1850 Census Index: Hillsdale County Michigan

This page is an index to the 1850 Hillsdale County Michigan Census transcription for the following townships:
Adams, Amboy, Cambria, Camden, Fayette, Jefferson, Litchfield, Moscow, Pittsford, Reading, Scipio, Somerset, Wheatland Woodbridge, and Wright.

Use the link next to the name to go to the actual scanned census pages (generously provided by S-K Publications), then use the line number to locate the person.

HOACH          Joseph                22      New York        Scipio         440A     4
HOARD          Andrew                10      Ohio            Ransom         344B     34
HOARD          David                  3      Michigan        Ransom         344B     37
HOARD          Esther                12      Indiana         Ransom         344B     33
HOARD          George                24      New York        Jefferson      373A     27
HOARD          Harriet                8      Ohio            Ransom         344B     35
HOARD          Harriet               17      New York        Jefferson      373A     28
HOARD          Justus                44      New York        Ransom         344B     30
HOARD          Luther                26      New York        Somerset       498B     9
HOARD          Maria                 42      New York        Ransom         344B     31
HOARD          Olive                  1      Michigan        Ransom         344B     38
HOARD          Phebe                  6      Ohio            Ransom         344B     36
HOARD          Sarah                 16      Ohio            Ransom         344B     32
HODGES         Addison                8      Michigan        Jefferson      381B     31
HODGES         Alice                  6      Michigan        Jefferson      381B     32
HODGES         Alma                   2      Michigan        Jefferson      381B     34
HODGES         Byron                  4      Michigan        Jefferson      381B     33
HODGES         Israel S.             40      New York        Jefferson      381B     27
HODGES         James H               15      New York        Jefferson      381B     30
HODGES         Pamelia M             39      New York        Jefferson      381B     28
HODGES         Sarah S.              19      New York        Jefferson      381B     29
HOEG           Amanda M.             40      New York        Moscow         447A     42
HOEG           Charlotte             14      Michigan        Moscow         447B     1
HOEG           Diana                 39      New York        Woodbridge     336A     8
HOEG           Eliza                  3      Michigan        Moscow         447B     4
HOEG           Isaac                 42      Vermont         Woodbridge     336A     7
HOEG           Mary                   7      Michigan        Moscow         447B     3
HOEG           Velorious             39      New York        Moscow         447A     41
HOEG           William               12      Michigan        Moscow         447B     2
HOFFMAN        Ann M.               3/12     Michigan        Wright         351B     41
HOFFMAN        Charles                5      O               Wright         351B     39
HOFFMAN        Eliza A                7      O               Wright         351B     38
HOFFMAN        Elizabeth             27      O               Wright         351B     36
HOFFMAN        James                  9      O               Wright         351B     37
HOFFMAN        Peter                  3      O               Wright         351B     40
HOFFMAN        Peter                 32      Germany         Wright         351B     35
HOGABONE       Betsey                43      Canada          Pittsford      368b     16
HOGABONE       Harriet L,            17      Canada          Pittsford      368b     18
HOGABONE       James I               19      Canada          Pittsford      368b     17
HOGABONE       John C                43      New York        Pittsford      368b     15
HOGALAND       Ferdinand             18      O               Scipio         440A     41
HOISINGTON     Ephriam               54      Vermont         Woodbridge     335A     1
HOISINGTON     Hiram                 11      Michigan        Woodbridge     335A     4
HOISINGTON     John                   7      Michigan        Woodbridge     335A     5
HOISINGTON     Laura                 54      Connecticut     Woodbridge     335A     2
HOISINGTON     Lucinda A              1      Michigan        Woodbridge     335A     6
HOISINGTON     Sarah                 13      Michigan        Woodbridge     335A     3
HOLCOMB        Ann                   11      [not recorded]  Adams          469a     12
HOLCOMB        Benjamin B            31      New York        Camden         325B     23
HOLCOMB        George W              20      New York        Camden         325B     28
HOLCOMB        Hannah                56      Rhode Island    Camden         325B     27
HOLCOMB        James                 58      Connecticut     Camden         325B     26
HOLCOMB        James                 22      England         Adams          469b     38
HOLCOMB        Jerome B               3      Michigan        Camden         325B     25
HOLCOMB        John                  19      [not recorded]  Adams          469a     10
HOLCOMB        John                  49      England         Adams          469a     8
HOLCOMB        Mary                  49      [not recorded]  Adams          469a     9
HOLCOMB        Mary J.                2      Michigan        Adams          469b     40
HOLCOMB        Roxcena               16      New York        Camden         325B     29
HOLCOMB        Sarah A.              23      New York        Adams          469b     39
HOLCOMB        Sarah S.              30      New York        Camden         325B     24
HOLCOMB        William               16      [not recorded]  Adams          469a     11
HOLDDRIDGE     Harrison              12      [not recorded]  Reading        402a     6
HOLDDRIDGE     Henry                 48      [not recorded]  Reading        402a     4
HOLDDRIDGE     Mahala                40      [not recorded]  Reading        402a     5
HOLDEN         Clarissa F.          6/12     Michigan        Jefferson      379B     40
HOLDEN         Maria                 23      New York        Jefferson      379B     39
