CLARK RICHARDS is one of the progressive farmers of Eaton County, being the owner of a well-improved landed estate in section 1, Sunfield township. The old Buckeye state figures as the place of his nativity, as he was born in Morrow County, Ohio, April 5, 1845, being a son of Andrew and Rebecca (Pitman) Richards, the former of whom was born in Pennsylvania and the latter in Ohio. The father died in Ohio about 1863, at the age of sixty-five years, and his widow was seventy years of age at the time of her death. Andrew Richards was reared to manhood in Pennsylvania, and when about twenty-six years of age he went to Ohio, locating in Morrow county, where he secured eighty acres of land, which he reclaimed to cultivation, making that place his home during the remainder of his life. Following is a brief record concerning the children of Andrew and Rebecca Richards: Benjamin, who was a sergeant in Company G, Eighty-first Ohio volunteer Infantry in the civil war, died of typhoid fever, July 1862, at Corinth, Mississippi, while still in the service; he was in the battle of Shiloh and the siege of Corinth. George, now a farmer of Sunfield township, enlisted in Company E, One Hundredth Indiana, with which he served three years, having the rank of corporal; he participated in all the engagements in which his regiment took part, was with Sherman in his march from Atlanta to the sea, and after the close of the war took part in the field review of the Army of the Tennessee, at Washington, D. C.  Mahlon, who was a soldier in Company E, Twenty-sixth Ohio Volunteer Infantry, with which he served three years, died in Ohio. Andrew died in Ohio, November 1905. Margaret was a young woman at the time of her demise, in 1865. Ferdinand is a resident of the state of Kansas. Clark is the immediate subject of this sketch; Lucy A. is the wife of James Kimer and they reside in Ohio; Mary is the wife of R. H. Graham, of the same state; Mrs. Jane Mann likewise resides in the old Buckeye State; Sarah died in infancy. Thomas grew to manhood and died in Ohio in the year 1882. Clark Richards passed his boyhood days on the homestead farm, early beginning to assist in the work of the farm, including chopping and sawing in the woods and attending the district school as opportunity afforded. At the age of fourteen years he left the parental roof and went to live in the home of one of his older brothers in Indiana, where he was engaged in farm work until the civil war was precipitated upon a divided nation, when he promptly showed his loyalty to the Union by tendering his services in its support. November 3, 1861, having returned to Ohio for the purpose of becoming a member of a regiment from his native state, he enlisted, at Pulaskiville, as a private in Company G. Eighty-first Ohio Volunteer Infantry, known as one of the best from the state, serving with this command three years and then re-enlisting as a veteran, in March, 1865, when he became a member of the One Hundred and Ninety-sixth Ohio Volunteer Infantry, with which he continued in active service about seven months, or until the close of the war, having received his honorable discharge September 11, 1865, and having thus been in active service during practically the entire course of the great conflict between the north and the south. He took part in many of the most important battles of the war, among the more notable of which may be mentioned the following: Shiloh, siege of Corinth, Corinth, Iuka, Resaca, Ley's Ferry, Dallas, Atlanta, Ezra Chapel and Lovejoy Station, and also the battle of July 22, 1864, before Atlanta. While crossing the river in the engagement at Ley's Ferry, Mr. Richards received a flesh wound in the back, and while the injury was not serious it was disconcerting to have so appreciable a portion of flesh removed from his anatomy. He was never confined to the hospital and never taken prisoner, and as he escaped severe wounds as well he has always felt that he was fortunate in his career as a warrior. He is one of the popular and zealous comrades of S. W. Grinnell Post, No. 283, Grand Army of the Republic, at Sunfield, having held every office in the post and being surgeon of the post at the present time. He takes deep interest in this organization and has rendered material assistance in its work and in the erection of its attractive hall, the erecting of the flag tower and the placing of the ordinance guns donated by the government, in position. After the close of the war, Mr. Richards returned to Ohio, where he remained until 1867, when he came to Eaton County, Michigan and purchased forty acres of his present homestead, the land having been covered with a heavy growth of timber and no improvements having been made. He built a log house, which continued to be the home of the family until 1891, when he erected his present large and attractive brick house, one of the best in this locality. He cleared his original forty acres, to which he has since added until he has one hundred and thirty acres, all cleared except twenty-five acres, which has excellent timber. All the buildings are the unmistakable evidences of thrift and prosperity. Mr. Richards is a stanch supporter of the Republican Party and takes a loyal interest in public affairs, but has never been afflicted with office-seeking proclivities. He is identified with the Grange and the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, and is a man who stands high in the esteem of the community. On New Year's day, 1872, Mr. Richards was united in marriage to Miss Martha Figg, daughter of Alexander Figg, one of the honored pioneers of Sunfield township. Mr. and Mrs. Richards have two sons: Burton S., who was born January 9, 1873, is employed in a grain elevator in the village of Sunfield; and Claud married Miss Eunice Griffin, is associated with his father in the work of the home farm. Mrs. Richards is a zealous W. R. C. worker and is a greatly prized member. She fully sympathizes with Mr. Richards and gives loyal support to all his patriot endeavors. Both have given freely of their time and money for the promotion of the welfare of the Sunfield Post which is one of the most patriotic and public-spirited organizations in the state and of which Mr. Richards was a charter member. Mr. Richards has stood shoulder to shoulder with his comrade Edwins in forwarding the interest of the G.A.R.