This page contains biographical sketches (full or extract) of former Hillsdale County residents.
The majority come from pre-1921 published sources as cited in the sketch.
L.S. Hackett *
John Haggerty *
Mrs. Louisa Post Hall *
Marvin E. Hall *
Seth Hall *
Jacob A. Hancock
George Dana Harding *
Spencer S. Harding *
Samuel Hart *
Arthur Edwin Haynes *
Mrs. Lovina Haynes *
William Hecox
Horace Henry *
John Herring *
William A. Herring *
Joseph Hess *
Thomas Hickerson *
Jesse Hill *
Myron E. Hill
John Hilton *
Henry Hinkle *
Andrew Hoard *
Henry H. Hopkins *
Perry Hopkins *
Sanford D. Hopkins(1)
Sanford D. Hopkins(2) *
Frederick J. Howard *
Labon A. Howard, MD *
Charles P. Hulce
Alexander Huston(1) *
Alexander Huston(2) *
James Huston
Compendium of History and Biography of Hillsdale County Michigan. Elon G. Reynolds, ed Chicago: AW Bowen & Co. Part
First - Hillsdale County Michigan Fully Historical 1903 - page 435-36.
NOTE: This is an extract of the full article.
L.S. HACKETT, son of Benjamin & Sabrina MILLER HACKETT, was born in Wayne County, New York 5 Feb 1844.
Benjamin was a native of New York of Irish ancestry and worked on the Erie Canal. Sabrina was also of New York and of Scotch origin.
THe family moved to Fulton County, Ohio in 1849 where Sabrina died 21 Mar 1885 and Benjamin died on 18 Jun 1896. Benjamin's father - also named Benjamin - was a soldier in the American Revolution.
Benjamin and Sabrina had 8 children - 6 still living as of 1903. 4 were living in Metamora, Ohio and one at Toledo [no names listed]. The other two died in childhood.
L.S. farmed with his father and attended public schools to the age of 17, at which time he began teaching. L.S. taught for 8 years, while still farming, first with his father, then when he was 21 - started farming for himself.
L.S. married Emily PATTERSON 25 Nov 1867. She was of Fulton County, Ohio, the daughter of Able and Amy PATTERSON, who were natives of Ashtabula County, Ohio. The PATTERSONs built their home before the state lines were definitively drawn "and it chanced that they built their residence directly on the state line of Ohio and Michigan".
Able PATTERSON had passed away prior to 1903; while Amy was living with L.S. and Emily.
L.S. bought 40 acres of land in Fulton County, Ohio in 1869 - 2 years later he moved to Wright township in Hillsdale County. and bought 80 acres of land. He farmed that land and added an additional 40 acres.
In 1900 - L.S. retired from farming and moved to Pittsford, where since 1893 he has been an agent of the Michigan Mutual Cyclone Insurance Co.
L.S. and Emily have 2 sons - John E. HACKETT - a hardware merchant at Prattville, Hillsdale County. Frank L. HACKETT is a hay merchant at Pittsford. L.S. Hackett was elected supervisor of Wright Twp in 1892, and was reelected in 1893, 1898 and 1899.
Compendium of Hillsdale County. Michigan - Part I Fully Historical Chicago, [Ill.] : A.W. Bowen, [1903] Elon J. Reynolds, ed. page 258-59.
John HAGGERTY, born 3 Sep 1836 in New York, to John and Eliza HAGGERTY. His parents came from Ireland, and a few years after the birth of their son, migrated from New York to Pittsford Twp, Hillsdale County, Michigan. They died "at advanced ages" and were the parents of 3 sons and 2 daughters, of whom one son and two daughters were living as of 1903.
In 1861, John went to California and spend 8 years on the cattle ranges. He returned to Michigan in 1869 "by way of the isthmus and New York". He purchased a farm - 120 acres - in Pittsford Twp and remained there until his death.
In 1871 he married Miss Amanda BRIGGS, daughter of George W. and Christina STUCK BRIGGS. George was from Vermont and Christina was from New York. The BRIGGS emigrated to Michigan during the 1830's and settled in Pittsford Twp, where they both died. George was the son of Nathaniel BRIGGS, and grandson of Cyrus BRIGGS, a Revolutionary soldier who was killed in the storming of Fort Ticonderoga in 1777. [There is also an unclear reference to a grandfather STUCK who fought in the War of 1812]
Amanda died in 1880, and John married his second wife, Helen BRIGGS (a sister of Amanda) on 3 Apr 1883. They had three children: Amanda B., Inez and a child who died in infancy.
John died 7 Mar 1900 at the age of 64 years.
From the Portrait and Biographical Album of Hillsdale Co., MI, 1888, p.568.
Mrs. Louisa HALL, widow of William Cicero Hall, late of Moscow Twp., Hillsdale Co., came to Michigan with her husband soon after their marriage and located upon the farm where she now lives in 1854.
The homestead is at present under the management of her son-in-law, and Mrs. Hall, surrounded by many friends, is passing her later years in the enjoyment of the comfort and ease to which she is justly entitled.
Mrs. Hall was born Feb. 14, 1835, in Erie Co., NY, the youngest of the three children of Gilbert and Margaret (BARTHALF) POST.
The parents were natives of Orange Co., NY, but were married in Genesee Co., that state, where they settled and lived until Louisa was twelve years old.
Then, emigrating to the young state of Mich., they located in Fayette Twp., this county. The father conducted a hotel 4 miles east of Jonesville for two or three years and then, on account of continued illness in the family, went back to his native state.
He died there in Akron, Erie Co., in 1855 at the age of 67 years. The mother survived her spouse over 20 years, spending her last days in Akron and dying in 1880 at the age of 66.
Mrs. Hall has a brother living in Akron, NY, and a sister in this county.
Mrs. Hall acquired her education in the common schools of her native county and, when a maiden of 18 years, was married Dec. 29, 1853 to William Cicero Hall, the wedding taking place in the home of her parents in Akron, NY.
Her husband was the son of Jeremiah and Philinda (CROWELL) HALL who were also natives of the Empire State and who, after their marriage, settled in Erie Co. where they spent the remainder of their days.
The mother died in 1870 when 67 years old. Jeremiah HALL married a second time, and later sold his farm and removed to the village of Akron where he died in 1881 aged 81 years.
Of his first marriage were born six children, four sons and two daughters, William C. being the third born. William was born in Akron, Erie Co., Sept. 24, 1832, where he received a common school education.
Soon after their marriage Mr. & Mrs. HALL set out for Mich., and, after settling in Moscow Twp., pursuing the theory that "a rolling stone gathers no moss", here decided to remain. Mr Hall was enterprising and industrious.
In addition to the cultivation of his land he put up a good set of frame buildings and in due time acquired the improved machinery necessary for carrying on farm work successfully. He was aware of the welfare of the people about him and his community and cheerfully discharged the duties of various township offices and held other positions of trust and responsibility. Amid the sorrow of his family and the regrets of friends, he passed away at the home he had labored to build up, on Jan. 30, 1887.
Mr. & Mrs. Hall were the parents of only one child, their daughter Cora P., who became the wife of Herbert STURDEVANT, a native of Fairfield, VT, who is now operating the homestead. They have had two children, Hattie L., who died when 14 months old, and Arthur, a bright boy of nine months. Mrs Hall is a lady held in great respect by her neighbors and a member, in good standing, of the Methodist Episcopal Church of North Adams.
From the Portrait and Biographical Album of Hillsdale Co., MI, 1888, p.917
Marvin E. HALL, Mayor of the city of Hillsdale and a man unusually well-educated and intelligent, came to this county in April 1884, and the present position which he occupies indicates how thoroughly he has established himself in the confidence and esteem of the people during his comparatively brief residence here. Mr. Hall was born in Calhoun Co., MI, Sept. 1, 1853. He was the youngest of the four children of Horace and Lucetta (FAUROTE) Hall, the mother a native of NY State and of French ancestry. Horace Hall was born in Essex Co., NY, where he lived until manhood, then made his way to Mich. Terr., locating in Tekonsha Twp., Calhoun Co., where he was married. Here he was engaged in sawmilling until sometime in the fifties. His wife died in 1855. Horace now lives in Hillsdale and their four children reside in Mich. and in Kansas.
Marvin HALL was educated first in the common schools, next entered Newville Academy and then Hillsdale College. He also attended Indiana State Univ. in Bloomington for two months but left to embark upon a commercial career. He worked as a traveling salesman and in April 1884 came to this county as the representative of the Edison electric light, having the state agency. In this he was much interested and was the first man to adapt the instantaneous dry plate to commercial photography. Later he engaged in the nursery business. In 1884 he sold out his interest in this enterprise and became a dealer in military and society supplies.
