ALFRED J. POWELL conducts a general mercantile establishment in the village of Brookfield and controls a large and flourishing business, drawn from one of the best agricultural sections of this part of the state, while he enjoys uniform popularity and regard both as a citizen and as a reliable and enterprising business man. Mr. Powell comes of staunch English ancestry and the family of which he is a representative was founded in America more than two centuries ago, his father now owning and operating a farm, in Greene county, New York, which was secured by his ancestors two hundred years ago and which has never passed out of the possession of the family. Mr. Powell was born in Greene county, New York, September 14, 1870, and is a son of Allen T. and Mary J. (Halsted) Powell, who still live in that county, as already intimated. Of their children two sons and two daughters are living. Alfred J. was reared to maturity in his native county, where he received his educational training principally in the public schools, while he early began to aid in the work of the home farm. He continued resident of Green county until 1899, when he came to Brookfield township, Eaton county, in company with the family of  his father-in-law, Alonzo G. Powell, of whom specific mention is made on another page of this work. Mr. Powell has a well equipped store and has met with most favorable reception in his business enterprise, which has become one of importance in the community, and facilities afforded being greatly appreciated by the residents of this section. He owns a nice residence, and is a popular citizen and successful business man. In politics he is aligned as a stanch supporter of the principles and policies of the Democratic party, and he is now serving as school inspector. December 28, 1898, Mr. Powell was united in marriage to Miss Mabel Powell, who likewise was born and reared in Greene county, New York. She is a daughter of Alonzo G. Powell, who is now one of the representative farmers of Brookfield township. they have a winsome little daughter, Charlotta Goldie. Mr. and Mrs. Powell are members of the Christian church society in which they are held in high esteem. They are also members of the Brookfield Lodge of Gleaners.