GEORGE W. SWICK is another of those sterling citizens who have achieved a worthy success through identification with the agricultural industry in Eaton county, and the results of his well directed efforts are shown in his ownership of a well improved farm in section 29, Sunfield township. Mr. Swick is a native of the old Buckeye state, having been born in Fulton county, Ohio, July 20, 1848, and he was but six years of age at the time of his father's death. He was reared in the home of Benjamin Davis, of Fulton county with whom he remained fourteen years, assisting in the work of the farm and having the privilege of attending the district school at intervals. After leaving Mr. Davis he found employment at farm work, and continued thus engaged in Ohio, until 1873, when he came to Eaton county, where he engaged in the same strenuous order of labor, being faithful and reliable and finding no difficulty in securing employment. He was working for Silas Loomis, of Sunfield township, in 1875 and there also was employed Miss Hannah Roberts. Their acquaintanceship ripened into love, and they were married July 4, of that year. Mrs. Swick was born in Ohio, October 27, 1850, being a daughter of Abraham Roberts. Shortly after his marriage Mr. Swick purchased eighty acres of land, the same constituting his present homestead farm. Only one acre had been cleared from the forest and no buildings had been put up. He erected a log house, and this continued to be the family residence until 1898, when he erected his present attractive frame residence, while he has also built other good farm buildings, has reclaimed about sixty acres of the land to cultivation and has developed one of the excellent farms of the township. In 1905 Mr. Swick purchased a well-improved tract of sixty acres, one mile east of his homestead, and known as the Shafer farm. This he also operates personally. All that he has in the way of property has been gained through his own endeavors, and he has been an indefatigable worker, while it has been his to gain and retain the confidence and good will of the community in which he resides. He is a Republican in his political adherency, but has never been an aspirant for office, though he has served acceptably as pathmaster. Both he and his wife are members of the Methodist Episcopal church. They became the parents of three children, the first, Frederick A., dying at the age of three months. The other two remain at the parental home, George Leroy having been born February 10, 1882, and Howard February 23, 1886.