W. STROBEL, one of the representative farmers and popular citizens of
township, was born in the city of
Rochester, New York, August 1, 1850, being a son of Jacob and Doritha Strobel, both of whom were
born in Germany, where their marriage was solemnized. They immigrated to the
United States
in 1849 and settled in Allegany, Cattaraugus county,
New York, shortly afterward removing to the city of
Rochester, where they remained about one year. They then came to
Michigan, first taking up their residence in
Lansing, the present capital of the state, which was then a mere village, and thence
coming as pioneers to Eaton county. They resided on a farm in
township until 1833 and then removed to
township, where they passed the remainder of their lives, the father giving his
attention to farming. The subject of this sketch was reared to manhood in Eaton
county, which has been his home from his early childhood. He assisted in
reclaiming and otherwise improving the homestead farm, and at the age of
twenty-four years he purchased the property, buying the interests of the other
heirs. This farm he later sold, and purchased eighty acres one-half mile west,
and one year later sold this tract, and purchased his present farm home upon
which he has made excellent improvements in the erection of buildings and in
otherwise bringing the farm up to the highest standard. He has resided on this
place for the past quarter of a century and has added to the area of the place
until he now has a fine farm of two hundred and forty acres. He has gained
independence and success through his own indefatigable efforts, and has so
ordered his course as a citizen and business man as to commend him to the
confidence and good will of all who know him. In politics he is found numbered
among the stalwart supporters of the principles and policies for which the
Republican party stands sponsor, and for five years he rendered effective
service as highway commissioner of Windsor
township, while for the past twelve years he has been school director. He is
affiliated with the Knights of the Maccabees, the Independent Order of Odd
Fellows and the Gleaners, and he and his wife are supporters of the Presbyterian
church at Dimondale. In 1877 Mr. Strobel was united in marriage to Miss Mary B.
Jaenicke, daughter of the late Henry Jaenicke, an honored pioneer of
township. Mr. and Mrs. Strobel have six sons, whose names, in order of birth,
are as follows: Charles W., Ernest H., Frederick
G., George, Martin E. and Frank.