HOLDEN         Orrin                 30      Vermont         Jefferson      379B     38
HOLDRIDGE      Henry J.               5      Michigan        Wheatland      479A     42
HOLDRIDGE      Hernan C.              7      Michigan        Wheatland      479A     41
HOLDRIDGE      James H.               1      Michigan        Wheatland      479B     2
HOLDRIDGE      Julia                 31      O               Wheatland      479A     39
HOLDRIDGE      Lyman B.               9      Michigan        Wheatland      479A     40
HOLDRIDGE      Mary J.                3      Michigan        Wheatland      479B     1
HOLDRIDGE      Richard               31      New York        Wheatland      479A     38
HOLKINS        Horace P.             33      Massachusetts   Adams          467b     21
HOLKINS        Richard J.           1/12     Michigan        Adams          467b     23
HOLKINS        Triphena              23      New York        Adams          467b     22
HOLLAND        Caroline               6      New York        Scipio         437A     17
HOLLAND        Catharine              4      Michigan        Wright         353A     29
HOLLAND        Elisha                29      New York        Scipio         437A     15
HOLLAND        Elizabeth             22      New York        Wright         353A     28
HOLLAND        George W.              4      Michigan        Scipio         437A     18
HOLLAND        James                  2      Michigan        Wright         353A     30
HOLLAND        Julia                 29      New York        Scipio         437A     16
HOLLAND        Mary E.                3      Michigan        Scipio         437A     19
HOLLAND        Michael               42      Ireland         Wright         353A     27
HOLLAND        Richard                2      Michigan        Scipio         437A     20
HOLLEY         Elenor                62      New Jersey      Wright         352B     17
HOLLEY         George                64      New York        Wright         352B     16
HOLLEY         John A.               40      New York        Wright         352B     18
HOLMES         Leonidas              14      New York        Moscow         450A     30
HOLMES         Morgan                 7      Michigan        Moscow         450A     13
HOLMES         Nancy                  9      Michigan        Somerset       489A     4
HOLT           Celestia A.            2      Michigan        Wheatland      486B     33
HOLT           Emily L.              28      New York        Wheatland      486B     32
HOLT           Lyman J.              29      New York        Wheatland      486B     31
HOLT           Mary J.               11      Michigan        Litchfield     427B     34
HOLTON         George                 5      Michigan        Adams          464b     42
HOMLL          Alma                   1      Michigan        Pittsford      366a     32
HOMLL          Armilla                5      Michigan        Pittsford      366a     30
HOMLL          Elvira                 3      Michigan        Pittsford      366a     31
HOMLL          Emily                 36      Connecticut     Pittsford      366a     27
HOMLL          James P               38      New York        Pittsford      366a     26
HOMLL          Mary                   9      Michigan        Pittsford      366a     28
HOMLL          Walter                 7      Michigan        Pittsford      366a     29
HONK           Fayette               17      New York        Pittsford      359a     14
HOOD           Elizabeth             13      New York        Moscow         450A     5
HOOD           John                  17      New York        Moscow         450A     4
HOPKINS        Anna                  30      New York        Adams          470a     36
HOPKINS        Charlotte O.          18      Michigan        Litchfield     425A     28
HOPKINS        Elizabeth             29      New York        Somerset       490B     37
HOPKINS        Flora                 46      Vermont         Litchfield     425A     27
HOPKINS        Martha                 8      Michigan        Somerset       490B     38
HOPKINS        Philander             49      Vermont         Adams          470a     35
HOPKINS        Safford               53      Vermont         Litchfield     425A     26
HOPKINS        Sanford D             33      New York        Somerset       490B     36
HORTON         Fernando              27      New York        Woodbridge     333A     28
HORTON         Minerva A              6      Michigan        Woodbridge     333A     30
HORTON         Ruth                  26      New York        Woodbridge     333A     29
HOSFORD        David                 39      New York        Reading        402b     22
HOSFORD        Isabel                 3      Michigan        Reading        402b     24
HOSFORD        Roswell               46      New York        Cambria        385A     23
HOSFORD        Samuel O.             17      New York        Cambria        385A     25
HOSFORD        Sarah                 46      New York        Cambria        385A     24
HOSFORD        Thankful              40      Massachusetts   Reading        402b     23
HOSMER         Alma                  35      New York        Fayette        520A     28
HOSMER         Caleb                 43      Vermont         Fayette        527A     20
HOSMER         Daniel B              12      New York        Fayette        527A     22
HOSMER         Diana                 29      Vermont         Fayette        527A     21
HOSMER         Emile                 19      New York        Fayette        520A     29
HOSMER         Henry L                6      New York        Fayette        527A     23
HOSMER         Hiram                  7      New York        Fayette        520A     30
HOSMER         Lorenzo C              4      Michigan        Fayette        527A     24
HOSMER         Mary                   4      Michigan        Fayette        520A     31
HOSMER         Rufus                  1      Michigan        Fayette        527A     25
HOSMER         William S             41      Vermont         Fayette        520A     27

This information is made available to the public for non-commercial purposes.
Copyright © 1999-2002 Tracey Morris

This page was last updated Thursday, 17-Oct-2013 07:27:30 MDT

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