Index of Biographical Sketches

History of Hillsdale County, Michigan with Illustrations and Biographical Sketches of Some of Its Prominent Men and Pioneers; Philadelphia, Everts & Abbott, 1879

This is a list of the people for whom a biographical sketch was published. The book also has many portraits of the people as well as locations and buildings so be sure to check the Table of Contents.

This book, is available online at the University of Michigan Digital Library.

Abbot, Henry K. 327
Aldrich, Seth 238
Allen, Alexander Hewitt 262
Andrus, Chales M. L. 238
Bailey, Harrison 326
Barker, Vining 229
Barnard, William J. 168
Barre, Corvis M. 116
Baxter, Hon. Levi 147
Bettis, Otis 161
Bettis, William J. 161
Brewster, William 213
Brezee, Deacon James 239
Brown, Samuel B. 291
Buck, Isreal 249
Bullock, George W. 116
Bunday, Warner 166
Burt, Thomas, Jr. 293
Burt, Thomas, Sr. 293
Camp, George 294
Canniff, Hon. Stephen 164
Chapman, Hiram B. 325
Clement, Aaron 185
Cole, John 325
Combs, Samuel 197
Cook, Hon. John P. 94
Dickerson, Gen. D. J. 116
Doty, Nelson 292
Doty, Orsamus 292
Edwards, Asa G. btwn 216-217
Emery, Lewis 105
Fairbank, S. Sabin 167
Falley, John W., M.D. 117
Ferrall, Elihu 300
Fowler, Hon. Frederick 328
Freeman, Reuben W. 169
Glasgow, the family 263
Goff, Almon 198
Gray, the family 226
Herring, John 263
Herring, Milton P. 168
Hitchcock, Horace P. 226
Holloway, Col. F. M. 147
Hosmer, Wm. S. 271
Howard, Laban A., M.D. 167
Howland, Gilbert 294
Huff, Furman 227
Hutchings, Thomas 283
Janes, Oscar A. 115
Johnson, Lyman 156
Jones, Joseph J. 218
Kane, Charles 326
Keagle, John H. 186
Kirby, William 228
LaFleur, Asher B. 115
Linsday, James B. 168
Loutsenhizer, Henry 300
Luce, Hon. Charles D. 282
Mallory, Azariah 250
Mann, Horton btwn 162-163
McClellan, Augustus G. 299
McConnell, William 265
McDougal, Andrew btwn 234-235
McGee, Harvey 199
McGregor, Robert 241
McNabb, Daniel 249
McNeal, Seth D. 148
Mercer, William 240
Miner, James H. 186
Mosher, Oliver E. 239
O'Hanlon, Thomas 262
Osborn, Hon. John M. 185
Osius, Charles P. 149
Pearce, Abner W. 271
Perrin, John 187
Pittsford, Samuel Day btwn 184-185
Powers, Oliver T. 293
Pratt, Daniel L. 114
Pratt, Henry M. 215
Pratt, W. H. 215
Riblet, Samuel 164
Roberts, Lemuel 228
Robins, Thomas 200
Roode, L. P. 264
Rorabacher, Miles, M.D. 166
Rowley, Horatio N. 250
Rowley, Nelson R. 199
Rowlson, Harvey B. 108
Sarles, Garry 218
Sawyer, Robert B. 213
Schmitt, Nicholas 227
Scipio, Charles Mosher 155
Shepard, Benjamin P. 115
Slocum, Albert B. 199
Smith, Isaac 157
Southworth, A. D. 327
Southworth, Roscius 264
Stevens, Samuel 229
Steward, Dr. John W. 197
Stoddard, Gideon 165
Stoddard, Hon. William 165
Valentine, James 165
Van Fleet, Wm. S. 214
Vanaken, Levi 230
Waldron, Hon. Henry 114
Weir, Robert A. 116
Whelan, Arvin F., M.D. 118
Whitney, Jonathan W. 265
Wigent, Andrew J. 310
Wilcox, James N. 212
Williams, Zebulon 191
Wood, Seth 198
Wright, William 227

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