Wallace E. Newark, M. D., is a prominent and successful representative of the medical profession in Eaton County, controlling a large and important practice and conducting a finely equipped private sanitarium and training school for nurses in his home city of Charlotte. Dr. Newark was born in the province of Ontario, Canada, September 11, 1861, and is a son of James and Adeline (Ludbrook) Newark, the former of whom was born in England and the latter in the Dominion of Canada. They removed from Ontario to the state of Michigan in 1865, taking up their residence in Roxand Township, Eaton County, where the father purchased a tract of heavily timbered land, which he reclaimed from the wilderness and developed into one of the valuable farms of this opulent section of the Wolverine state. He and his wife still reside on the old homestead, secure in the esteem and good will of all who know them and numbered among the sterling pioneer citizens of the county. They have three children: Edgar, Lester and Wallace E. Dr. Newark was reared to maturity in Eaton County, early beginning to aid in the work of the home farm and attending the district school until he was fifteen years of age, after which he attended the public schools of Grand Ledge and Charlotte, this county, and then took a normal course in Olivet College. He was then matriculated in the Detroit College of Medicine where he passed one year, after which he entered the Toledo College of Medicine, in Toledo, Ohio, from which institution he was graduated as a member of the class of 1888, receiving the degree of Doctor of Medicine. He has further fortified himself for the successful work of his profession by taking post-graduate courses in the medical department of the University of Michigan in the Illinois College of Electro-Therapeutics, in the city of Chicago. He has also done special post-graduate work in connection with the diseases and treatment of the ear, nose and throat, having done much and very successful work in the treatment of the disorders of these organs. The doctor began the practice of his profession by locating in Nashville, Barry County, Michigan, where he remained a short time, after which he was in practice at Brookfield, Eaton County, until 1894, when he located in Charlotte and opened an office. His success has been most pronounced in his chosen field of labor, and he holds prestige as one of the leading members of his profession in this part of the state. In 1900, in order to meet well defined demands, Dr. Newark decided to open a private sanitarium, in order that his patients might have the proper attention at all times, receiving proper food and being afforded the advantage of modern appliances of a mechanical and remedial nature. He accordingly fitted up his present sanitarium, which is modeled after the celebrated Battle Creek sanitarium and this institution is now incorporated under the laws of the state as a sanitarium and training school for nurses. His wisdom in opening this institution has been fully demonstrated in the patronage accorded, and he has been compelled to make additions and improvements from year to year in order to provide for the increasing business. In 1905 he established in connecting with the sanitarium a swimming pool and gymnasium, both of which are open to the general public, tickets being sold singly or by the month or year. The electrical and other appliances of the sanitarium are of the best modern type. In 1906 a two-story and basement substantial and commodious building was completed as an addition to the institution. On the staff of the sanitarium are Drs. Graves, of Grand Rapids, and Haughey, of Battle Creek, the latter doing all the major surgical operations. Dr. Newark is a member of the American Medical Association, the Michigan State Medical Society and the Eaton County Medical Society, and is held in high esteem by his professional confreres. He is identified with the Knights of Pythias, Knights of the Maccabees, Woodmen of the World and Mystic Workers, New Era and Brotherhood of America. His political allegiance is given to the Republican Party. On February 25, 1899, Dr. Newark was married to Irene E. Dilks, a native of New Jersey, and a graduate of the Battle Creek sanitarium. She died on October 1, 1901. In 1902 Dr. Newark married Amelia Berg, a native of Duluth, Minnesota, who is also a graduate of Battle Creek sanitarium.