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Grand Blanc Michigan Schools


Genesee County
Photo Album

Grand Blanc Michigan Schools
Take a visual walk thru the past

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Ladies Group before 1900

I'm not certain what this gathering was for, however, there is reference to 'Mrs. Denton'  so one might think this was a class of some sort.  There isn't a mention of it on the back of the photo.  However, there are names!

Left to right standing:
Delia Adams, Cora Tanner, Fanny Pierce, Gertie Clark, Anna Rottger, Flo (?) Harris, Frederica Rottger.
Left to right seated middle row:
Cora Parker, Mrs. Denton, Matie Hough, ? (no name)
Left to right seated front row:
-----(no name), Ida Gorton, Minnie Marvin, Lizzie Seebeck

I have never seen a photo of my ggg grandmother Alice Jeffrey Denton.  I'm hoping the lady in the photo might be her.  The two Rottger ladies are my great aunts.  Anna Rottger is the mother of Herva, the little girl in the other photos.

I'm hoping someone else might find ancestors in these photos as well.
Submitted by: Jamie Hunter

Anna C. Rottger and friends in Grand Blanc about 1894

This photo looks very similar to the other with all the names on the back, however, there are no names or dates on this one.    I do know that Anna Rottger is the young lady standing, second from the right. 
This photo, as well as the one with all the names listed, would most likely be before 1894.  Just a guess really....Anna was married in 1895, so I'm figuring if this is some sort of a school class it's before she was married.
Submitted by: Jamie Hunter

School Class between 1905-1910

This could be a school class or a Sunday school class?  The teacher must be the lady on the left.   Notice that some of the children in this photo are in some of the others.

Submitted by: Jamie Hunter

Red Brick School House about 1906

Back of photo reads:
Little red brick school at Grand Blanc.  3 rooms.  2 teachers plus superintendent Horace Graff.  About 1906.

This would be a great picture if we knew the kids in the photo!  I do know that Herva SLAGHT is standing at the right of the photo.  She has an 'X' on her dress.  I'm sure there are others in the photo who are my relatives.  For instance, I think the little girl two girls from Herva to the left in the pic (with the white blouse on) is my grandmother, Bernice Rottger, but I just can't be sure.  Maybe someone else can identify some of the children?

To clarify: Herva's mother was Anna ROTTGER.  Her father was Dr. William SLAGHT.   I hail from the ROTTGER family.  There is a possibility there might be Rottgers, Billbroughs and Jeffreys in this photo as the families lived and farmed in the Grand Blanc area from the 1870s till now.

Submitted by: Jamie Hunter

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Grand Blanc School  8th Grade Graduation

This is an 8th grade graduation most likely in Grand Blanc.  Superintendent Vanderbilt is written on the back so I'm assuming he is the young man in the middle row.  I do not know any of the children except Herva SLAGHT.  She is the young girl on the far left bottom row.  You can see her hands in her lap. 

Herva moved to California in the 1950s.  She lived till she was 101 years old!  She just was an incredible person!

Submitted by: Jamie Hunter

Grand Blanc School Fall 1912

The only thing written on the back of this photo is: "Fall of 1912"

Herva Slaght is standing on the top step and is on the far right.  In 1912 Herva would have been 16 years old.  This is obviously a high school class, maybe their junior or senior year?

I recognize some of the other children in the photo.

Submitted by: Jamie Hunter


This page was last updated Monday, 06 March 2023