MC Carron Family History:
Wolf Story


This citation is from "From Bush Trails to Present Tales: A History of Dungannon, Port Albert and the Surrounding Area of Ashfield & West Wawanosh." Compiled by The Dungannon Women's Institute-1980. Pp. 295-296

W1/2 of Lot 8, Con. 5-E.D. Donald Culbert

"Goodhue obtained the Crown deed to this 100 acres in 1845 and sold it to Michael and Ellen Sullivan in 1854. They had two children, Patrick and Rosalee. Prior to 1861,as Ellen was a widow then Michael Sullivan was bitten by a rabid wolf. In those days there was no rabies vaccine, so the disease affected Michael's nervous system and he became mad. After sometime of battling this terrible condition, the neighbors, believing in euthanasia took 2 mattresses and smothered him to death. Rabies vaccine was discovered in the early 1950's."