Mr. HALL's correct business practices and his energy and abilities have won him the favorable notice of the community. He was elected Mayor in the spring of 1887. He has a warm interest in public education and has served as School Inspector. He is a Republican and cast his first presidential vote for Gen. Grant. He has officiated as Secretary of the County Republican Committee and is presently on the staff of Gov. Luce, holding a Colonel's commission, since the latter's incumbancy of the Executive office. Socially, he is Chancellor Commander of Hillsdale Lodge No. 45, Knights of Pythias, and is a Knight Templar in the Masonic fraternity. He is also prominent in the Sons of Veterans, having served two years as Colonel, commanding the Mich. Division, and is at present Inspector General of the Order.
The marriage of Marvin HALL and Miss Lena HASS was celebrated at the home of the bride in Rome, NY, in 1880. They began the jouney of life together in a modest home in Cambridge, MA. Mrs. Hall was born in NY City in 1853. They have no children.
From the Portrait and Biographical Album of Hillsdale MI, 1888, p.641.
Seth HALL is the senior member of the firm of Hall & Arnold, lumber dealers of North Adams where they conduct an extensive business furnishing the materials for many of the fine residences in Adams Twp.
The parents of our subject were Seth and Ereda (CROWELL) Hall, and the grandfather, also named Seth, took part in the War of 1812 and was a member of the northern division of the army. After their marriage the parents of our subject settled in Franklin Co., MA, but soon moved on to Onondaga Co., NY, where they followed agricultural occupations. They later went to Cicero, NY, which was then in its infancy, and Mr. Hall, who was an educated man, became prominent in the affairs of the county, laying out roads, boundaries and etc. There the father died in 1838 when 56 years old and the mother, ten years later at the age of 62.
Seth uwas the fourth in the family of eight children, four sons and four daughters, and was born July 10, 1815. He spent his early days on the farm in Mass. When he was five the family left Mass. and, by means of ox and horse teams, made their journey to Onondaga Co. Seth and his elder brother, Harrison, drove the cattle all the way. The journey took them 10 days. The travelers slept in their wagons and cooked by the wayside. They reached their destination in Sept. 1820. The family labored to clear the land, till the soil and to build the log house which became their home. The school which Seth attended was a primitive log structure with the floor made of tree bark and the benches of wood slabs. He lived with his parents, assisting his father on the farm until the latter's death when Seth was 20 years old. He then took on the responsibilities for the family as he was the eldest brother living, unm! arried.
In 1843 Seth married Gertrude, the dau. of John and Euphima HOUGHTALING. The bride's parents were married in Albany Co., NY, and soon after settled in Onondaga Co. where the mother died in 1828 at the age of 36 years. The father afterward married Elizabeth McFARLAND and died Dec. 14, 1870, in his 80th year, leaving two children by his first union and two by his second. Mrs. Hall was born in Onondaga Co., NY, in 1821, the second of the two older children. She received a superior education in the local schoools. Although she and Mr. Hall have no children of their own they have raised three or four for lives of virtue and usefulness. Leaving Onondaga Co., they removed to Cayuga and resided there two years, after which they turned their steps westward. In 1872 they settled at North Adams where they presently reside. Two years later, Mr. Hall bought out Isaac Baker of the firm of Kenyon & Baker, dealers in lumber,! which then became Kenyon & Hall for a period of eight years. Mr. Hall then bought out Mr. Kenyon and conducted the business alone until 1882. In April of that year he took into partnership his nephew, J. D. ARNOLD, since which time the firm has been known as Hall & Arnold. In addition to their lumber business they deal in lime, coal, salt, cement and stucco as well as other building materials.
In May 1887, Mr. HALL was stricken with paralysis, since which time he has had little use of his right arm. Mr. and Mrs. Hall are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church with which they have been identified for over half a century. They are also strongly in sympathy with temperance work with which Mr. Hall has been connected since a boy, and has always been true to his pledge. In politics he is a strong Prohibitionist and was one of the first seven who cast, in Cicero Twp., Onondaga Co., a vote for the freeing of slaves. During the war he was a staunch Lincoln man and his early political affiliation was with the Whig Party. Mrs. Hall is a member of the W.C.T.U. and is an exemplary woman in every sense of the word.
Portrait & Biographical Album of Hillsdale County Michigan 1888, Chapman Bros. p 866
[NOTE: The following is an extract of the original sketch]
Jacob A. HANCOCK was born 18 Jan 1832 in Genesee Co., NY.
His father was Jacob S., b. in NYC; his mother was Jane Van VLACK, b. in Dutchess Co., NY. Their first three children, Jacob, Oscar and Mary E., were b. in Stafford Twp., Genesee Co., NY.
In 1839 the family moved to Hillsdale Co, settling in Cambria Twp. There Jacob S. and Jane had five more children: John, Albert, Ellen, Charles and Harriet.
Jane died 28 Jul 1879 and Jacob in 1885, aged 76 years.
On 29 Mar 1854, Jacob A. HANCOCK married Almira SMITH, b. 26 Mar 1837 in Lenawee Co., MI She was the daughter of Warren SMITH (whose biog. sketch also appears in this book).
Jacob A. and Almira had one child, Ida E. who marr D. J. GIBBON. They had one child, Herbert C. GIBBON.
Portrait & Biographical Album of Hillsdale County Michigan 1888, Chapman Bros. p 322
[NOTE: The following is an extract of the original sketch]
George Dana HARDING was b.1/10/1848 in Boston, MA. His parents are not named here. When he was still a child the family moved to Albion, Orleans Co., NY.
In 1864 he enlisted in the Union Army, Co. K, 54th NY Infantry. About 1870 he came to MI and three years later settled for good in Jonesville, Hillsdale Co.
In 1881 he purchased the Jonesville Independent, of which he was editor. He also had an interest in the Litchfield Gazette. No wife or children are mentioned for this man.
Portrait & Biographical Album of Hillsdale County Michigan 1888, Chapman Bros. p 195
[NOTE: The following is an extract of the original sketch]
Spencer S. HARDING was b. 4/23/1808, in Madison Co., NY. His parents were Abiel and Olive (SMITH) HARDING. Abiel fought in the Revolutionary War.
In 1820 Spencer moved, with his brothers, to Barre, Orleans Co., NY where they farmed. The brothers also excelled in painting, especially portraiture. Spencer's work was displayed in many Hillsdale homes.
Chester is the only brother named here but apparently there were at least four.
Spencer marr. Louisa T. DANA on 4/6/1847, in Athens, OH. Her father was Prof. Joseph DANA of the Univ. of OH, Athens. Louisa was b. in Marblehead, MA, 12/10/1816.
Spencer and Louisa moved to Jonesville, Hillsdale Co. in the spring of 1870. There are no children listed here for this couple.
Portrait & Biographical Album of Hillsdale County Michigan 1888, Chapman Bros. p 533
[NOTE: The following is an extract of the original sketch]
Samuel HART was b. 3/1/1822 near Weston, Rutland Co., VT. His father, George HART was a native of Lynnford, MA and was the eldest son of Capt. Endicott HART, a native of Scotland.
After many years at sea Capt. Hart retired to Salem, MA where he lived until his death. George HART started out in VT where he purchased land near the town of Mt Tabor. In 1834 he moved his family to Carlisle, Lorain Co., OH. They made the journey with two pairs of horses, a wagon and a carriage.
Samuel HART was 12 when the family moved to OH and was 20 when he set out on his own. He rented a farm in Lorain Co. In 1850 he was able to purchase 20 acres which he worked, along with his rented acres, for five years.
In 1855 he sold out and moved to Hillsdale Co. His father, George, also left OH at this time and lived with Samuel's family until his death in 1857.
While still in OH Samuel married Emily GIER on 6/29/1845. She was born in Carroll Co., OH, on 1/6/1818. Her father, John GIER, was a native of PA who moved to OH during its early settlement.
John was living in Russia, Lorain Co. when he decided to move to Hilldale Co. in 1854. There he lived with his son until his death in 1856. John Gier's wife was Mary BENDER, also a native of PA. She died in Ashland Co., OH at the home of her daughter a few years after her husband's death.
Samuel and Emily had seven children.
1. Richard, of Ransom Twp.
2. Elmira M., (Mrs. Nathan HALLECK), of Quincy, Branch Co.
3. Alice M., (Mrs. William PALMER), of Ransom Twp.
4. George W., engaged in the lumber trade near East Boardman, Kalkaska Co.
5. Julia A., (Mrs. Franklin HOOVER), of Ransom Twp.
6. & 7. Twins Alfred T. and Albert F.
Alfred was a grad of Northwestern College, Evanston, IL and was a Methodist Episcopal minister in Alma, MI in 1888. Albert was a farmer in Ransom Twp.
From the Portrait & Biographical Album of Hillsdale Co., MI, 1888, p.986.
