GEORGE H. TUBBS, of the well known firm of G. H. Tubbs & Company, dealers in groceries and crockery in the city of Charlotte, is to be consistently designated as one of the representative business men of the county, which has been his home from the time of his birth. He was born in Eaton township August 30, 1858, a son of Isaac and Lucina (Goldsmith) Tubbs, who were born and reared in the state of New York, where their marriage was solemnized and whence they came to Eaton county, Michigan, in 1853, taking up their abode in Eaton township, where the father secured one hundred and ten acres of land, the same being, in the main, in its wild state. He reclaimed the tract into a good farm and made excellent improvements on the same, and continued to reside on the homestead until his death, a number of years ago. His wife lived to a venerable age, her death occurring in 1904. They became the parents of nine children, one of whom died in infancy. All the others are living, except Lafayette, who died in 1895. George H. Tubbs was reared on the farm, early beginning to contribute his share to its work and securing his early education in the district schools, while this was supplemented by study in the public schools of Charlotte. At the age of seventeen he began independent operations in connection with the conducting of the home farm, continuing to work on the same until he was twenty-three years old, when he was married. He continued to be identified with farm work one year thereafter, and then in 1883, located in Charlotte, where he has ever since been identified with the grocery business, having been a salesman for the firm of Church & Fenn for eight years, after which he passed an equal period in the store of Lamb & Spencer, and one year in that of Jeremiah Mikesell, while he has been engaged in business on his own account since 1899. In that year the firm of Tubbs & Coy began operations, but two years later Mr. Tubbs purchased his partner's interest in the grocery business, which he continued individually about three years, at the expiration of which he organized the present firm of G. H. Tubbs & Company. The firm has large and finely stocked and appointed salesrooms, controls a large and representative business and the establishment is recognized as one of the leading retail grocery and crockery stores in Charlotte. Mr. Tubbs has a wide acquaintanceship in the county and his personal popularity has been a factor in enabling him to build up so prosperous an enterprise. He owns his residence property in Stoddard street. He is a stalwart supporter of the principles and policies of the Republican party, and he represented his ward one term on the board of aldermen. He is an active and valued member of the local organization of the Knights of the Maccabees, the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and the Modern Woodmen of the World, and he and his wife hold membership in the Congregational church. In 1881 was solemnized his marriage to Miss Melva Arnold, a daughter of Deacon Henry S. Arnold, an honored citizen of the county, and they have one daughter, Myrla, who was graduated in the Charlotte high school as a member of the class of 1905, having completed the classical course, being also an accomplished musician, having taken a four years' course in the musical conservatory in Oberlin College, Ohio. The family home is a center of generous and gracious hospitality.