The first five names are missing. I am sure the first date was Oct. 29, 1940.
They were published over a few days.
# -name-city-serial number
6--Harold Hahn, Harbor Springs 846
7--Clarence Harmon Stowe, Petoskey 161
8--August John Kawegoma, Harbor Springs 14
9--Reuben Struble, Levering 57
10-Peter Gokey, Levering 153
11-Robert Clarence Ulrich, Alanson 19
12-Charles William Merrill, Petoskey 766
13-Kenneth Howard Vorce, Cross Village 172
14-Albert Roswell Wickham, Oden 126
15-Eugene V. Starr, Petoskey 187
16-Ellis Laverne Bailey, Petoskey 167
17-Leo Clement Friend, Harbor Springs 1369
18-Dane Johnson Truman, Petoskey 162
19-George Bednarik, Petoskey 147
20-Loren Henry Saunby, Petoskey 1300
21-Merle Eloise Knowlton, Petoskey 1355
22-Philip Van Dorn, Petoskey 689
23-Dale Leroy Elder, Carp Lake 1295
24-Henry George Canell, Petoskey, 1234
25-Forrest Raymond Wood, Pellston 31
26-Clifford Joseph Schaub, Petoskey 156
27-Duane Carlyle Armstrong, Harbor Springs 676
28-Robert Edward Stafford, Petoskey 112
29-J. Carl Piehl, Petoskey 185
30-Robert Elmer Johnson, Petoskey 1362
31-George Edward Smith, Petoskey 108
32-Jahn Carlton Luebke, Petoskey 174
33-John Paul Beal. Petoskey 1443
34-Francis George Carroll, Petoskey 184
35-Leonard Vernon Mania, Cross Village 116
36-Giles Valko, Petoskey 174
37-Eldon Durwood Peek, Petoskey 131
38-Vincent Alfred Pope, Alanson 125
39-John George Brown, Petoskey 138
40-James Archibald O'Connor, Harbor Springs 142
41-Gordon Cuthbert Switzer, Petoskey 166
42-Gilbert Clyde Morford, Petoskey 135
43-Charles Wesley Philo, Petoskey 183
44-Marvin Arthur Reed, levering 148
45-Charles Richard Williams, Harbor Springs 1373
46-Henry James Templin, Petoskey 198
47-Stephen Kolinski, Petoskey 139
48-Anthony Mike Kushak, Cross Village 146
49-Elmer Herbert Emery, Petoskey 6
50-David Zaiss, Petoskey 122
51-Henry E. Drayton, Petoskey 83
52-James Hartness Clarke, Harbor Springs 1368
53-Robert Theodore Green, Alanson 280
54-Gordon Lee Marshall, Levering 169
55-Anthony George Wodek, 1398
56-Orlando Nathan Rose, Harbor Springs 145
57-Arthur Walter Knowles, Petoskey 9
58-Franklin James Neiswander, 765
59-Folkert C.Sikkens, Carp Lake 121
60-Alfred Heynig, Harbor Springs 625
61-Paul Achenbach, Petoskey 181
62-George Alexander Petoskey, Petoskey 1305
63-Roy Franklin Bradley, Harbor Springs 660
64-William John Shier, Petoskey 702
65-Howard Clyde Reichert, Alanson 86
66-Ellis Mardal Lashmit, 86
67-Albeert Bartlett Crawford, Petoskey 136
68-Leo Elsworth Amacher, Petoskey 820
69-Thomas W. Fryczynski, Petoskey 228
70-William James Mania, Petoskey 612
71-John Stephen Rinock, Jr., Petoskey 231
72-Earl Raymond Nicholson, Petoskey 1421
73-Thomas Anthony McMahon, Petoskey 203
74-Henry John Holben, Petoskey 196
75-Robert Stanley Notestine, Petoskey 21
76-Larry Joseph Lappo, Petoskey 165
77-Leon Clare Stilwell, Mackinaw City 768
78-Cleon Ellis Brockway, Mackinaw City 747
79-Henry N. Schlosser, Pellston 159
80-Erby Ray Freeman, Petoskey 79
81-George Horton Shier, Petoskey 681
82-Leon Schmalzried, Levering 782
83-Gordon Clarence Grice, Petoskey 1476
84-Morgan Arnold Reichert, Alanson 678
85-Charles Edward Neiswander, Petoskey 78
86-Leonard Ray Fraley, Petoskey 45
87-Sidney Clark Kenyon, Petoskey 25
88-Lawrence Richard Cease, Harbor Springs 609
89-Lawrence Talbot Gray, Petoskey 603
90-Edward Eugene Fochtman, Petoskey 154
91-Benjamin William Abbs, Carp lake 77