Arthur Edwin HAYNES, Professor of Mathematics and Physics at Hillsdale College for the last eleven years, was born near Baldwinsville, Onondaga Co., NY, May 23, 1849. His parents were Horace and Adaline (SWEET) HAYNES, both of whom were also born near Baldwinsville. The parents came to Michigan in June 1858. They located near the village of Reading in southwestern Hillsdale Co. where the father carried on farming and where he, his wife and eldest daughter still live.
Arthur received a common school education and remained on the family farm until he reached twenty years of age. Inclining toward the professions, he returned to Baldwinsville and attended the academy there for two terms, while working during the summer on the farm of his uncle, Col. Thaddeus HAYNES. Upon returning home, he soon entered the employ of the Fort Wayne, Jackson and Saginaw Railroad Company and after a short time was made assistant foreman of a gang of section men.
In the fall of 1870, Arthur entered Hillsdale College where he remained, a diligent student, until he was graduated from that institution in June 1875. He taught several terms of district school before graduation and was also employed during his college course as a tutor in mathematics in the college. During the summer between his junior and senior years, he assisted in the erection of the Central College building, in order to earn money to continue his studies. He carried a hod from the first story until the completion of the fourth, shouldering 80 pounds of brick and walking from the bottom to the top of the ladder (20 feet) without touching the hod handle, a feat that he was justly proud of. His classroom is now in that same building.
Immediately following graduation, Arthur married Miss May HEWITT, the daughter of the Hon. Alexander HEWITT and Mary HEWITT of Allen, this county. He was appointed instructor in mathematics in Hillsdale College in the fall of 1875, and two years later was elected to the full Professorship, which position he still holds. The manner in which he secured his education is sufficient evidence of his character, his application, his resolution and his love of learning. In the summers of 1877 and 1878, he was a student in mathematics under the instruction of the late Dr. Edward OLNEY of Michigan University. In 1885 he was elected a member of the London Mathematical Society and has received many marks of honor in recognition of his qualifications and efficiency as an educator. He is a believer in and a worker for Prohibition.
From the Portrait and Biographical Album of Hillsdale Co., MI, p.793.
Mrs. Lovina HAYNES, the widow of the late Josiah Haynes of Wheatland Twp., owns and occupies a pleasant home on section 23, left to her by her husband. She was born May 30, 1821, in Scioto Co., OH, where she spent her childhood days. Her parents were the Rev. Moses and Mrs. Betsy (WINKLER) BENNETT, the former for many years a prominent minister of the Baptist Church. He was born in NJ in 1791 and spent the last years of his life in Rollin Twp., Lenawee Co., this State, where he died in 1844 when 53 years old. The mother survived him by many years and was married a second time to John GREENLEE. She died in Greenville, Montcalm Co., MI, at the advanced age of 84 years.
Josiah Haynes was born in Franklin Co., MA, Aug. 24, 1808, where he lived until coming to the Terr. of Mich. in 1834. He spent one year looking over the country, then returned to New England, but a year later turned westward once again and took up 80 acres of Government land in Blissfield Twp., Lenawee Co. His first marriage was to Miss Malona OSBORN who was born in Jan. 1818, and died at her home in Cambridge Twp., Lenawee Co., when 28 years old. Of this union there were born three children, two of whom are deceased. The survivor, Mary, the wife of Thomas B. TURLEY, is now a resident of San Jose, CA.
The marriage of Josiah Haynes and Lovina Bennett was celebrated at the home of the bride in Rollin Twp. April 4, 1844. They took up their residence in Cambridge, whence they came to Wheatland Twp. in 1853. Two children were the result of this union: Jane A., born in Cambridge Twp., Aug. 11, 1848, is the wife of Augustus TABOR and lives in Hudson; they have a son and a daughter. Ida E. was born in Wheatland Twp. Aug. 24, 1856, and is the wife of Oscar HAWLEY. They occupy the homestead with Mrs. Haynes and have three children, namely: Ola M., born May 27, 1875; Lulu B., born April 27, 1880, and Lettie E., born April 16, 1884. Mr. and Mrs. Hawley are a very accomplished couple in both social and musical circles. Mrs. Hawley, like her mother, is prominent in good works and, also like her, an earnest and active member of the Baptist Church.
The Haynes family were among the first settlers of Hillsdale Co. Josiah Haynes, who died May 10, 1873, was the son of Josiah, Sr., and Rana (KEMPTON) Haynes who spent their last years in MA. The younger Josiah was a man of most excellent qualities of character and his memory is held dear, not only by his own family, but also by the entire community where he lived so many years, taking an active part in its development and progress. The property which he left to his family constitutes the best monument of his thrift and industry, and his worth as a father and citizen.
Portrait & Biographical Album of Hillsdale Co., MI, 1888, p.393.
The late, lamented, William HECOX was one of Hillsdale County's earliest settlers, locating here as early as 1836 when Mich. was still a Territory. He was born in Cleveland, OH, Dec. 19, 1811, and departed this life at his home in Jefferson Twp. on April 6, 1876. He had been prominent in his community, held the office of Supervisor several times, voted the straight Republican ticket and was a worthy member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, being one of its chief pillars and among its most liberal supporters.
William's parents were Ambrose and Chloe (SPAFFORD) Hecox, he a native of NY and she of VT. Ambrose died when William was about three years old. His mother also had two sons from her first marriage. She married again after the death of Mr. Hecox but there were no children. Her third husband died when William was about eleven years of age. William continued to live with his mother until reaching his majority. Mrs. Hecox removed to Maumee City, about ten milies from Toledo, and it was there that William made the acquaintance of Miss Sarah MARTINDALE, with whom he went to school and to whom he was married, at her home, on April 15, 1833. The young couple settled upon a farm in that region and, four years later, came to this State where William entered a half-section of land, a part of which is now comprised in his present homestead, he afterwards selling a portion. The woods were all around them and Mrs. Hecox states that one might travel a whole day without finding two acres of cleared land. Indians were numerous but they were friendly. The woods abounded in wild game providing a steady supply of wild meats to their larder.
Mrs. Sarah Hecox was born Jan. 28, 1816, in St. Lawrence Co., NY, and is the daughter of Elisha and Clara (CONANT) Martindale, the father a native of Lenox, MA, and the mother of VT. They became residents of the Empire State before their marriage and spent their last years near Maumee City, the father dying in 1861 and the mother several years earlier.
William and Sarah Hecox were the parents of seven children, but three of whom are living. Three sons were in the army. Cyrus S. was killed on the battle-field of Chickamauga. Herbert Horatio lost his hearing by the mumps while in the service but lived to return home and is now farming near Battle Creek, Mich.; he receives a pension, is married and is the father of two children. Daughter Mary E. died when an interesting young lady of 22 years. Eliza died at the age of fourteen. Caroline is the wife of Nelson ELLIOT, who has the management of the home farm, and is the mother of five children. Mrs. Sarah Hecox receives a pension of $12.00 per month as the mother of a son killed in the army. She is a lady who has experienced many of the vicissitudes of life, has performed well her part as a wife and mother and stands high among the people of her community.
Submitted by Katherine Paty, Tempe, AZ
From the Portrait and Biographical Album of Hillsdale Co., MI, 1888, p.478.
Horace HENRY has for many years been successfully engaged in agricultural pursuits in Reading Twp. and is the owner of one of the fine farms for which this locality is celebrated. He was born in Onondaga Co., NY, Jan. 13, 1829. His father, Robert Henry, was for several years actively engaged in the manufacture of wagons in that state. In 1833 he migrated to OH with his family, locating in Medina Co., where he engaged in farming and remained for the rest of his life. His death occurred in 1863 when he was 86 years old. He was regarded by his fellow-citizens as a just, honest and enterprising man and a worthy citizen. In politics he was first a Whig and then a Republican. He was twice married, first to a Miss GARDNER, who at her death left five sons and a daughter. His second marriage was to Mrs. Almira SCHAUTEN, nee CLARK, who was born, reared and twice married in NY State, and lived there until her removal with her hu! sband and their son, our subject, Horace. She ever after resided in OH and died Mar. 15, 1887, aged 86 years.
Horace was the second child born to Robert and Almira Henry. He was four when his parents moved to OH, settling in Montville, Medina Co., and it was here that he lived until attaining his majority. As a youth he was already engaged in farm work. In 1850, he determined to come to Mich. where he hoped to pursue farming at a better advantage. He puchased 40 acres of land in a wild, uncultivated condition, which forms a part of his present farm. In Jan. 1852, he married, in Allen Twp., Mary A. SHIPMAN, daughter of Harlow and Lucinda (JOHNSON) Shipman. Immediately after marriage, they located on his land where they have mutually aided each other in building up one of the most comfortable homes in the neighborhood. It required many years of downright hard labor for Mr. Henry to put his farm into its present high state of cultivation and improvement. His persistence and energy have won him complete success in his life work and ha! ve enabled him to increase his holdings to 90 acres. He has paid attention to raising cattle and his farm is well stocked.
