Fast Train Wrecked at Mulliken

June 2, 1908


The fast train west, which is due to pass through here at a little past 4 p.m. was wrecked at Mulliken Tuesday by running an open switch. The train was speeding along at a 40 miles per hour clip and the engineer saw the danger only in time to shut off steam and apply the brakes before the train took the siding and then left those rails and plowed into the mud on the north side of the track. The engine turned on its side and was half buried in a mud hole, while the coaches remained upright but were all thrown from the tracks except the parlor car.


No one was killed, but the engineer and Roadmaster Meier who was also riding in the engine were severely hurt and bruised up considerable. Some eight or ten of the passengers were hurt but none seriously except an oldish lady who suffered considerable from the shock and also from an injured arm.


A large number from here and other nearby towns went to the scene of the wreck. 


Source: The Sunfield Sentinel, Sunfield, Eaton County, MI, June 4, 1908