ROBERT HUBBARD is a representative of one of the pioneer families of Eaton county and is a successful farmer of Chester township. He was born in this township, with a distance of half a mile of his present home, August 1, 1845, being a son of James and Mary (Huff) Hubbard, the former of whom was born in Lincolnshire, England, March 19, 1805, and died on his farm, in Chester township, October 5, 1893; his wife was born in Clochester, New York, October 5, 1812, and now resides with her youngest daughter, in Antrim county, Michigan, having passed varying intervals in the homes of her different children since the death of her husband. James Hubbard came alone from England to America when a lad of but ten years, and he assisted in the building of the first railroad in the state of New York, where he grew to maturity, while he also spent several years as a sailor on the Great Lakes. He was married in Unadilla, Tompkins county, New York, and he and his wife continued resident of that state until 1841, when they came to Michigan, making a trip with team and wagon and while en route ten days passed without their entering a house, as they camped along the road. They made Eaton county their destination, and here the father purchased eighty acres of timbered land, on which he erected a log house, with the customary shake roof and puncheon floor, and he devoted his attention to developing the land until 1848, when he started for California, making the overland trip and arriving as one of the historic "Forty-niners." He remained a comparatively short interval and then returned home, but three years later he again made his way to California, where he remained four years, meeting with good success. With money which he sent from the west to his wife she purchased two hundred acres of land in Eaton county, and much of this he reclaimed to cultivation. Mrs. Hubbard was one of the noble pioneer women who played so prominent a part in facing the trials and deprivations of the early days, being ambitious in her work and always being ready to assist her neighbors, particularly in times of illness or distress. Of the nine children six are living: Augusta, who is the wife of James Wright, of Chester township; William, who is a resident of the state of Idaho; Robert, who is the immediate subject of this sketch; Harriett, who is the wife of Jefferson Kirk, of Charlotte; Adelia, who is the wife of Daniel D. Wheeler, of Eaton Rapids; and Mrs. Clara Tuttle, of Antrim county. Sarah died in 1905; James and Francis died quite young. Robert Hubbard secured such educational advantages as were afforded in the district schools of the pioneer days, and he continued to remain at the parental home until he had attained to the age of twenty-three years. At the age of nineteen, however, he had received a gift of eighty acres of land from his father, and it is on this homestead that he now resides. He has since purchased an additional one hundred and twenty acres, and he now has one of the well improved and productive farms of Chester township. For thirty years he has given much attention to the raising of bees, having had as many as two hundred swarms at one time, while he has found the enterprise very profitable and is known as one of the leading apiarists of the county. He is one of the representative citizens of his township, which he served two years as supervisor and six years as treasurer, while he has been a member of the board of review on several occasions. He is unwavering in his allegiance to the cause of the Republican party, and has frequently represented his township in the county conventions of the party. Mr. Hubbard's first wife bore the maiden name of Melissa Case and was born in Ohio. She died a few years after their marriage and is survived by her only child, Frederick G., who is married and who resides in Boyne Falls. In the autumn of 1872 Mr. Hubbard was married to Miss Jeanette Field, who was born in Chester township, June 15, 1849, being a daughter of Horace B. and Olive (Arnold) Field, both native of New York state and both now deceased. They were pioneers of Eaton county, their marriage having been solemnized in Charlotte, and they resided on a farm in Chester township until death. Of their six children five are living, namely: Francis B., who is a resident of Shepherd, Isabella county; Clack C., who resides in the same place; Mrs. Elizabeth Foote, who is a resident of Grand Ledge; Gilbert E., who occupies the old homestead farm, in Chester township; and Jeanette, who is the wife of Mr. Hubbard. Charles B. died at the age of four years. To Mr. and Mrs. Hubbard have been born five children: Roy B., born July 6, 1874, married Edith Kelly and they reside in Boyne Falls, Charlevoix county; Bessie M. is the wife of Ralph Phillips, of Walton township, and they have three children, Ray, Myrna and Robert; Robert W., Clara O. and Eugene F. remain at the parental home, the family being prominent in the social life of the community.)