Mrs. Henry's mother, Lucinda Shipman, is an honored member of the household. Although advanced in years, being 73 years of age, and her physical health somewhat impaired, mentally she retains her faculties to a wonderful degree. Her husband was accidentally killed Nov. 15, 1880, being then middle-aged, by falling from a load of wood and breaking his neck and death ensuing instantaneously. He also at that time made his home with Mr. and Mrs. Henry. Both Mr. and Mrs. Shipman were born and reared in the State of NY where they subsequently married. In 1838, they sought a new home in the young State of Mich. After staying six months in Ypsilanti, they moved to Allen Twp. and were thus among the earliest pioneers of Hillsdale Co. They lived there many years before making their home with our subject.
Mrs. Henry was born in Cohocton, Steuben Co., NY, Dec. 26, 1832. She was six when her family came to Mich. and she was reared and educated in Allen Twp. To her and her husband were born two children: Vincent, who died aged four years, and Arthur V., who married Emma RISING and lives on the family homestead, assisting in its management.
He is an enterprising young farmer and owns 30 acres of well-improved land. Having no daughter of their own, Mr. and Mrs. Henry have been foster parents to Mary P. who was born and educated here and is now an intelligent young lady. Mr. and Mrs. Henry are members in good standing of the Free Baptist Church. Their generous, open-hearted dispositions have endeared them to many, by whom they are regarded as true friends and kind neighbors. Mr. Henry and his son are strong Republicans in their political views.
From the Portrait & Biographical Album of Hillsdale Co., MI., 1888, p.321.
John HERRING, a prosperous miller and farmer, has been for many years identified with the industrial interests of Hillsdale Co., and has been a resident of Allen Twp. since 1845. He is the eldest son of Samuel and Deborah (GRIDLEY) Herring, natives of Cortland Co., NY, where the former was born in March 1796 and the latter in August 1795. After marriage they settled in Virgil, Cortland Co., where they lived for seven years until 1838 when they left their old home and, with their children, sought another in Michigan. They spent two years in Calhoun Co. and then removed to Kalamo, Eaton Co., where they are still living today, having long passed the ninetieth milestone of life's journey, over 60 years of which they have traveled together. Of their union eleven children were born, eight sons and three daughters.
The subject of this sketch was born in Virgil, Cortland Co., NY, Nov. 8, 1819, and there spent the years of his youth. In 1838 he traveled with his parents to Mich. and, when 20 years of age, left the parental home and went to Grand Haven where he was employed in a sawmill for one year. He next went to Litchfield where he operated a sawmill for four years. Within a few years after leaving home Mr. Herring had gathered together the wherewithal to establish a home of his own, and was married in Albion, Calhoun Co., on March 13, 1841, to Miss Nancy J. BROWN. Her parents, John and Rhoda (CRITTENDEN) Brown, were natives respectively of CT and NY. After marriage, they first settled in VT, later removing to Ontario Co., NY, where Mr. Brown died in their pleasant home at the foot of Honeoye Lake, Sept. 3, 1825. The mother came to Mich. and died in Albion in 1868. Of her marriage nine children were born, four sons and five daughters. Mrs. Herring, the eighth child, was born Aug. 8, 1821, in Richmond, Ontario Co., NY. Of her union with our subject two children have been born, William A. and Samuel A. The former (of whom see the sketch elsewhere in this album) is postmaster of South Allen. Samuel died in 1861 at the home of his parents in Allen Twp. when 13 years of age.
In 1845 our subject and his wife came to Allen Twp. to make their permanent home. He bought the steam sawmill which was then owned by W. B. COUCH of Jonesville, and managed it very successfully for several years. Ten years later he erected a more modern mill, in which he conducted a flourishing business for some years and then disposed of it. He now owns and operates the South Allen Roller Mills, which have a capacity of 60 barrels daily, and carries on quite an extensive and well-paying business. He also very profitably manages a general store at South Allen and besides has charge of his farm, which is finely located on section 27, Allen Twp. It contains 165 acres of highly cultivated land on which he has erected ample and commodious farm buildings and a pleasant and comfortable dwelling. By her careful management of the domestic duties pertaining to their household, Mrs. Herring has contributed in no small degree to the upbuilding of their home. Mr. Herring is a man of cool head and steady purpose, possessing a marked talent for business and is square in his dealings. In politics he is a stalwart Republican.
Submitted by Katherine Wyllys Paty
From the Portrait & Biographical Album of Hillsdale Co., MI, 1888, p.318.
Willam A. Herring, Postmaster of South Allen, is a prominent and enterprising business man of this part of Hillsdale Co. where he is engaged in the manufacture of the celebrated South Allen Steam Evaporator and Apple Butter Cooker, of which he is the inventor, and is also extensively engaged in the manufacture of cider, jellies and evaporated fruit. He is besides connected with the Hydraulic Press Co. of Mt. Gilead, OH, and is agent of the Eureka Paring Machine and Pease Rotary Slicer.
Mr. Herring is the son of John and Nancy J. (BROWN) Herring, (a sketch of whom may be found elsewhere in this volume). He was born in Litchfield, this county, on June 20, 1843. When he was a small child the family moved to Allen Twp. and here he was reared and educated in the public schools. Before he had attained manhood he left home with the earnest determination to devote his life to his country. He enlisted, Aug. 22, 1861, as a musician in Co. C, 7th Michigan Infantry, serving in that capacity throughout the entire war.
During his last two years of service he held the rank of 1st Sgt. as he was principal musician. He was one of only seven men who enlisted with the regiment who lived to return home. Shortly after the end of the war he went to Minn. where he had a claim of 160 acres in Renville Co. He remained there five years, returning home in the fall of 1870 at which time he formed a partnership with his father in the milling business in South Allen, which business they conducted together very successfully for several years. In 1883 they dissolved partnership and our subject embarked in his present business and has built up a large and profitable trade. He has been very successful in the introduction of the South Allen Steam Evaporator which he invented and patented. Over 200 of them are now in use in different parts of the country.
Mr. Herring was married in Jonesville, Mich., Jan. 19, 1863, to Miss Anna HICKS, dau. of Thomas and Emily (GIBBS) Hicks. They were both natives of England and emigrated from there in 1848. They settled first in Bloomfield, NY, and then came to Hillsdale Co. in the fall of 1856, settling in Allen Twp. where Mrs. Hicks died Feb. 16, 1886. Mr. Hicks survives her.
To him and his wife were born seven daughters of whom Mrs. Herring was the eldest. She was born in Hickland Parish, England, Dec. 14, 1844. She was devoted to the interests of her household, making a pleasant and comfortable home for her family. She departed this life Jan. 3, 1888, leaving a large circle of friends to cherish and honor her memory. To her and her husband were born five children: Carrie E., John C., Emily F., S. Adolphus and William S. Carrie is the wife of Eugene BLACKMER and they live in Allen Twp. John married Anna M. SEARLES and they live in Bankers.
Mr. Herring is widely known and considered to be a truly good citizen who has done much to advance the prosperity of South Allen. He was chiefly instrumental in procuring the establishment of a post office here and has held the office of postmaster since its beginning. He is a stalwart Republican politically, and is a member of the Henry Baker Post, G.A.R. of Jonesville and belongs to Allen Lodge, F. & A. M.
Submitted by Katherine Wyllys Paty
Portrait & Biographical Album of Hillsdale County Michigan 1888, Chapman Bros. p 411
[NOTE: The following is an extract of the original sketch]
Joseph HESS was b. Dec. 2, 1830, in Monroe Co., NY and was the son of Mathias and Mary (SMITH) HESS, who were both natives of NY. Their four children (that reached maturity) were: William, who stayed in NY; Joseph, Lydia (Mrs. Willis CASE) of Branch Co., MI and Caroline (Mrs. William PECK) of Henry Co., IL.
Joseph grew up in NY. About 1850 he moved to Huron Co., OH, where he met and married Abbie HOSMER. Abbie was b. Oct.13, 1832, in Jerusalem, NY. She was the dau. of John and Lucy (EARL) HOSMER.
Joseph and Abbie moved to Mich. about 1860 and raised five children: Maria (Mrs. Frank FRAREY); Frank, Della, Edith and George.
Joseph was drafted into the Union Army in Feb. 1863, a member of Company D, 16th Mich. Infantry, part of the Army of the Potomac. He fought at Chancellorsville, Middleburg and Gettysburg, returning home safely to his family.
From the Portrait and Biographical Album of Hillsdale Co., Mich., 1888, p. 433.
Thomas HICKERSON is the owner of a beautiful homestead located on section 12, Camden Twp., which includes 100 acres of highly cultivated land with the best modern improvements. He came to Hillsdale Co. in 1880, settling on the property where he now resides.
