1850 Census Index: Hillsdale County Michigan

This page is an index to the 1850 Hillsdale County Michigan Census transcription for the following townships:
Adams, Amboy, Cambria, Camden, Fayette, Jefferson, Litchfield, Moscow, Pittsford, Reading, Scipio, Somerset, Wheatland Woodbridge, and Wright.

Use the link next to the name to go to the actual scanned census pages (generously provided by S-K Publications), then use the line number to locate the person.

HANCHETT       Maria                  1      Michigan        Ransom         344B     12
HANCHETT       Sally                 20      New York        Ransom         344B     11
HANCHETT       Thomas                26      Ohio            Ransom         344B     10
HANCOCK        Albert                 7      Michigan        Cambria        390A     26
HANCOCK        Charles E.             1      Michigan        Cambria        390A     28
HANCOCK        Ellen C.               5      Michigan        Cambria        390A     27
HANCOCK        Jacob A.              18      New York        Cambria        390A     22
HANCOCK        Jacob S.              40      New Jersey      Cambria        390A     20
HANCOCK        Jane                  42      New York        Cambria        390A     21
HANCOCK        John                  10      Michigan        Cambria        390A     25
HANCOCK        Mary E.               12      New York        Cambria        390A     24
HANCOCK        Oscar                 15      New York        Cambria        390A     23
HANFORD        Amy C.                30      New York        Litchfield     429B     29
HANFORD        Levi                  30      New York        Litchfield     429B     28
HANFORD        Thomas                 6      New York        Litchfield     429B     30
HANNIBAL       Asahel B.             19      New York        Jefferson      381B     9
HANNIBAL       Benjamin  B           12      New York        Jefferson      381B     12
HANNIBAL       Charles N.            21      New York        Jefferson      381B     13
HANNIBAL       Dorris                51      New York        Jefferson      381B     7
HANNIBAL       Fanny                 17      New York        Jefferson      381B     10
HANNIBAL       Mayr I                15      New York        Jefferson      381B     11
HANNIBAL       Melinda               51      Massachusetts   Jefferson      381B     8
HANSON         William               31      England         Cambria        391A     17
HARDING        Mary E.               57      England         Scipio         444B     11
HARDING        Phillip               65      England         Scipio         444B     10
HARDY          Martha L               9      New York        Somerset       495B     15
HARDY          Nicholas              18      New York        Somerset       495B     14
HARKELL        Edward                30      England         Scipio         440A     21
HARKNESS       Amos                  59      Vermont         Jefferson      379B     28
HARKNESS       Arad                   7      Ohio            Jefferson      379B     30
HARKNESS       Martha                41      Pennsylvania    Jefferson      379B     29
HAROON         Dennison S.            1      Michigan        Litchfield     418A     32
HAROON         Sylvia                25      Massachusetts   Litchfield     418A     31
HARRIS         Adelia                 7      **              Fayette        528A     4
HARRIS         Alice                  3      O               Wright         354A     3
HARRIS         Barnard               12      Massachusetts   Litchfield     418A     18
HARRIS         Calib                 18      O               Wright         353B     41
HARRIS         Charles                9      Michigan        Wheatland      487B     15
HARRIS         Daniel                35      New York        Wheatland      487B     13
HARRIS         David                 52      Pennsylvania    Wright         353B     39
HARRIS         Elizabeth             46      Pennsylvania    Wright         353B     40
HARRIS         Hannah                 6      O               Wright         354A     2
HARRIS         Joana                  7      Michigan        Litchfield     418A     19
HARRIS         Job W.                15      O               Wright         353B     42
HARRIS         Margaret              34      Nova Scotia     Litchfield     418A     16
HARRIS         Mary                  23      New York        Fayette        528A     1
HARRIS         Mary                  52      Delaware        Fayette        527B     42
HARRIS         Michael               46      Ireland         Litchfield     418A     15
HARRIS         Michael Jr            14      Massachusetts   Litchfield     418A     17
HARRIS         Naomi                 32      New York        Wheatland      487B     14
HARRIS         Peter                  6      Michigan        Litchfield     418A     20
HARRIS         Rachel A.              5      Michigan        Wheatland      487B     16
