distinctively one of the representative business men
and influential citizens of Grand Ledge, of which city he is now serving his
second term as mayor. The estimation placed upon him by his fellow citizens
is clearly shown in the preferment's which have come to him as a
public official, and Grand Ledge has not a more loyal and
progressive citizen than is he. Mr. Summers is native
of the old Buckeye state, having been born in Ashland County, Ohio,
July 4, 1844, and being a son of Adam and Elizabeth (Stine) Summers,
who were numbered among the pioneers of Eaton township, this county,
whither they came from Ohio in 1853, and here they passed the remainder of their lives. The present mayor of Grand Ledge
was about nine years of age at the time of the family removal to
Eaton county, and he was reared on the home farm, securing his
educational training in the common schools of the place and period.
For a number of years he continued identified with agricultural pursuits, and for a decade he
was engaged in business in the city of Charlotte, then removing to
Grand Ledge, which beautiful little city has since been his home.
He took up his residence here in 1873, and thereafter operated a saw mill
and conducted a general lumber business until 1891, when he became one of
the interested principals in the Grand Ledge Sewer Pipe Company, with
which he was identified until 1900, when he again engaged in the
lumber business, becoming a member of the firm of Hall & Summers, and they
now control a most flourishing enterprise, handling lumber, lime,
cement, sash, doors, blinds and general building materials. Mr.
Summers is also president of the Grand Ledge Gas Company and has
other local capitalistic interests. He has ever given an
unequivocal allegiance to the Republican party and has been an active worker in its ranks. Mr. Summers enlisted
in February, 1864, in the Thirteenth Michigan Volunteer Infantry,
Company F, and served until the close of the war, and he was mustered
out of the service at Jackson, Michigan, in July, 1865. He was with General
Sherman on his march to the sea, and was in several engagements but
came through without injury. He was president of the village of Grand Ledge
before its incorporation as a city, and is now serving his second term as
mayor, his administration being progressive, discriminating and businesslike,
so that all interests of the municipality are well safeguarded. He
is also a member of the board of supervisors of the county. He is
the owner of one of the beautiful homes of the city, his fine modern
residence being located in East Jefferson street. Mr. Summers has
been twice married. His first wife, whose maiden name was Mary A.
Delaney, died in 1885, leaving no children. He later married Miss Augusta
Chadwick, who was born and reared in Grand Ledge, Michigan, and they
have two children, Walter and Florence.