Thomas was born in Licking Co., OH, on 4/25/1832. His parents were Samuel and Mary (McCRARY) HICKERSON. His father was born in MD and was of English ancestry. His mother's people emigrated from Ireland. His paternal grandfather, Samuel Sr., was also b. in MD and owned a portion of what now constitutes the city of Baltimore at the time it was under English rule.
To Samuel, Jr. and Mary were born eight children, seven of whom are still living; William of Putnam Co., OH; James H., of Hancock Co., OH; Thomas; Elizabeth, Mrs. Henry H. MATHIAS and Sophia, Mrs. Wilson PATRICK, are both residents of Camden Twp.; Jemima, Mrs. William DICK of Hancock Co., OH and Loretta, last heard from in Cailf. Sarah A. died aged ten years. Samuel, Jr. also had a son by an earlier marriage, Allen O., who died when about 66 years old.
Thomas was reared in his native county and attended the primitive schools there. He was married 11/15/1857, to Mary A. JONES. She was also a native of Licking Co.,OH, born 11/10/1836. Her parents, Levi and Melinda (OLIVER) Jones, were natives, respectively, of PA and VA. About 1839, the family moved to Putnam Co., OH, where they endured the privations and hardships of pioneer life.
Levi and Melinda had eight children: Samuel and William, both farming in Hillsdale Co.; Arminda, wife of Jasper PAINE, Putnam Co., OH; Alice, wife of Benjamin MATHIAS, lives near Ottawa, KS; Caroline, who died when about 16 years old; Ezekiel, who died while in the service of his counrty during the late Rebellion and Mary A. and Sarah, living in Putnam Co. Mrs. Hickerson's maternal great-grandfather was an officer in the Revolutionary War.
Thomas and Mary are the parents of two daughters, Alwilda C., born 7/12/1874 and Hattie, born 11/1/1881.
Mr. Hickerson affiliates with the Democratic Pary, has officiated as Pathmaster in Camden Twp. for four years and, with his excellent wife, is held in high esteem by his neighbors and acquaintances.
Compendium of History and Biography of Hillsdale County Michigan. Chicago: AW Bowen & Co 2 Parts - Fully Historical and Largely Biographical (1903) page 39.
Jesse HILL from Wayne County, settled in Wheatland 2 Jun 1834. He possessed $200, which he invested in land.
He was unmarried; built a log house 12x14 feet, covered it with bark. The novelty of married life soon wore off and he married.
He and his bride began housekeeping with a tea-kettle, a skillet, and a teapot, for cooking utensils;
and for furniture a pole bedstead, a set of three-legged stools and a table, which he manufactured out of a log with the aid of his axe. For stock, he owned a cow and a yoke of oxen.
Portrait & Biographical Album of Hillsdale Co., MI., 1888, p.252
Myron E. HILL, a farmer of Hillsdale Co., is pleasantly situated in Wheatland Twp., where in addition to general farming he makes a speciality of raising fine swine which earns him a handsome income.
He was born in this same twp., April 12, 1843, the son of Jesse and Ruth (TIBBITS) Hill, both of whom were born in Wayne Co., NY, the former on Aug. 26, 1811 and the latter Jan. 12, 1824.
Jesse Hill grew up in his native county, attending the district schools amd learning from his father those practical skills which served him well later in life. In 1833 he came to Michigan, took up 100 acres of Government land and then returned to NY.
The next year he left NY for good, and coming to this county, settled in Wheatland Twp., erecting the first house in the township. He labored energetically here for over 50 years , bringing his land to a high state of cultivation.
His life work ended Dec. 31, 1886. His wife preceded him in death, dying in June 1876.
To the union of Jesse and Ruth Hill were born two children, Myron E. and Cynthia J., the latter of whom was born in Oct. 1850 and died Mar. 12, 1873. Myron grew to maturity, engaged in the duties of farm life and continued to reside on the land taken from the Government by his father.
Mr. Hill was united in marriage on June 8, 1862, in this township, with Miss Elvira WAKEFIELD who was born in Otsego Co., NY, Sept. 5, 1845. She is the daughter of Erastus D. and Betsey (NUTTING) Wakefield. The father, a native of VT, came to MI in 1846, locating in Moscow Twp., this county, where he spent the last years of his life, dying at the age of 38. The mother also was born in Otsego Co. and died in this township. The Nuttings were pioneers of this county and took up over 1000 acres of land from the government.
Mr. and Mrs. Hill have had a family of seven, five of whom are still living. They are as follows: Jessie was born June 2, 1863 and became the wife of Harvey McGEE of whom a sketch appears elsewhere in this book. Della was born Dec. 15, 1864, marr. James FINCH and had one child, Jessie Pearl, born Oct. 1, 1883. Benjamin T. was born Sept. 3, 1866 and in 1886 marr. Miss Livina BAKER who was born in March 1870; they are living in Wheatland Twp. Austin E. was born Mar. 26, 1868, and died Sept. 30, 1869. Jennie M. was born Mar. 28, 1870, and died Aug. 14, 1871. Hiram F. and Herbert M., twins, were born May 15, 1872.
After marriage, Mr. Hill spent some time near Lansing after which he returned to his farm where he has continued to reside until the present time. This farm contains 160 acres under a good state of cultivation, supplied with commodious farm buildings and provided with modern argricultural machinery.
Mr. Hill displays many of the traits that distinguished his English ancestors including energy and inflexibility of purpose. His grandfather, Elijah Hill, was born in England, came to this country and settled in Wayne Co., NY, where he died aged about 90 years.
Politically, Mr. Hill is a staunch supporter of the Republican party. Mrs. Hill is a member of the Baptist Church. She also belongs to the Ladies Missionary Society.
(submitted by Katherine Paty)
Portrait & Biographical Album of Hillsdale County Michigan 1888, Chapman Bros. p 338
[NOTE: The following is an extract of the original sketch]
John HILTON was a native of Bedfordshire Co., Eng., where he was b. 7/15/1822. He was the son of William and Elizabeth (WARD) HILTON. At the age of 17 he set out to learn the trade of brick mason. On 6/3/1845 he marr. Ann ELKERTON, (b.4/25/1826) dau. of James and Mary (CUTLER) ELKERTON, all natives of England.
In the fall of 1851 John embarked from Liverpool and five weeks later landed in NYC, arriving without a cent in his pocket. He soon found work as a brickmason and by the fall of 1852 was able to bring his family to Berea, OH, where he was employed. In 1855 the family moved to Camden Twp., Hillsdale Co., where they established a farm in what had lately been raw wilderness.
The Hilton children were: George, living in Newaygo Co., MI; Mary A., Mrs. William GOODWIN of Branch Co., MI; William, Newaygo Co.; Sarah, Mrs. Elias STRUNK, Newaygo Co.; Francis, Newaygo Co.; Frederic, Montpelier, OH; Harriet, Mrs. Clinton GRANT, Camden Twp.; Nettie, Mrs. Frederic BEEK, Williams Co., OH and John, at home.
Compendium of History and Biography of Hillsdale County, Michigan, Elon G. Reynolds, pgs 153-154, Mitchell Public Lib., Hillsdale, Hillsdale Co., Michigan
Henry HINKLE, who so ably guided the fortunes of Woodbridge township for five years as its supervisor, is a native of Hillsdale county, born in Wright township on November 7, 1851.
His parents were Samuel D. and Salora (BENEDICT) HINKLE, the former a native of Pennsylvania and the latter of New York. The father was both a blacksmith and a farmer and carried on thriving industries in both occupations, first in his native state and, after 1856, in Michigan, moving here in that year and settling on eighty acres of unbroken forest land in Wright township.
He resided on this tract until 1867 and devoted his best efforts to clearing it for cultivation and making it productive as a farm and comfortable as a home. In the year last named he traded it for a farm in Cambria township, to which he moved his family and on which he passed the rest of his life, dying in 1881, leaving a widow who still survives him and makes her home with her children.
They were the parents of eleven children, all of whom are living. Both were earnest and serviceable members of the
Methodist Episcopal church. The paternal grandfather was a native of Pennsylvania, a blacksmith by trade and an early settler near Columbus, Ohio, where the remaining years of his life were passed.
Henry HINKLE grew to man's estate in Hillsdale county, and got his education in the public schools. He began life for himself as a farmer on the old home on which he lived, engaged in this cultivation for five years. He then purchased a threshing outfit and used it to the great advantage of the farmers in all parts of the county for two years, after that dealing in farm produce for a year. Some time later he bought the farm of 128 acres on which he now lives in Woodbridge township and which has ever since been his home. Into its improvement and cultivation he has put the energy and skill of his more mature years and has made it an impressive illustration of what systematic and intelligent industry can accomplish, it being now one of the model farms of the township, yielding abundant returns for the faith and toil involved in its tillage.
