1850 Census Index: Hillsdale County Michigan

This page is an index to the 1850 Hillsdale County Michigan Census transcription for the following townships:
Adams, Amboy, Cambria, Camden, Fayette, Jefferson, Litchfield, Moscow, Pittsford, Reading, Scipio, Somerset, Wheatland Woodbridge, and Wright.

Use the link next to the name to go to the actual scanned census pages (generously provided by S-K Publications), then use the line number to locate the person.

MC CARTNEY     John                   7      Michigan        Woodbridge     334A     19
MC CARTNEY     Louis                  5      Michigan        Woodbridge     334A     20
MC CARTNEY     Pamelia               12      Michigan        Woodbridge     334A     17
MC CARTNEY     Patrick               40      New York        Woodbridge     334A     15
MC CARTNEY     Sarah                 13      Michigan        Woodbridge     334A     16
MC CARTNEY     William W              9      Michigan        Woodbridge     334A     18
MC CARTY       Arzella               36      New York        Camden         324B     23
MC CARTY       Harvey E               3      Indiana         Camden         324B     28
MC CARTY       Julia Ann             17      O               Camden         324B     24
MC CARTY       Mary M                11      O               Camden         324B     26
MC CARTY       Morgan                37      New York        Camden         324B     22
MC CARTY       Morgan E               5      Indiana         Camden         324B     27
MC CARTY       Nancy Jane            13      O               Camden         324B     25
MC COLLUM      Robert L              53      New York        Amboy          338B     12
MCARTHUR       Finley                        New York        Jefferson      373B     37
MCARTHUR       Letta M.                      New York        Jefferson      373B     38
MCBAIN         Abigail               49      New York        Somerset       492A     10
MCBAIN         Ann                   15      Michigan        Somerset       492A     11
MCBAIN         Jasper G              43      New York        Somerset       492A     9
MCCARTY        Alexander             30      New York        Reading        399b     20
MCCARTY        Jeanette              11      New York        Camden         326B     11
MCCARTY        John                  23      New York        Reading        399b     27
MCCARTY        Lucy A.               18      New York        Reading        399b     28
MCCARTY        Perry                 13      New York        Camden         326B     10
MCCARTY        Reva Ann              16      New York        Camden         326B     8
MCCOLL         Daniel                 8      New York        Somerset       489B     11
MCCOLL         Elizabeth             18      New York        Somerset       489B     7
MCCOLL         Elizabeth             49      England         Somerset       489B     5
MCCOLL         James                 24      England         Somerset       489B     6
MCCOLL         John                   6      New York        Somerset       489B     12
MCCOLL         Juliette              12      New York        Somerset       489B     10
MCCOLL         Margaret              14      New York        Somerset       489B     9
MCCOLL         Sarah                 16      New York        Somerset       489B     8
MCCONNEL       Edward                 7      Michigan        Scipio         443A     16
MCCONNEL       Fanny M.               2      Michigan        Scipio         443A     19
MCCONNEL       Hellen                18      New York        Fayette        526B     21
MCCONNEL       Jemima                36      New York        Scipio         443A     14
MCCONNEL       Julia                 14      New York        Scipio         443A     15
MCCONNEL       Lucinda                1      Michigan        Scipio         443A     20
MCCONNEL       Peter                 40      New York        Scipio         443A     13
MCCONNEL       Phillip H.             6      Michigan        Scipio         443A     17
MCCONNEL       Walter                 4      Michigan        Scipio         443A     18
MCCONNELL      Richard               31      Ireland         Jefferson      375B     23
MCCORMICK      Samuel                33      Ireland         Cambria        385B     10
MCCURDY        Barbary               47      New York        Adams          463b     27
MCCURDY        Daniel                45      New Jersey      Wheatland      472A     5
MCCURDY        Isaac                 11      Michigan        Adams          463b     30
MCCURDY        Jacob                 84      Ireland         Wheatland      472A     6
MCCURDY        Janus                 13      Michigan        Adams          463b     29
MCCURDY        John                  51      New Jersey      Wheatland      472A     3
MCCURDY        Luther                 6      Michigan        Adams          463b     31
MCCURDY        Margaret              16      New York        Adams          463b     28
MCCURDY        Maria                 50      New York        Wheatland      472A     4
MCCURDY        Nathaniel             51      New Jersey      Adams          463b     26
MCDERMID       Andrew J.             35      New York        Cambria        386B     1
MCDERMID       Charles C.             6      Wisconsin       Cambria        386B     4
MCDERMID       Ellen E.               8      New York        Cambria        386B     3
MCDERMID       Harriet A.            33      New York        Cambria        386B     2
