ELMER N. PETERS is one of the able and popular members of the bar of Eaton county and is now incumbent of the office of prosecuting attorney of the county, having his residence and professional headquarters in the city of Charlotte. He was born in Putnam county, Illinois, December 25, 1867, and is a son of D. C. Elizabeth (Sheldon) Peters, who removed from Illinois to Jackson county, Michigan, where they passed the remainder of their lives, the father having there been a prominent and influential farmer for a period of thirty years and having gained a wide reputation as a breeder of shorthorn cattle. Elmer N. Peters secured his preliminary educational training in the public schools of Jackson county, having attended the high school in Springport and having later been matriculated in the law department of the University of Michigan, where he completed the prescribed three years' course and was graduated as a member of the class of 1899, receiving the degree of Bachelor of Laws and being duly admitted to the bar of the state. In July, 1899, Mr. Peters came to Eaton county and located in Eaton Rapids, where he established himself in the practice of his profession, meeting with unequivocal success from the start. He served three years as supervisor of Eaton Rapids and also became city attorney, being incumbent of the latter office until the time of his removal to Charlotte, in the spring of 1905, at which time he assumed the duties of his present office, that of prosecuting attorney, having been elected in November, 1904, as candidate on the Republican ticket and having received a gratifying majority. He is making a most excellent record as a public prosecutor and is known as a skillful and discriminating trial lawyer and as one well versed in the learning of his profession. While a resident of Eaton Rapids he also served as a member of the city board of public works. In 1889 Mr. Peters was united in marriage to Miss Irene V. Burgess, daughter of George Burgess, on of the honored pioneers and representative farmers of Jackson county. Mr. and Mrs. Peters have three children--Vine, Bernice and Dewitt.