92-Milton James Dashner, 160
93-Jacob Arthur Sauder, Petoskey 764
94-Charles George Ness, Petoskey 666
95-Henry Andrew Kolinskey, 190
96-Lawrence Robert Compoe, Petoskey 210
97- Wayne Leonard Merrill, Petoskey 67
98-Thomas Francis Connaughton, Harbor Springs 107
99-Ernst Charles Hertl, Petoskey 180
100-Henry D. Leckrone, Petoskey 59
101-Harry Alfred Ellenburger, Petoskey 74
102-Maurice Deane McNaMara, Harbor Springs 246
103-John Martin Stebe, Petoskey 667
104-Charles Frank Foster, Petoskey 176
105-Truman Dimon Cameron, Levering 781
106-Victor Bruce kellog, Petoskey 134
107-Alda Thomas Rolph, Jr., Petoskey 130
108-George W Rose, Levering 124
109-Norman Robert Ludington, Petoskey 104
110-Anthony Arthur Lefebvre, Petoskey 370
111-Lawrence Francis Kruzel, Cross Village 1375
112-James Carl Lustig, Petoskey 225
113-Edward William Bielas, Petoskey 642
114-Arnold Michael Lehnert, Petoskey 703
115-Richard Stephen Whitaker, Harbor Springs 656
116-Charles Eugene Crow, Petoskey 128
117-Leo Jabinski, Petoskey 150
118-Frank Thomas Keller, Cross Village 276
119-William Albert Schaller, Petoskey 716
120-Cecil Herbert Martell, Petoskey 883
121-Ruell Wesley Ormsby, Alanson 346
122-Joseph Anthony Burek, Petoskey 692
123-Alger Raymond Chamberlain, Harbor Springs 341
124-Simon Robert Green , Petoskey 1354
125-Elmer Donald Brudy, Petoskey 1000
126-Stanley Frank, Lero, Petoskey 1187
127-Frank Andrew Pfister, Harbor Springs 1314
128-Frank Jerome Kushak, Harbor Springs 412
129-Louis Watson hankey, Petoskey 436
130-Cleveland C. Knight, Petoskey 175
131-John Dwight Stears, Alanson 1053
132-Chester Wellington Chase, Pellston 904
133-Stanley William Malec, Petoskey 226
134-Fred Everett Evers, Petoskey 1285
135-Late Registration,1784
136-Leo Raymond Reader, Petoskey 1064
137-Carlton Icle Ward, Harbor Springs 1241
138-Emery Edward Shinn, Petoskey 809
139-John Henry Moulton, Harbor Springs 677
140-Samuel Jake Lowery, Alanson 282
141-John Wojan, Pellston 1613
142-Martin Anthony Beer, Petoskey 1116
143-Grover Bush Talton, Petoskey 859
144-Walter Laurence Paul, Petoskey 1074
145-Daylis C. Bonter, Pellston 584
146-Edward John Smith, Petoskey 1163
147-Lyle Raymond Faunce, Petoskey 1411
148-George Hanson, Petoskey 309
149-Richard Eugene Moore, Petoskey 1765
150-Harold Sigfrid Wallin, Mackinaw City 1152
151-Enos Joseph Kenoshmeg, Harbor Springs 536
152-Vincent John Cooper, Harbor Springs 1232
153-George Daniel Myers, Harbor Springs 1574
154-Martin Jack Herrick, Harbor Springs 1662
155-Alvin Julius Wakeford, Petoskey 1611
156-Joseph Francis Kline, Petoskey 771
157-John Michael Casey, Alanson 434
158-Phineas Andrew Jakeway, Pellston 251
159-George Donaldson Griffen, Harbor Springs 1367
160-Delton Stuart Kilmer, Alanson 1417
161-Wendell Wilson Perkins, Petoskey 659
162-Glen Charles Babcock, Harbor Springs 698
163-Herbert Clinton Hickman, Petoskey 863
164-Donald Orville Starke, Harbor Springs 1089
165-Arthus Albert Bellmer, Petoskey 1286
166-Herbert Franklin McRoberts, Petoskey 617
167-Nelson N. Allerding, Harbor Springs 803
168-Henry Edward Weatherwax, Carp lake 55
169-Peter Sully Petoskey, Harbor Springs 206
170-Anthony Grover Daniel, Petoskey 1325
171-Charles John Bleha, Petoskey 317
172-Frank Joseph Smith, Pellston 1471
173-Peter Phillip Sarbartinelli, Petoskey 683
174-Samuel Edward Johnston, Harbor Springs 100
175-Cecil Robert Fonger, Levering 262
