur - see Tallman
LaPeer, LaPierre
LeBlanc, Leblanc
Leduc, Ledue, Laduc, Laduk, Laduke
Morreau, Morrow, Morin
Myers, Meyers
Palmateer, Palmatier
Passeno, Pinsonneau, Pinsonneault
Patenaude, Patnaude, Patnode
Provo, Provos, Provost, Prevo, Prevost
Rabideau, Rabidoux
Rainville, Ranville
Rauhut, Ranhut, Ranchut, Ranhaut, Rauhyt
Robajdek, Robiadek
Rocheleau, Rochelot, Rocherau
Seger, Segar
Socolovitch, Sokolowicz, Succolovich, Schalawitty
Trudeau, Trudo
VanAlstine, Vanalstine, VanAlstene
Woodmansee, Woodmansey
Woodvoiss, Woodvonis




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