DANIEL G. BOWEN was born on the farm which is now his home, in section 32, Kalamo township, the date of his nativity having been October 16, 1843, while he is not only a member of one of the well known pioneer families of the county but is also a representative farmer of his township. His father, Daniel B. Bowen, was born in Lewis county, New York, May 20, 1811, and died, in Kalamo township, on the old homestead, July 1, 1892. His wife, whose maiden name was Beulah D. Cox, was born in the state of Vermont, and passed the closing years of her life in Kalamo township, their marriage having been solemnized September 15, 1836. In the same year they took up their residence in Eaton county, the father securing eighty acres of government land in section 32, Kalamo township, his brother Hiram having previously purchased land in the same township and having come here and erected a log cabin on his land. Daniel B. and his bride lived with Hiram until Daniel could complete a log house of his own. His house had a roof sloping one way and constructed of troughs made of hollowed and split basswood. All kinds of wild game was plentiful, and the father of the subject of this sketch was delegated to kill deer for the Fourth of July celebration. On the preceding day he killed two, but fearing the supply would prove inadequate he went forth and shot a third the next morning. Wolves and bear infested the pioneer settlements, and on one occasion, when returning from Bellevue with fresh meat, Daniel D. Bowen was pursued by a pack of wolves which he successfully evaded, while on the same trip he frightened away a panther which he encountered. He was one of the most influential men in the community, and no citizen stood higher in public confidence and esteem than did he through the long years which marked his residence in the county. He held practically all township offices except that of supervisor, having served twenty years justice of the peace. He was a staunch Democrat in his political allegiance, and both he and his wife were zealous members of the Methodist Episcopal church in the earlier and later days. Mr. Bowen transported his grain thirty-five miles, to Goguac prairie, to have the product ground at the little mill there established, and on one occasion his loaded sled drawn by oxen broke through the ice of a stream which he essayed to cross. He was compelled to take a club, jump into the water and break a passage across, carrying the grain bags on his shoulder to the shore before they became wet. After reloading his sled he was compelled to proceed four miles through the freezing cold, driving his ox team, before he reached a cabin where he could dry his soaked and frozen clothing. He had learned the trade of pump-making, and when his funds ran low he turned to his trade for a means of replenishing his exchequer, having manufactured many pumps for the early settlers, while on one occasion he made an air chamber from a hollow log and through the use of other logs of the same kind forced water a long distance. At the time of his death he owned two hundred and forty acres of land, the greater portion of which he had reclaimed from the forest. He erected two frame houses, the first having burned in 1861. His paternal grandfather was a captain in the Continental line during the war of the Revolution. Daniel P. and Beulah D. Bowen became the parents of two children, the subject of this sketch being the younger. Caroline, who was born September 16, 1539, died on the old home farm. She became the wife of Oscar Barden, and of their eight children six are living. The subject of this sketch was associated with his father in his farming operations and land development until he had attained the age of thirty years, having in the meanwhile duly availed himself of the advantages of the pioneer schools. His father then gave him one hundred and twenty acres of swamp land, and he individually cleared most of the same, while in 1874 he erected on the place a frame house and barn and a granary, developing a good farm. He continued to reside on this place until 1891, when he returned to the old homestead to live with his father. Since that time, with the exception of five years passed in the city of Charlotte, where his daughters attended the public schools, he has continuously resided on this fine old homestead. He now owns three hundred and eighteen acres, having presented his son-in-law and daughter with forty-one acres and having sold one acre. He learned to make pumps under the direction of his father, and has done more or less work in this line. Mr. Bowen is engaged in diversified farming and has made a specialty of breeding full-blooded Durham cattle. In politics he gives his allegiance to the Democratic party, but has never sought public office. November 12, 1873, Mr. Bowen was united in marriage to Miss Esther Dunham, who was born in Maple Grove township, Barry county, June 29, 1848. Her father, Charles Dunham, was born in Orleans county, New York, and died, in Maple Grove township, Barry county, Michigan, in 1895. His wife also was born in the state of New York and now resides with her son in Maple Grove township. Mr. Dunham came to Michigan in an early day first locating in Kalamo township, Eaton county, as did two of his brothers, and here buying forty acres of government land, a portion of which he reclaimed. He then sold the property and moved to Barry county where he developed an excellent farm, maintaining his home in Maple Grove township until the time of his death. Of the three children Mrs. Bowen was the second. Peter O. lives on the old homestead, and Henry died in the same township, in early manhood. Mr. and Mrs. Bowen have three children. Caroline, born May 30, 1880, is the wife of Edward Pease and they have two children, Hazel and Floyd. They reside on their farm, in Kalamo township. Kate, born October 28, 1884, was graduated in the Charlotte high school and is now a successful and popular teacher of Kalamo township. Nellie was born January 29, 1896, and is attending school.