176-Kenneth Oscar Truman, Petoskey 1189
177-Clarence Loren Barney, Alanson 399
178-Alan M. Pierce, Petoskey 217
179-Clifford LeRoy Crick, Petoskey 103
180-Alfred Friedenstab, Brutus 220
181-Ashton Eugene Smith, Petoskey 1364
182-Carl Edward Jennings, Petoskey 561
183-Andrew Clarence Kawegoma, Harbor Springs 1133
184-Menno Burkhartm Brutus 753
185-Harold Albert Good, Harbor Springs 1071
186-Dale William Cetas, Harbor Springs 755
187-Lee Edward Sneathen, Petoskey 724
188-George John Cole, Petoskey 694
189-Stanley J. Slifka, Pellston 1456
190-Donald Ray Smith, Harbor Springs 1371
191-Edward Howell, Petoskey 1219
192-Alfred Forrest Kabelman, Pellston 784
193-Wilbert Peter Foltz, Petoskey 1449
194-Wilford John Shanley, Petoskey 693
195-George J. Lambert, Petoskey 129
196-John Martin Newswanger, Brutus 279
197-Albert Hilmer Rosebohm, Petoskey 1195
198-Conn Lionell Nowland, Harbor Springs 1291
199-Arnold Miles Nessner, Petoskey 157
200-Robert Andrew Peterson, Alanson 275
201-Raymond Lewis Smith, Emmet County 270
202-William John Lyons, Petoskey 1454
203-William Al Gerhart, Harbor Springs 799
204-George Leon Smith, Harbor Springs 1377
205-Carl C. Cassidy, Mackinaw City 1406
206-George Lester Vinkle, Harbor Springs 362
207-John H. Rosebohm, Petoskey 1043
208-Paul Steven Beatty, Petoskey 1338
209-Mitchell Kewayschum, Petoskey 1457
210-Harold James Gidley, Petoskey 245
211-Peter Styka, Pellston 1348
212-Lee Charles Marshall, Levering 1153
213-Henry Harold Pfeifle, Petoskey 1271
214-Fred Adam Wutzke, Bay View 804
215-John Marcus Cassidy, Harbor Springs713
216-George Clemens Thomas, Jr., Petoskey 177
217-Leon J. McDonald, Harbor Springs 1310
218-Charles Alvin Hopper, Petoskey 200
219-Arthur Leon Dickey, Petoskey 728
220-John Martin Beyer, Petoskey 721
221-Claud Ivan Brown, Jr., Pellston 900
222-Olaf Edward Gustafson, Petoskey 1382
223-Edward Gar Merritt, petoskey 1583
224-Gerald Ismo McWatters, Petoskey 227
225-Clarence Nelson Scott, Harbor Springs 709
226-Ernest Ferdinand Manthei, Petoskey 1063
227-Ralph Leonard Coveyou, Harbor Springs 474
228-John Edward Spaulding Harbor Springs 811
229-Leonard Lee Nanegos, Petoskey 635
230-Trevor August Croff, Petoskey 92
231-Harry Ambrose Parker, Petoskey 1381
232-Herman B. Feldman, Petoskey 1607
233-Late Registration 1797
234-Charles Harrington Steele, Levering 688
235-Earl Theodore Kneebone, Petoskey 638
236-Isreal Cohen, Petoskey 1556
237-Sheldon W. Rinehart, Mackinaw City 649
238-Henry Nichols Nonqueskwa, Petoskey 711
239-Frank Adam Kaniarz, Pellston 47
240-Richard George Hayes, Carp Lake 1470
241-Elmer Earl Spaulding, Harbor Springs 1420
242-Alton A. Wheaton, Petoskey 44
243-Casimir Joseph Witulski, Petoskey 1413
244-George Joseph Miller, Petoskey 115
245-Albert Heman Osborn, Petoskey 1021
246-Oscar Julius Martinchek, Petoskey 164
247-Clifford Charles Wyland, Cross Village 1484
248-Cecil Richard Williams, Mackinaw City 1091
249-Fred Seward Bartlett, Harbor Springs 1751
250-Walter Andrew Ward, Harbor Springs 695
251-James Pardue, Conway 732
This data, like each new piece of information, must be researched and proved or disproved by weight of evidence & it is always best to consult original primary material for verification.
Special thanks to Leslie Bagwell who so graciously donated the transcription of this invaluable data.
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