a representative of one of the early pioneer families of
and is one of the prominent and honored citizens of Grand Ledge,
having a fine farm of seventy acres, a portion of which lies within
the corporate limits of the city. Mr. Kent was born in Oneida Township,
county, December 25, 1853, being a welcome Christmas guest in the home of his parents,
Francis M.
and Harriet A. (Lovell) Kent, the former of whom was born in
County, Pennsylvania, September 15, 1827, and the
in Madison County,
New York, November 20, 1832. The father died, in
Eaton County, April 29, 1886, and the mother remained on the
homestead until her death, May 2, 1895. The paternal grandfather of the subject
of this sketch was Isaac Kent, who was born in eastern Pennsylvania, and who
died in Grand Ledge, in the spring of 1855, at the age of seventy-nine years. The
Kent's were numbered among the first settlers of Oneida Township,
the first
of the family in Eaton County having been Peter M. Kent, son of
Isaac. He came here in 1836 or the early part of 1837 and purchased five hundred
sixty acres of government land, in Oneida Township.
In the autumn of 1837
Isaac Kent and the other members of the family came from the state of New York to
Michigan, passing the first winter in Portland,
Ionia County, and then coming to
Isaac Kent had been the owner of a farm of eighty acres in New
York, and the proceeds from the sale of this property were utilized in
purchasing the land in Oneida Township. At that time no roads had been
constructed through this section, which was still a veritable forest wilderness.
Of the tract secured as noted above, one hundred and sixty acres were located
for Michael Krupp, son-in-law of Isaac Kent. There were but few permanent
settlers within the confines of the county at the time of the arrival of the
Kent family, and Indians were still
much in evidence, while all kinds of wild game was plentiful, contributing
largely to the larders of the sturdy pioneers. Isaac Kent was the
father of five children,
namely: Peggy, who married Peter Kiser, both passing the closing years of their
lives in Whitewater, Wisconsin; Lydia, who married a man named Houser, the
latter dying in the state of New York, while she was a resident of Grand Ledge,
this county,
at the time of her death; Lucy, who married Michael Krupp, previously mentioned, both she and her husband dying in the state of New
York; Peter M.,
was the first of the family in Eaton County
and who secured the land for the
others, as has been noted in this article; he married Eliza Hixson and both
continued resident of Oneida Township until death; and Francis M., who was the
youngest of the children and who was the father of him whose name initiates this
He was for many years associated with his brother Peter M.
Kent and Abram D.
Hixson in the ownership and operation of the grist and saw mill in Grand Ledge.
He had previously reclaimed a considerable portion of his farm of one hundred
and sixty acres, of which he finally disposed, having applied a portion of the
proceeds to the purchase of an interest in the milling property, while about the
same time, in 1855,
he purchased the homestead farm now owned and occupied by his son Velorus M., in section 11, Oneida Township, the original
tract having been eighty
acres, entirely unimproved. He reclaimed about thirty acres of this farm, now
largely within the corporate limits of the city, and he continued to be
identified with the operation of the mill until within a few years of his death,
having been one of the influential and honored citizens of this part of the
county. Velorus
M. Kent was born in the first frame house erected in Oneida Township,
same having been the home of his maternal grandfather, Rufus Lovell, who was a
pioneer of the county and of stanch Puritan ancestry, the original progenitor of
the family in America having come across the Atlantic in the historic
"Mayflower." Of the seven children of Francis M. and Harriet A. Kent
the subject of this review was the first born; Metta E. became the wife of
George B. Brown and died, in Leslie, Ingham County, in 1904; Flora died at the
age of four years, as did also Lellan E.; Darwin L. is a resident of Leslie,
this state, where he is superintendent of the electric-light plant; and Myra and
Myrta were twins, the former dying at birth, and the latter at the age of two
and one-half years. The parents were zealous members of the Free-will Baptist
church, and at the time of his death the father was a stanch supporter of the
cause of the Prohibition party. He served several terms as a member of the
village council of Grand Ledge, and was essentially liberal and public spirited
in his attitude. Velorus M. Kent secured his early educational discipline in the
public schools of Grand Ledge and after attending the high school he entered the
Michigan State Agricultural College, near Lansing, where he remained a short
time, having been compelled to withdraw on account of impaired health. At the
time of examination on entering the college he and his cousin, Albert Kent, made
an average of ninety-eight percent in their studies, this being the highest
record of their class, which was the largest ever matriculated in the
institution up to that time. After leaving school Mr. Kent assisted more or less
in the work of the mill in which his father was interested, but in January of
1874 he located on his present farm, his father -having erected for him the
handsome brick residence which he now occupies, though he himself cut the timber
utilized in the building. He has developed the farm, having cleared about thirty
acres personally, while he has sold about ten acres for building purposes and
has platted a number of village lots, having now seventy acres of finely
improved land, whose value is augmented by the location, contiguous to the
beautiful village of Grand Ledge. In
politics Mr. Kent is a supporter of the principles of the Democratic Party,
but in
local affairs he supports the candidates and measures which he approves, without
regard to strict partisan lines. He served two terms as treasurer of Oneida
Township, two terms as president of the village of Grand Ledge and is now
serving his fourteenth year as supervisor of Grand Ledge. The esteem in which he
is held in the community is indicated in the gratifying support always accorded
him when a candidate for public office. He is a member of the Masonic fraternity
and both he and his wife are identified with its adjunct organization, the Order
of the Eastern Star, while both are members of the Free-will Baptist church.
September 10, 1873, Mr. Kent was united in marriage to Miss Frances A. Dewitt,
who died September 29, 1898. On Christmas day of the year 1899 he married Miss
Myrta L. Brewer, who
is his present wife.