ALONZO G. POWELL is one of the extensive landholders and prominent farmers and stock-growers of Brookfield township. He was born in Greene county, New York, September 3, 1846, being a son of Luman and Abigail (Bedell) Powell, who continued residents of the old Empire state until their death, the father having been a farmer by vocation. Of their children three sons and one daughter are living, all being resident of the state of New York except the subject of this sketch. Alonzo G. Powell was reared on the homestead farm and received a good common-school education. He continued to reside in his native county, devoting his attention to agricultural pursuits, until 1899, when he came to Michigan and took up his residence in Brookfield township, Eaton county, where he now has a fine farm of two hundred and forty-five acres, nearly all being under cultivation, while the buildings are of excellent type. Mr. Powell is progressive in his ideas and brings to bear the most approved appliances and scientific principles in carrying on the operation of his farm, while he is known as a reliable and straightforward business man and public spirited citizen. He is well known in the community, though comparatively a recent acquisition to the same, and has gained and retained the good will and sincere regard of those with whom he has here come in contact in the various relations of life. In politics he accords an unreserved allegiance to the Republican party, and both he and his wife are members of the Methodist Episcopal church. In a fraternal way he is identified with the Gleaners and the Knights of the Maccabees, holding membership in the respective lodges of these orders in the village of Brookfield. September 22, 1872, Mr. Powell was united in marriage to Miss Charlotte Amelia Eldred, who was born and reared in New York, as were also her parents, who there passed their entire lives. Mr. and Mrs. Powell have seven children namely: Mrs. Maud Blodgett, of Brookfield; Clarence, who assists in the work and management of the home farm; Mrs. Mabel Powell, of Brookfield; Mrs. Sarah E. Post, of Brookfield; and Stanley, Abigail and Emerson, at the parental home.