MCDERMID       John                  40      New York        Cambria        386B     5
MCDOUGAL       Andrew                42      New York        Somerset       497B     8
MCDOUGAL       John                   8      Michigan        Somerset       497B     12
MCDOUGAL       Lucretia              13      New York        Somerset       497B     10
MCDOUGAL       Margaret E             9      Michigan        Somerset       497B     11
MCDOUGAL       Mary                  43      New York        Somerset       497B     9
MCDOWELL       Abigail                2      Michigan        Jefferson      377B     10
MCDOWELL       Aquillus               4      Michigan        Jefferson      377B     8
MCDOWELL       Christiana            55      Pennsylvania    Jefferson      377A     37
MCDOWELL       Daniel                56      Pennsylvania    Jefferson      377A     36
MCDOWELL       Enos                   9      Pennsylvania    Jefferson      377B     6
MCDOWELL       Gaddy                  6      Michigan        Jefferson      377B     7
MCDOWELL       Hannah                15      Pennsylvania    Jefferson      377B     4
MCDOWELL       James                 14      Pennsylvania    Jefferson      377A     42
MCDOWELL       James                 16      Pennsylvania    Jefferson      377B     3
MCDOWELL       John                  18      Pennsylvania    Jefferson      377A     40
MCDOWELL       Margaret              38      Pennsylvania    Jefferson      377B     2
MCDOWELL       Michael               40      Pennsylvania    Jefferson      377B     1
MCDOWELL       Priscilla              4      Michigan        Jefferson      377B     9
MCDOWELL       Rosana                 7      Pennsylvania    Jefferson      377A     39
MCDOWELL       Sarah                 12      Pennsylvania    Jefferson      377A     38
MCDOWELL       Susan                 13      Pennsylvania    Jefferson      377B     5
MCDOWELL       William               14      Pennsylvania    Jefferson      377A     41
MCGEE          George                15      New York        Wheatland      480B     37
MCGEE          Harvey                 2      Michigan        Wheatland      481A     1
MCGEE          Harvey                40      New Jersey      Wheatland      480B     35
MCGEE          Hiram                 13      Michigan        Moscow         446B     22
MCGEE          James                 38      New York        Wright         355A     13
MCGEE          Jane                  13      Michigan        Wheatland      480B     38
MCGEE          Jane                  35      New York        Wright         355A     14
MCGEE          Joel                  11      Michigan        Wheatland      480B     39
MCGEE          John J                 3      Michigan        Wright         355A     15
MCGEE          Laura                  4      Michigan        Wheatland      480B     42
MCGEE          Maria                  9      Michigan        Wheatland      480B     40
MCGEE          Martha                40      New York        Wheatland      480B     36
MCGEE          Mercy                 38      New York        Moscow         446B     21
MCGEE          Myron                  8      Michigan        Wheatland      480B     41
MCGEE          William              7/12     Michigan        Wright         355A     16
MCGREGOR       Eliza                 38      Ireland         Somerset       492B     8
MCGREGOR       Eliza J               18      New York        Somerset       492B     4
MCGREGOR       Henry M               13      New York        Somerset       492B     3
MCGREGOR       John                  37      Ireland         Somerset       492B     7
MCGREGOR       Margaret               6      Michigan        Somerset       492B     10
MCGREGOR       Mary                   6      Michigan        Somerset       492B     5
MCGREGOR       Robert                39      Ireland         Somerset       492B     1
MCGREGOR       Sally                 38      New York        Somerset       492B     2
MCGREGOR       Sophia J               2      Michigan        Somerset       492B     11
MCGREGOR       Thomas                17      New York        Somerset       492B     9
MCGREGOR       William J              2      Michigan        Somerset       492B     6
MCHUGHES       Ann                    7      New Jersey      Moscow         452A     24
MCHUGHES       James                 42      Ireland         Moscow         452A     21
MCHUGHES       James                  9      New Jersey      Moscow         452A     23
MCHUGHES       Jane                   3      Michigan        Moscow         452A     25
MCHUGHES       Jane                  40      Ireland         Moscow         452A     22
MCILWANE       Barbary               27      Ireland         Litchfield     432A     34
MCILWANE       Hanse                 26      Ireland         Litchfield     432A     33
MCKEE          David                 20      Pennsylvania    Moscow         456B     14
MCKERCHER      Catherine E.          10      Michigan        Moscow         446A     28
MCKERCHER      Daniel                29      New York        Adams          464b     11
MCKERCHER      Donald C               6      Michigan        Moscow         446A     30
MCKERCHER      Duncan                 1      Michigan        Moscow         446A     17
MCKERCHER      James B.              12      New York        Moscow         446A     27
MCKERCHER      Jane                  24      Pennsylvania    Moscow         446A     16
MCKERCHER      John C.               33      New York        Moscow         446A     25
