DELBERT D. SHANE, jeweler and ophthalmologist, in Grand Ledge, and also district manager for the Bell Telephone Company, is one of the representative citizens and business men of his home city and is a son of George W. Shane, of whom individual mention is made elsewhere in this volume. Mr. Shane was born in Leslie, Ingham County, Michigan, January 21, 1859, and he received his educational training in the public schools of the state. At the age of thirteen years he entered upon an apprenticeship at the jeweler's trade, in Charlotte, where he worked six years, becoming a skilled artisan in his line. he then went to Hastings, where he remained one year, after which he removed to Fowlerville, Livingston County, where he engaged in the jewelry business on his own account. Four years later he sold the business and thereafter was traveling salesman for a wholesale jewelry house until 1882, when he located in Grand Ledge, where he opened a jewelry store in his present location and where he has built up a large and representative trade, having a well appointed and stocked establishment, and being held in unqualified esteem in both business and social circles in the community. He makes a specialty of his optical department, in which he has the latest facilities and devices for the proper testing and correction of irregularities in vision, and he gives his personal attention to all cases, having taken a thorough course in ophthalmology and practical optical work. a number of years ago Mr. Shane became the promoter of an independent telephone company in this locality, securing seven hundred subscribers and installing an excellent plant, which has since merged into the control of the Bell Telephone Company, which purchased the plant and business, Mr. Shane being district manager for the company. In politics Mr. Shane accords an unwavering allegiance to the Republican party and he takes a lively interest in local affairs of a public nature. He has served six years as a member of the board of education, one term as city clerk, two years as a member of the board of aldermen, and in 1903 he was mayor of the city, giving a most able and satisfactory administration. He is a member of the Knights of Pythias. In 1896 Mr. Shane was united in marriage to Miss Margaret Lyttle, who was born and reared in the dominion of Canada. He has two children by a previous marriage, George and Louis.