Samuel Curtis is one of the sterling citizens of Walton Township, where he took up his abode nearly half a century ago and where he has developed a fine farm from the primitive wilds. He is a representative of one of the early pioneer families of Michigan, where his parents took up their abode prior to the admission of the state to the union. He was born in Oneida county, New York, October 26, 1830, being a son of Edward and Susanna (Smith) Curtis, both natives of England, where they were reared and educated and where their marriage was solemnized. In 1830, they immigrated to America, taking up their residence in the state of New York, where they remained until 1836, when they continued their way westward and located in the township of Rome, Lenawee county, where the father passed the few remaining years of his life, having been killed by falling upon the tines of a pitchfork. He left his widow on the pioneer farm, with six small children to support, and she made the most valiant and unselfish struggle, keeping her family together as long as possible and making the best possible provision for each of her children. She continued to reside in Lenawee County until her death. Samuel Curtis was reared on the home farm and secured his early education in the primitive district school, supplementing this by two years of study in the Michigan Central College, now known as Hillsdale College, at Hillsdale, Michigan. That he made good use of his opportunities is manifest when it is recalled that he became eligible for pedagogic honors, having been a successful teacher in the district schools for seventeen terms,-- in Illinois, Indiana and Michigan. He started out for himself when seventeen years of age, and defrayed the expenses of his higher educational work through his own efforts. In the spring of 1859 he came to Eaton county and located on his present farm, in Walton Township, where he now owns one hundred and sixty acres, nearly all being under effective cultivation, while he has made excellent improvements in the way of buildings, etc. He reclaimed the land from its wild state and the results of his efforts are patent to all in the general air of thrift and prosperity shown on every side, while he has so ordered his life in all its relations as to gain and retain the unqualified esteem of his fellow men, being one of the honored pioneer citizens of Walton township. He is a stalwart in the local camp of the Republican party, and takes a deep interest in local affairs; he has served several years past in the office of school inspector. In 1855 Mr. Curtis was united in marriage to Miss Mary A. Stoddard, whose parents were pioneers of Lenawee county. Mr. and Mrs. Curtis celebrated their golden wedding anniversary in March 1905, and the occasion was made a most gracious and memorable one. They became the parents of five children, one of whom died in infancy. Frank E. resides in Flint, this state; Cornelia is a clerical employee of the Tribune office in Charlotte; Norris is a resident of Maumee, Ohio; and Henry S. is now located in the city of Washington and is superintendent of the play grounds of the city.