HARRIS         Richard               17      Michigan        Fayette        528A     3
HARRIS         Rosana                19      New York        Fayette        528A     2
HARRIS         Sarah E.               8      O               Wright         354A     1
HARRIS         William                2      Michigan        Litchfield     418A     21
HARRISON       William               24      O               Wright         352A     21
HARTMAN        Albert                 4      Massachusetts   Moscow         453B     8
HARTMAN        Benjamin               3      Massachusetts   Moscow         453B     9
HARTMAN        Elizabeth             13      Connecticut     Moscow         453B     5
HARTMAN        Elizabeth             33      Ireland         Moscow         453B     3
HARTMAN        Ellen                 10      Connecticut     Moscow         453B     6
HARTMAN        George                 7      Massachusetts   Moscow         453B     7
HARTMAN        Louisa                15      Connecticut     Moscow         453B     4
HARTWELL       Mary J                18      New York        Camden         329B     16
HARTWELL       Orville               23      New York        Camden         329B     15
HASFORD        Ann A.                 3      New York        Wheatland      477A     42
HASFORD        Charles                6      New York        Wheatland      477A     41
HASFORD        John                  14      Michigan        Wheatland      477A     38
HASFORD        John B.               38      New York        Wheatland      477A     36
HASFORD        Julia                  9      New York        Wheatland      477A     40
HASFORD        Louisa                12      New York        Wheatland      477A     39
HASFORD        Mary                  30      Canada          Wheatland      477A     37
HASTINGS       Charlotte             55      Massachusetts   Scipio         442B     19
HASTINGS       George E.             11      Michigan        Scipio         442B     24
HASTINGS       Gera                  55      New York        Scipio         442B     18
HASTINGS       John N.               31      New York        Scipio         442B     22
HASTINGS       Rachel C.             19      New York        Scipio         442B     23
HATHAWAY       Gilbert               15      New York        Wheatland      479B     39
HATHAWAY       Henry                 25      Vermont         Somerset       489A     22
HATHAWAY       William N.            19      New York        Litchfield     429B     23
HAUGHLAND      Sarah                 17      O               Fayette        523B     20
HAUGHLAND      Sophrona              21      O               Fayette        523B     19
HAVENER        Charles               28      Maryland        Moscow         457A     7
HAVENER        Jacob                 60      Germany         Moscow         457A     8
HAVENS         Amanda S.              4      Michigan        Wheatland      487B     25
HAVENS         Asenath               46      Canada          Wheatland      487B     18
HAVENS         Clarissa I.            6      Michigan        Wheatland      487B     24
HAVENS         David                 22      New York        Adams          466b     42
HAVENS         Ellen M.              14      New York        Wheatland      487B     21
HAVENS         Hiram                 28      New York        Wright         352B     38
HAVENS         Irene                 20      O               Wright         352B     39
HAVENS         James G.              46      New Jersey      Wheatland      487B     17
HAVENS         Joseph J.             18      New York        Wheatland      487B     19
HAVENS         Lucy                  17      New York        Adams          467a     1
HAVENS         Mary J.               10      Michigan        Wheatland      487B     22
HAVENS         Rial W.                8      Michigan        Wheatland      487B     23
HAVENS         Ruth A.              3/12     Michigan        Wright         352B     41
HAVENS         Samuel N.             16      New York        Wheatland      487B     20
HAVENS         Sarah                 21      New York        Pittsford      364b     19
HAVENS         Silas D.               3      Michigan        Wright         352B     40
HAVINS         Andrew                21      New York        Somerset       490B     12
HAVINS         Eliza                 14      New York        Somerset       490B     16
HAVINS         Franklin              18      New York        Somerset       490B     14
HAVINS         Hannah                13      New York        Somerset       490B     17
HAVINS         Hannah                42      New York        Somerset       490B     11
HAVINS         Horace                20      New York        Somerset       490B     13
HAVINS         Peter                 41      New York        Somerset       490B     10
HAVINS         Phebe                 17      New York        Somerset       490B     15