He was married in this county, in 1876? to Miss Sarah FULLER, a daughter of David and Olive FULLER, early settlers of Woodbridge township, both of whom are now deceased.
Mr. and Mrs. HINKLE have six children: Olive, engaged in teaching at Albion; Elva, an instructor in a school at
Hillsdale; Grace, a popular teacher of Detroit; Elizabeth, Florence and David at home. The first three are graduates of
the State Normal School.
For many years after reaching his majority Mr. Hinkle was a Republican in political faith; but he is now a Free-Silver Democrat. He has been active in behalf of the advancement and development of the township, and has served its people well as supervisor, first in 1891, 1892 and 1893, and again in 1895 and 1896. He has also taken a great and serviceable interest in educational matters and has filled with credit and advantage to the community several school offices.
He is a member of the Patrons of Husbandry, being active in the affairs of the grange at Cambria.
From the Portrait and Biographical Album of Hillsdale Co., MI, 1888, p.230.
Andrew HOARD is a representative farmer and citizen of Hillsdale Co. He is pleasantly located in Ransom Twp. on the 50 acre farm which he has owned and cultivated since his arrival in this State. He was born May 7, 1840, in Burton, Geauga Co., OH. His father, Justus Hoard was born and reared in NY State from whence he moved to Geauga Co. where he rented land and farmed until 1844. In that year he came to Hillsdale Co. and settled in Ransom Twp., purchasing 40 acres of timber land. Seven acres of the tract were cleared and held a log cabin into which the family moved. Over the years Mr. Hoard added 40 more acres to his farm and continued to clear, cultivate and improve the property until the time of his death, Dec. 23, 1876. The wife of Justus Hoard was born Maria McLEAN in PA. She too died at the homestead in Ransom.
The parental family included eight children. They made the journey from Ohio to Mich. with a pair of horses and a wagon in which the household goods and family were carried. Upon their arrival the father sold the horses and bought oxen with which he did his farmwork, marketing and milling. The log cabin in which they first lived was very primitive. At one end was a mammoth fireplace with a giant chimney. Here the meals were cooked with the aid of a "crane" to which the pots and kettles were attached. They could then be swung into or out of the fire without endangering the cook. Besides giving plenty of heat these large fires also furnished light around which the female members of the household did the knitting for the family while the boys studied their lessons. Mrs. Hoard was a very industrious woman who spun, knit and made all the family clothing and also assisted her husband in farm duties.
The schools in those days were also very plain log buildings, resembling the homes. The benches were slabs of wood. Other slabs, attached to the walls, made desks. Andrew attended the very first school ever taught in this district and, as soon as he was large enough, was removed from school to work on the farm. In spite of meagre education, young people received in the rugged school of experience those lessons of discipline and self-denial which have given them great strength of character.
On Mar. 6, 1873, Andrew married Miss Magdalene KNECHT, who was born in France June 30, 1852. She was the daughter of Christien Knecht, also a native of France, who served several years in the French Army. He came to America in 1852 and at once traveled to Amboy Twp., this county, where he bought a tract of timber land and there lived until 1880. Then he sold out and removed to Davis Co., MO, where he made his home until his death Mar. 6, 1884. His wife, Solema ZIMMERMAN, was also a native of France and is still living (1888) with a daughter in KS. Mr. and Mrs Hoard have two children, Justus H. and Fred. They belong to the Free Methodist Church. In politics, Mr. H. is a Republican.
Compendium of History and Biography of Hillsdale County Michigan. Chicago: AW Bowen & Co 2 Parts - Fully Historical and Largely Biographical (1903) page 270.
One of the leading business men and substantial property owners of Hillsdale, Michigan is the subject of this sketch, Henry H. HOPKINS, a native of the state of New York, born in Yates county, on September 28, 1839, the son of Thomas and Orphia (PIERCE) HOPKINS, both natives of the county of Putnam, in the same state. His father was engaged in merchandising, and also followed the occupation of farming to limited extent, during the early ,years of his life.
In 1878 he disposed of his business and property in New York, and removed with his family to the city of Marshall, Michigan, where he and his wife continued to reside up to the time of their deaths in 1882. During the New York residence of Thomas HOPKINS, he was somewhat active in local politics from time to time, and for several years he held various local offices. For the long period of seventeen years he was the court-crier, and was one of the respected citizens and trustworthy officials of that section of the state.
The paternal grandfather of H. H. HOPKINS was Jeremiah HOPKINS, an early sett1er of Putnam county, New York, and for many years one of its leading citizens, being also prominent in the circles of the Masonic fraternity. His maternal grandfather, Bizer PIERCE, was one the early showmen of New York state, widely known throughout the Eastern and Middle States. He lived to the great age of ninety-nine years.
Henry H. HOPKINS, of this review, was one of a family of ten children, four of whom are still residents of the state of Michigan. He received his early education, and attained man's estate in New York. After the completion of his education, he first engaged in farming, subsequently learning the harness trade, thereafter following the occupation of manufacturing harness. Subsequently, he disposed of this business to advantage, and for twenty-five years engaged successfully in selling musical instruments.
In 1873 he removed his residence to the city Toledo, Ohio, and, in 1876, he again removed to the city of Hudson, Michigan, where he remained until 1879, when he established himself in his present home at Hillsdale, Michigan.
In 1881, he entered upon the manufacture and sale of "Professor Hopkins' Indian blood remedy. which is now fully established as a popular and a reliable medicine, and he has been very successful in this enterprise. The remedy enjoys an extensive sale throughout the United States and Canada, and the business is fast attaining large proportions.
In the year 1877, Mr. Hopkins was united in marriage at Hudson, Michigan, with Miss Malinda KNAPP, a native of Wheatland township, this county. Politically, Mr. HOPKINS is identified with the Republican party, and takes an active and leading interest in public affairs, although he has never been a seeker for office. By industry, ability, and careful attention to business, he has built up a large, successful and constantly growing business, and he is one of the representative men of the community of his residence.
Portrait & Biographical Album of Hillsdale County Michigan 1888, Chapman Bros. p 788
Perry HOPKINS was b. in NY on Nov. 19, 1831, the son of David and Olive (LARRABEE) HOPKINS.
David was b. 1800 in CT; Olive 1804 in NY. They came to Rome, Lenawee Co., MI in 1836.
David and Olive had seven ch: Perry, Trueman, Lodema, Susanna, Polly, Martha and Lucinda.
David also had four ch. by a former marriage: David, Jr., Russell, Amanda and Nancy. The elder David died
in 1866, Olive in 1872.
On July 2, 1853, Perry marr. Betsy A. BARNUM. She was b. Oct. 18, 1830, in NY, the dau. of Zar and Margaret (GERMAN) BARNUM, both native of NY. They came to MI in 1840.
Perry and Betsy HOPKINS had four ch: Adolphus, who died aged 20; Madora,who died Aug. 4, 1880, and was the wife of Dr. Stearns of Frontier, MI; Orson, b. Sept. 10, 1864 and marr. to Louella Pointer and Elfred.
Elfred marr. Melissa Culbertson on Oct. 29, 1884. Melissa was b. in OH in 1859 and came to MI in 1882. Elfred and Melissa had one ch., Alice M., b. Dec 29, 1887.
Perry and Betsy HOPKINS lived and farmed in Sect. 11, Woodbridge Twp.
From the Portrait & Biographical Album of Hillsdale Co., MI, 1888, p.645.
Sanford D. HOPKINS, a retired farmer in easy circumstances, and now a resident of North Adams, was born Jan. 9, 1817, in Bergen Twp., Genesee Co., NY.
He was the eldest child of Joseph and Cloenda (BLAIR) HOPKINS who were natives, respectively, of NH and VT. They were married in the Green Mountain State, whence they emigrated a short time later to Western NY. The mother died in Genesee Co. in 1825 at the young age of 31, leaving three children: our subject, one who is deceased and one who now resides in California.
Joseph HOPKINS was married a second time to Miss Abigail STAPLE who bore him five children, one of whom lives in Wheatland Twp., this county. Abigail died about 1847 in NY. Mr. Hopkins' third wife was formerly Mrs. Charity LOOMIS; they had no children. Joseph HOPKINS died in Wheatland Twp. on June 17, 1850, while on a visit to his children. He was 58 years old.
Sanford HOPKINS spent his boyhood on the farm where at an early age he was taught to make himself useful. His education was chiefly carried on during the winter season. Upon reaching his majority he started overland for the Territory of Michigan, arriving in Hillsdale Co. in the fall of 1838. His first business was to secure a tract of land, upon which he settled, and of which he is still the owner.
