LAWRENCE J. NIXON is one of the leading dealers in live stock in the county, having long been identified with this important line of industry, while he is a native of Eaton County and a representative of one of its honored pioneer families. He was born on the homestead farm, in Oneida Township, November 10, 1855, and is a son of Robert and Isabel (Huddleston) Nixon, the former of whom was born in Monroe County, New York, in 1815, while the latter was born in Ireland, her marriage to Mr. Nixon having been solemnized in London, Ontario, Canada, whither he had removed with his parents when young. Robert Nixon came to Michigan in 1836, about a year prior to the admission of the state to the Union, and he was among the first to take up government land in what is now Oneida Township, Eaton County, securing tracts of eighty acres each for himself and his brother James. He established his home in the midst of the forest wilds of this township, erecting a log cabin of the primitive type and then grappling bravely with the conditions and problems which presented. His was the lot of the average pioneer in locality and period; arduous toil, practical isolation and many hardships and deprivations, but both he and his wife were of the sturdy sort-valiant souls to whom success is a natural prerogative. He reclaimed his original farm to cultivation, and there continued to reside during the remainder of his long and useful life, save for one year spent in the state of California. He accumulated a fine landed estate of three hundred and sixty-five acres and was one of the influential citizens of the county, commanding the unqualified esteem of all who knew him. He was summoned to his final reward in 1893, having been at the time one of the oldest pioneers of the county to whose development and progress he had contributed in a most liberal degree. His devoted wife died in 1891. Robert Nixon merits recognition as having been one of the organizers of the Republican party, since he was present at the historic assembly "under the oaks" in Jackson, this state, when the party had its birth according to the most authentic data available. He ever continued a stanch and able exponent of the principles of the "grand old party," and was specially prominent in public affairs in Eaton County, having held at various times practically all of the township offices, while in 1864-5 he represented the county in the state legislature. He was one of the principal promoters and supporters of the Eaton County Agricultural Society, and all legitimate enterprises and measures tending to conserve the general welfare and the advancement of local interests never lacked his aid and influence. Seven children survive the honored parents, namely: Edwin, who is a resident of Grand Ledge and who was a soldier in a Michigan regiment during the war of the Rebellion; Mrs. Nancy Hamilton, who is a resident of Oneida township; Mrs. S. B. Granger, who resides in Grand Ledge, as does also Mrs. G. H. Earl. Lawrence J., who is the subject of this review; Francis, who is a resident of Grand Ledge; and Mrs. Mary Anderson, who resides in the state of Ohio. Lawrence J. Nixon passed his childhood and youth on the home farm, early being initiated into the mysteries and labors of the great basic art of agriculture, while his educational advantages were those afforded in the schools of the locality and period. He remained at the parental home until he had attained the age of twenty-two years, when he located in the village of Grand Ledge, this county, where he engaged in the buying and shipping of live stock, with which branch of enterprise he has been prominently concerned for more than a quarter of a century, having gained a reputation as being one of the leading stock men of his native county, and being a recognized authority as to grades and values. In the fall of 1898 Mr. Nixon was elected register of deeds of the county, assuming the duties of the office on the 1st of January, 1899, and thereupon taking up his residence in Charlotte. He gave a most able and satisfactory administration of the office of register, and the records made during his incumbency indicate his executive ability and scrupulous regard to system and details. He continued in tenure of the office of register of deeds until January 1, 1903, since which time he has given practically his entire attention to the live stock business, while he is also associated with John M. Burch in the buying of wool at Grand Ledge, they having become known as the most extensive buyers in any one town in the state. Mr. Nixon has bought and shipped more sheep than has any other dealer in the state and is considered the best judge of this stock to be found in this section. He buys many head of cattle each spring and grazes the same during the summer, placing them upon the market in the following autumn. He is the owner of a splendid farm in Oneida Township, where he also owns a portion of the old homestead upon which he was born and reared. He is progressive and public-spirited, taking much concern in all that makes for the benefit of the county which has ever been his home, and rendering an unqualified allegiance to the Republican party. He is affiliated with the Knights of Pythias, the Knights of the Maccabees and the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, in which last he is a popular member of the lodge in Lansing, the capital city. In 1886 Mr. Nixon was united in marriage to Miss Fannie E. Chipman, who was born and reared in Calhoun County, Michigan, and they have one child, Mabel Louise, born February 8, 1888. Miss Mabel is a graduate of the Charlotte high school and is still under the paternal roof.