HAWKINS        Ira                    5      Michigan        Litchfield     426B     31
HAWKINS        Louisa                32      New York        Litchfield     426B     28
HAWKINS        Lydia                  7      Michigan        Litchfield     426B     30
HAWKINS        Richard                9      Michigan        Litchfield     426B     29
HAWKINS        Sarah                  2      Michigan        Litchfield     426B     32
HAWKINS        Wesley                45      England         Litchfield     426B     27
HAWKS          Daniel                35      Ireland         Litchfield     425B     28
HAWKS          Henrietta            9/12     Michigan        Litchfield     425B     30
HAWKS          Mary                  37      England         Litchfield     425B     29
HAWLEY         Adaline                4      Michigan        Moscow         456A     13
HAWLEY         Adaline                6      Michigan        Somerset       493A     27
HAWLEY         Andrew                15      New York        Moscow         450B     35
HAWLEY         Benjamin              38      Vermont         Moscow         456A     11
HAWLEY         Benjamin F.            2      Michigan        Moscow         456A     14
HAWLEY         Catharine              2      New York        Moscow         450B     42
HAWLEY         Cornelius              4      New York        Moscow         450B     41
HAWLEY         Edward                10      New York        Moscow         450B     38
HAWLEY         Elizabeth              6      New York        Moscow         450B     40
HAWLEY         Henry                  8      New York        Moscow         450B     39
HAWLEY         James                 12      New York        Moscow         450B     37
HAWLEY         James                 42      New York        Moscow         450B     33
HAWLEY         John                  13      New York        Moscow         450B     36
HAWLEY         Lydia A.              24      New York        Moscow         456A     12
HAWLEY         Mary                  38      Scotland        Moscow         450B     34
HAWLEY         Mary M                 7      Michigan        Somerset       493A     26
HAWLEY         Milo D                32      Connecticut     Somerset       493A     24
HAWLEY         Pamelia                4      Michigan        Somerset       493A     28
HAWLEY         Paulina               27      New York        Somerset       493A     25
HAYNES         Ada M                 19      Michigan        Somerset       495B     28
HAYNES         David C               17      Michigan        Somerset       495B     29
HAYNES         Elvira E               1      Michigan        Somerset       495B     36
HAYNES         Frances E              4      Michigan        Somerset       495B     35
HAYNES         Highly F               9      Michigan        Somerset       495B     33
HAYNES         Hiram                 44      New York        Wheatland      476A     16
HAYNES         Joel D.                6      Michigan        Litchfield     427B     30
HAYNES         Jonathan              47      New York        Somerset       495B     25
HAYNES         Louisa C              46      New York        Somerset       495B     26
HAYNES         Nancy A                6      Michigan        Somerset       495B     34
HAYNES         Nathaniel K           12      Michigan        Somerset       495B     31
HAYNES         Orlando               17      New York        Wheatland      476A     18
HAYNES         Philinda              49      Massachusetts   Litchfield     427B     29
HAYNES         Sara L                11      Michigan        Somerset       495B     32
HAYNES         Sarah                 43      New York        Wheatland      476A     17
HAYNES         Susan E               20      New York        Somerset       495B     27
HAYNES         William N             15      Michigan        Somerset       495B     30
HAZEN          Anna                  59      New York        Litchfield     419A     26
HAZEN          Caroline              41      Massachusetts   Moscow         447A     36
HAZEN          George S.             15      New York        Moscow         447A     38
HAZEN          Henry D.              30      New York        Litchfield     419A     27
HAZEN          John F.               17      New York        Moscow         447A     37
HAZEN          Mary A.                9      Michigan        Moscow         447A     40
HAZEN          Paul W.               62      New Hampshire   Litchfield     419A     25
HAZEN          Thomas L.             47      Massachusetts   Moscow         447A     35
HAZEN          William H.            10      Michigan        Moscow         447A     39

This information is made available to the public for non-commercial purposes.
Copyright © 1999-2002 Tracey Morris

This page was last updated Thursday, 17-Oct-2013 07:27:27 MDT

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