MCKERCHER      Joseph                28      New York        Moscow         446A     15
MCKERCHER      Malcolm               59      New York        Moscow         452A     41
MCKERCHER      Margaret              26      New York        Moscow         452A     42
MCKERCHER      Margaret              33      Pennsylvania    Moscow         446A     26
MCKERCHER      Margery                5      Michigan        Moscow         446A     31
MCKERCHER      Mary A.               25      Massachusetts   Adams          464b     12
MCKERCHER      Mary A.                8      Michigan        Moscow         446A     29
MCKERCHER      Purdy                  2      Michigan        Adams          464b     13
MCKNIGHT       Jane                  54      Pennsylvania    Somerset       494B     38
MCKNIGHT       John                  55      New York        Somerset       494B     37
MCKNIGHT       Martha A              19      New York        Somerset       494B     41
MCKNIGHT       Robert                24      New York        Somerset       494B     39
MCKNIGHT       William P             22      New York        Somerset       494B     40
McLANE         Catharine             28      O               Camden         329B     31
MCLANE         David                  3      Michigan        Somerset       492B     34
McLANE         David L                2      Indiana         Camden         329B     30
MCLANE         Elizabeth              7      Michigan        Somerset       492B     32
MCLANE         James                 27      Ireland         Somerset       492B     26
MCLANE         Nancy                 35      Ireland         Somerset       492B     28
MCLANE         Nancy                  5      Michigan        Somerset       492B     33
MCLANE         Rose A                18      New York        Somerset       492B     29
MCLANE         Samuel                10      Michigan        Somerset       492B     31
MCLANE         Sarah J                1      New York        Somerset       492B     35
MCLANE         Thomas                16      Michigan        Fayette        525A     41
MCLANE         Thomas                50      Ireland         Somerset       492B     27
MCLANE         William               13      Michigan        Somerset       492B     30
MCMANNUS       Owen                   6      Michigan        Adams          462b     30
MCMANUS        George                 2      Michigan        Pittsford      361b     12
MCMANUS        Jane                  24      New York        Pittsford      361b     11
MCMANUS        Owen                  35      Ireland         Pittsford      361b     10
MCNAB          Daniel                36      New York        Moscow         447A     21
MCNAB          Joanna                33      New York        Moscow         447A     22
MCNAB          Margaret              60      Scotland        Moscow         447A     23
MCNAIR         Allen                 18      New York        Wright         349B     39
MCNAIR         Edwin                 21      New York        Wright         349B     37
MCNAIR         Eunice                52      New York        Wright         349B     38
MCNEIL         Adaline                6      Michigan        Jefferson      379A     19
MCNEIL         Almira                13      New York        Jefferson      379A     15
MCNEIL         Alonzo                 8      Michigan        Jefferson      379A     18
MCNEIL         Alonzo F.             39      New York        Jefferson      379A     14
MCNEIL         Andrew I              10      Michigan        Jefferson      375A     2
MCNEIL         Delora A.              2      Michigan        Jefferson      375A     4
MCNEIL         Jane                  27      New York        Jefferson      374B     42
MCNEIL         Mary                  12      Michigan        Jefferson      379A     16
MCNEIL         Robert                47      New York        Jefferson      374B     27
MCNEIL         Royal                 10      Michigan        Jefferson      379A     17
MCNEIL         Sarah A                7      Michigan        Jefferson      375A     3
MCNEIL         Seth D.               12      Michigan        Jefferson      375A     1
MCNEIL         Thilena               46      New York        Jefferson      374B     28
MCNEIL         William               34      New York        Jefferson      374B     41
MCQUILLAIN     Michael               35      Ireland         Fayette        529B     28
MCWALTER       Andrew M.             35      Ireland         Scipio         435B     21
MCWALTER       Delila                 6      O               Scipio         435B     26
MCWALTER       Emily                  8      O               Scipio         435B     25
MCWALTER       Martin                10      O               Scipio         435B     24
MCWALTER       Mary A.               15      O               Scipio         435B     23
MCWALTER       Melissa               35      New York        Scipio         435B     22
McWILLIAMS     Abner                  3      Michigan        Camden         327B     26
McWILLIAMS     Estelle                1      Michigan        Camden         327B     27
McWILLIAMS     John                  28      New York        Camden         327B     24
McWILLIAMS     Sally                 31      New York        Camden         327B     25

This information is made available to the public for non-commercial purposes.
Copyright © 1999-2002 Tracey Morris

This page was last updated Thursday, 17-Oct-2013 07:27:39 MDT

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