EDWIN M. SNYDER, M. D., is one of the able representatives of his profession in Eaton county and is established in successful practice in the village of Sunfield.  He was born in Barry county, Michigan, October 24, 1866, and is a son of Dr. George W. and Mary A. (Bowman) Snyder, the former of whom was born in Elmira, New York, in 1841, being now a successful physician and surgeon at Mulliken, Eaton county; his wife also is living, being a native of the state of Pennsylvania.  In 1854 John Snyder, grandfather of the subject of this sketch, came to Michigan and settled on a pioneer farm in Baltimore township, Barry county, his son George W. having been ten years of age at the time. The latter received a thorough training in his profession and has been engaged in the active practice of the same since 1878. Of his children Dr. Edwin M. is the eldest; Henry P. is a prosperous farmer of Ionia county; Fannie is the wife of Leon Moyer, of that county; George W., Jr., is likewise engaged in farming in Ionia county; and Winnie died at the age of seven years. Edwin M. Snyder received his early educational training in the public schools of Portland, Ionia county. He was then matriculated in the Michigan College of Medicine and Surgery, in the city of Detroit, from which he was graduated as a member of the class of 1883, receiving his well earned degree of Doctor of Medicine. He forthwith located in Sunfield, which village had its inception about that time, and though a young man he may be considered a pioneer physician of this place, having built up a large and representative practice in this part of the county and being held in high regard both as a physician and as a citizen. He is the owner of a nice residence and his well equipped office building and is one of the public-spirited citizens of the village in which he makes his home. He has served as health officer but has never been a candidate for any other office. He is a Republican in his Political allegiance, is a member of the Michigan State Medical Society, and is affiliated with the Modern Woodmen of America. March 4, 1892, Dr. Snyder was united in marriage to Miss Rosamond E. Derby, who was born in Ionia county, Michigan,  February 28, 1868, a daughter of Edwin C. and Nellie (Carpenter) Derby, the former of whom now resides in Sunfield and the latter of whom is deceased. Dr. and Mrs. Snyder have four children: John H., born January 28, 1893; Jessie, December 28, 1897; and Robert and Roberta, twins, born August 12, 1905. It may be said in conclusion that the family of which Dr. Snyder is a scion is of Holland Dutch extraction, he being of the fifth generation in direct descent from one of the name who came to America from Holland in the colonial era of our national history, three of his brothers having  accompanied him to the new world.