His next important step was to marry the estimable Miss Elizabeth MOORE, of Delaware Co., OH, the daughter of Aaron and Hannah (CARNEY) MOORE. Both of her parents had been previously married, each being the parent of seven children. They thus commenced with a family of fourteen, to which were added three more, of whom Elizabeth was the youngest. Mr. MOORE was both a farmer and a shoemaker and spent his entire life in NY State, passing away at the advanced age of 78 years. The mother made her home with her daughter, Mrs. HOPKINS, and died here in 1857 at the age of 81.
Mrs. HOPKINS was born Dec. 16, 1820, near Palmyra, Wayne Co., NY. Her father being in limited circumstances, she commenced working out of the home, earning her own living, during which time she made the acquaintance of her future husband.
Mr. and Mrs HOPKINS have only one child, a daughter, Martha, who is now the wife of Amasa CHANDLER of Somerset, this county, and the mother of two sons, Ludd and Jay. Ludd, who was reared by his grandfather, married Miss Ida ALDRICH of Somerset, and at present is operating his grandfather's farm. Jay lives with his father at Somerset where he married Miss Amanda McCURDY and is the father of one child.
Mr. HOPKINS, in 1860, was elected Supervisor of Somerset Twp., which office he held for 10 years. Previous to that time he had served as Highway Commissioner for a number of years. He always maintained a lively interest in the various enterprises which resulted from the setting up of the county, served as Director of the Farmer's Insurance Co. and also on the committees of the county fair for many years. During the late Rebellion he was eminently useful in gathering together needed supplies for the soldiery. He holds the title deed to four farms, one of which he has presented to his grandson. At one time he owned 600 acres, mostly in Somerset Twp. The farm given his grandson was 150 acres. Our subject has given to his half-brother and grandchildren over $11,000 to date.
Compendium of History and Biography of Hillsdale County Michigan. Chicago: AW Bowen & Co 2 Parts - Fully Historical and Largely Biographical (1903) page 450.
The late Sanford D. HOPKINS, whose useful and inspiring life ended on August 7, 1897, at the advanced age of eighty years, was a native of Genesee county, New York, born on January 9, 1817. He was the eldest child of Joseph and Cloenda (BLAIR) HOPKINS, the former born and reared in New Hampshire and the latter in Vermont, where her marriage occurred, from whence, also, soon afterward they migrated to Genesee county, New York, where the mother died in 1825, leaving three children, all now deceased, except a daughter who lives in California.
Their son, Sanford D. HOPKINS, passed his boyhood on the farm where he early began to acquire habits of useful industry and thrift. His education was secured at the country schools during the winter months, and, when. he reached his majority, he began to look toward the far West, as it then existed, as the place of his future home and opportunity for a career. Soon afterward he came to Michigan, arriving in Hillsdale county in the fall of 1838.
He entered a tract of government land, which remained in his possession until his death, and, in 1839, he was united in marriage with Miss Elizabeth MOORE, the youngest child of Aaron and Hannah (CARNEY) MOORE, who was born on December 16, 1820, near Palmyra, New York.
Before their marriage her father was a widower and her mother a widow, each having seven children when their wedding occurred. Their union resulted in three more, so that there was no dearth of either companionship or work in the paternal household, the atmosphere surrounding Mrs. HOPKINS from her childhood being ever one of industry and unyielding duty. Early in life, she was obliged, by the limited circumstances family, to work out from home and earn her own living, and it was during her fidelity in this service that she met her future husband.
Mr. HOPKINS was a man of public spirit and enterprise, who always gave active and servicable support to every commendable undertaking for the good of the community. He served a number of years as highway commissioner and in 1860, was elected supervisor of Somerset township. For a period of ten years thereafter he held this important office, administering its affairs with credit to himself and to the advantage of the township.
In 1874 he was again spoken of for the position, but he withdrew from the caucus of his party in order that another man might be selected. He was a director of the Farmes' Insurance Co., and he was also for many years on the managing committee of the county fair. During the Civil War he was very diligent in collecting supplies for the soldiers in the field and in otherwise upholding the cause of the Union. From the organization of the party he was a Republican in political faith and always gave its principles and its candidates an earnest and loyal support. At his death he owned about 700 acres of land and a large amount of property, although he had made liberal distribution to members of his family.
Mr. HOPKINS was a leading man in his in his township, universally respected as a wise counselor, upright and straightforward business man, a far-seeing and progressive citizen, a moral force of great and lasting value. Mr. and Mrs. Hopkins were the parents of one child, their daughter Martha, now the wife of Amasa CHANDLER in Somerset, in this county.
Compendium of History and Biography of Hillsdale County Michigan. Chicago: AW Bowen & Co 2 Parts - Fully Historical and Largely Biographical (1903) page 271.
Born and reared on the farm which is now his home, which is also the product, in its highly developed and well-improved conditition of the diligent and well-applied labor and good judgment of three generations of his family. Frederick J. HOWARD, of Allen township, in this county, is altogether a product and a representative of the section in which he lives, a fine type of the best character of southern Michigan farmers.
He was born on the paternal homestead on October 2,1863, the son of Barnard and Annetta (JEFFERSON) HOWARD, the former a native of New York and the latter of Ohio. His grandparents, Phineas and Mary HOWARD, came to this county from New York in 1834 and settled on a tract of wild land, which they took upon a government grant, making the trip hither in an ox cart, enduring on the way great privations and weariness, but resolutely pushing on through every difficulty to their desired destination. They found the land without roads or any other convenience, it being a virgin forest, dense with undergrowth, and the region round-about was yet full of Indians and wild beasts.
They erected a little log shanty and went to work to clear the land and make it habitable and fruitful. The head of the house had been a soldier in the War of 1812, also a pioneer farmer of his native state, and both himself and wife were inured to the hardships of frontier life, as well as skilled in providing for its necessities and guarding against its dangers.
In time the shanty was supplanted by a comfortable log residence supplemented with good outbuildings, and the land was smiling with a rude but substantial abundance of the proper fruits of diligent husbandry. In time also they rested from their labors, the work of development and improvement being taken up by their son, Barnard, and his wife, and carried forward on the same plan of steady and' systematic progress which had already marked its course.
The grandparents died on the farm, the grandfather in 1873 the grandmother in 1868, and the new family consisting of the mother of Frederick HOWARD (the father having died in 1870) his two sisters and himself, were left as occupants of the homestead, since which time it has been conducted under the active and careful personal management of Frederick J. himself. The mother is now living in the village of Allen with one of her daughters.
Frederick J. HOWARD was educated in the schools of the vicinity, and, as soon as he was able, he began to make himself useful on the farm, and to this industry he has given the energies and capacities of his life up to this time.
In 1886 he was married to Miss Belle POMEROY, a daughter of Jesse and Rosamond (WRIGHT) POMEROY, a sketch of whom appears elsewhere in this volume. Mr. and Mrs. Howard have one child, their only son, Barnard B. HOWARD. Mr. HOWARD is a Republican in politics, but is not an active partisan. He is a Knight of the Maccabees and gives the affairs of the order due attention. But his chief ambition has been to be a good farmer, and to show the fact in his work and in the condition of his farm. In this desire he has fully succeeded, for he is considered one of the best farmers in the county, and his land is among the best cultivated and most highly improved tracts in this portion of the state.
From the Portrait & Biographical Album of Hillsdale, MI. 1888, p.902.
Labon A. HOWARD, MD, one of the most popular men of Litchfield and thoroughly successful as a physician and surgeon, came to this county with his father when a lad of 12 years and has made it his home ever since. He was born in Livingston Co., NY, Sept 22, 1841, the second child of Labon and Jane (WITTER) Howard. Jane was the second wife of the elder Labon. They were the parents of four children, 3 sons and one daughter; one son died in infancy and our
subject and his sister are both residents of Hillsdale Co.
The younger Labon, when an infant, was taken by his parents to Avon, NY, where he spent his earliest days and began his education at the village school in Perry Center. His studies were continued in the schools of Allen Twp., this county, and completed in the Union School at Jonesville where he attended several terms. Subsequently he did farm work in the summer and taught school during the winter terms for a period of six years. At that time he determined to enter the medical profession and, therefore, went into the office of Dr. E. M. Shaw of Allen Village, where he read medicine for ten months. In August 1864 he enlisted in the army as Hospital Steward with the 4th Mich. Infantry. He took his books with him and studied at every opportunity and also gained much practical benefit from his daily experience. At the end of nine months, he was promoted to the post of Assistant Surgeon of the 3! rd Mich. Infantry and continued at that post until the end of the war. The month of June 1866 found Dr. Howard on the plains of Texas where, with the 4th Mich. Inf., he marched 30 miles without water. During this march, forty men were felled by sunstroke for want of water. The expedition was undertaken after Lee's surrender, Gen. Kirby Smith still holding out in Texas. In the fall of 1866, Dr. Howard returned home, entered the Eclectic Medical College of Cincinnati, OH, and was graduated with the class of 1867. In June 1867 he commenced his practice in Litchfield where he is still serving today.
Dr. Howard was married May 10, 1868, to Miss Carrie E. STILLWELL, also of Litchfield. She was born April 19, 1859*, in Scipio Twp. She attended the Union School in Jonesville, spent several terms at Hillsdale College and taught a year before her marriage. Her father was born in Sparta, Livingston Co., NY, and came to this county during its pioneer days where he was, in due time, owner of a good farm. Later he went to California and there was accidentally killed by a runaway team, in 1885. Her mother, born Miss Cornelia C. CULVER, was also a native of the Empire State and is still living in Litchfield, now (1888) being 65 years of age. Their family of five children included 3 sons and 2 daughters.
*This date must be wrong but that is what it says.
The father of Dr. Howard was born in Livonia, Livingston Co., and the mother, Jane Witter, in LaGrange, Wyoming Co., NY. After marriage they settled in Livingston Co. where the elder Howard farmed until 1843 when he removed to LaGrange and ran a hotel for two years. He next purchased a farm near Avon and, two years later, took up residence in Perry, where he remained until 1854 when he came to Hillsdale Co. The mother died in 1848 at the age of 27 years. The father died in 1868 in Allen Village, this county, at the age of 68. Early in life he was a member of the Whig party and later affiliated with the Republicans. He held several township offices over the years. The elder Howard was married three times: first to Miss Mary SHEPARD who died leaving one child, a daughter, now also deceased; second to Miss Mary J. Witter, the mother of our subject; and third to Mrs. Mary Anna ROGERS! who bore him five children, four of whom now live in Hillsdale Co.
Dr. and Mrs. Howard were the parents of four sons of whom Loie died when two years old. The remaining three are Clifford G., 15, Walton W., 13 and Harry W., 6 years of age. The older boys attend the Union School in Litchfield and are members of the class of 1890. Dr. and Mrs. Howard belong to the Baptist Church in Litchfield in which our subject officiates as Trustee and has been Sunday School Superintendent for 8 to 10 years. He is a supporter of the Temperance
Dr. Howard is connected with the state Eclectic Medical and Surgical Association, of which he was at one time President. He was also Medical Director of the State G. A. R. for one year and the Post at Litchfield was organized mainly through his efforts, in 1884. He was the first Post Commander and has regularly been elected each year since. He was President of the Village Board for four years. His practice covers a good portion of the northwestern quarter of Hillsdale Co. His home on Chicago Street is indicative of cultured tastes and ample means.
submitted by
Katherine Paty
Tempe, AZ
Compendium of history and biography of Hillsdale County, Michigan / Elon G. Reynolds, editor. Chicago, [Ill.] : A.W. Bowen, [1903] page 421
Charles P. HULCE was born 14 Aug 1867 in Walworth County, Wisconsin. His parents were Elisha and Alice L. PARKYN HULCE, both from New York. Elisha and family migrated to Wisconsin around 1857, where he died in 1893. The family is of German origin. Elisha and Alice had two sons and 1 daughter; Charles is the only one living in Michigan. Alice is now [1903] living in the city of Hillsdale.
Charles received a good education, finishing prep courses at the Whitewater WI Normal School. He taught in that area until 1887, and then entered the prep department of Hillsdale College. He graduated in 1895, then attended Ann Arbor University and graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in 1897.
Charles became the principal of Redridge school in Houghton county that year, and became the superintendent of schools at St. Ignace the next year. The following year he taught at Arcadian Mine in Houghton county, then was appointed to replace the commissioner of schools W.H. FRENCH [presumably in Hillsdale County].
Charles married Miss Grace S. HALL in October of 1901. Grace was a native of Michigan, living in Union, Cass County at the time. As of 1903, they had one daughter, Alice Mary.
From the Portrait & Biographical Album of Hillsdale Co., Mich., 1888, p.347.
Alexander HUSTON is a successful farmer and stock-raiser on section 28, Cambria Twp. His farm has been in his possession for over twelve years and comprises 100 acres of land, well stocked with sheep, cattle and horses, the latter being of a first class breed.
Alexander is a native of Shelby Twp., Richland Co., OH, born 6/3/1842, the youngest of the three children born of his father's two marriages. His father is now living in retirement in the village of Cambria.
When Alexander was about four years old, the family moved to Williams Co., OH where he was reared and educated.
Alexander early established a home for himself in Williams Co. when he was married to Letticia ERVIN on 6/7/1866. She was the daughter of Armstrong and Mary A. (MOUREY) Ervin who are now living in West Unity Village, Williams Co., in retirement from the active duties of farming.
They are natives, respectively, of OH and PA, married in Wayne Co., OH, and later settled in Crawford Co., OH, where Letticia was born 12/22/1845. She was eight years old when they removed to Williams Co., where she was reared and educated. The Ervins had four sons and five daughters of whom two sons and three daughters are now (1888) living. Letticia was the fifth child.
Letticia and Alexander had one son, John W., born 8/23/1873.
After their marriage Alexander and Letticia continued to live in OH for some years where he was actively engaged in farming. Subsequently, they moved across the border into Mich. and have since been residents of Cambria Twp. where they enjoy the esteem and friendship of the entire community.
In politics, Mr. Huston is a true Democrat and loses no opportunity to use his influence for the benefit of the party.
Portrait & Biographical Album of Hillsdale County Michigan 1888, Chapman Bros. p 347
[NOTE: The following is an extract of the original sketch]
Alexander HUSTON was b. 3 Jun 1842, in Shelby Twp., Richland Co., OH. His parents were James and Nancy (CLINE) HUSTON.
Alex grew up in Williams Co., OH, where he met and married Letticia ERVIN on 7 Jun 1866. She was the daughter of Armstrong and Mary A. (MOURY) ERVIN, who now (1888) live in West Unity Village, OH. The parents were natives of OH and PA respectively, and marr. in Wayne Co., OH.
Letticia was born 22 Dec 1845 in Crawford Co., OH. In 1854, Letticia's family moved to Williams Co., OH. Letticia was one of five daus. and four sons (not named).
Letticia and Alex had one child, John W. HUSTON, born 23 Oct 1873. Their farm was on 100 acres of section 28 of Cambria Twp., Hillsdale Co.
There is an article about Alex's father, James HUSTON, on page 609.
From the Portrait & Biographical Album of Hillsdale Co., Mich., 1888, p.609.
James HUSTON, a retired farmer living in the village of Cambria, has for several years been a resident of Hillsdale Co.
He was born in Cumberland Co., MD, 2/16/1808. When he was four years old the family moved to Columbiana Co., OH. His parents were Alexander and Elizabeth (GRATE) Huston.
They were married in PA where, it is thought, the father was born. It is supposed that the mother was of German birth and came to this country as a small child with her parents.
Alexander Huston was a farmer and still actively engaged thus at the time of his death at a little past middle life. He was an esteemed member of the Baptist Church in Columbiana Co. as was his wife, Elizabeth, who survived her husband by many years, dying in Richland Co., OH, aged 87
Eight children were born to this couple, seven sons and one daughter, James being the youngest. When the family moved to Columbiana Co., in about 1812, it was still a dense wilderness with primeval forests stretching for miles and few signs of civilization. Here James grew to rugged, self-sufficient manhood.
He left the family home to settle in Richland Co., OH, and there married Elizabeth ELLER in 1820. She was the daughter of John Eller, who, with his wife, was an early settler of
Richland Co. and there died. Elizabeth was born in that county and died there in 1837, after only a few years of marriage.
She and James had one son, John, who is now (1888) a prosperous farmer in Cambria. His wife is the former Margaret LOTZENHIZER.
James Huston married second Nancy CLINE, in 1838. She was born in Richland Co. in 1818 and was the daughter of Joseph and Rebecca (GIBNEY) Cline, both natives of PA, the Cline family being of German ancestry.
They were early settlers in Richland Co. and both died there at advanced ages. They were industrious, faithful people, staunch members of the Presbyterian Church. Nancy lived with her parents until her marriage to James.
The couple had two children, Joseph and Alexander. Joseph, now deceased, married Hannah BOYER; Alexander is married to Letticia ERVIN and is a successful farmer in Cambria Twp.
James moved from Richland Co. to Williams Co., OH, where he purchased an unimproved tract of land which he set about developing into a fine farm. He later sold it and bought a mill property. He engaged in the production of flour and lumber and made a good profit for a number of years.
At length he sold out and came to Mich. where he purchased, in 1867, a valuable farm on section 28, Cambria Twp., which his son now owns. Upon retiring from the labors of farming he settled in the village of Cambria where he now lives quietly and comfortably. In politics he has for many years been a strong Democrat.
Previous Biographies submitted by former MIGenWeb Hillsdale County Coordinator, Tracey Morris. Additional Biographies submitted by Katherine Paty.
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