1850 Census Index: Hillsdale County Michigan

This page is an index to the 1850 Hillsdale County Michigan Census transcription for the following townships:
Adams, Amboy, Cambria, Camden, Fayette, Jefferson, Litchfield, Moscow, Pittsford, Reading, Scipio, Somerset, Wheatland Woodbridge, and Wright.

Use the link next to the name to go to the actual scanned census pages (generously provided by S-K Publications), then use the line number to locate the person.

MEAD           Alexander             16      New York        Cambria        390A     14
MEAD           Byron                3/12     Michigan        Cambria        390A     18
MEAD           Chauncey A             4      Indiana         Camden         329B     35
MEAD           Chauncey B            31      Vermont         Camden         329B     33
MEAD           Cornelia              46      New York        Cambria        390A     12
MEAD           Dennis W.             18      New York        Cambria        390A     13
MEAD           Edgar D.               9      Michigan        Cambria        390A     16
MEAD           Elizabeth             28      Michigan        Camden         329B     34
MEAD           George E             3/12     Michigan        Camden         329B     37
MEAD           Ira                   51      New York        Cambria        390A     11
MEAD           John                  13      New York        Cambria        390A     15
MEAD           Orson L.               6      Michigan        Cambria        390A     17
MEAD           Phillip I              2      Michigan        Camden         329B     36
MECK           William               65      Pennsylvania    Reading        400a     9
MEDICK         Alonzo                 8      New York        Litchfield     421A     25
MEDICK         Aurilla                5      New York        Litchfield     421A     26
MEDICK         Diana                 42      New York        Litchfield     421A     23
MEDICK         Emma                   4      New York        Litchfield     421A     27
MEDICK         Jackson               11      New York        Litchfield     421A     24
MEDICK         Richard               36      New Jersey      Litchfield     421A     22
MEIGS          Amanda                24      [not recorded]  Reading        399a     23
MEIGS          Ellen                4/12     [not recorded]  Reading        399a     24
MEIGS          Johnson               27      New York        Reading        400a     39
MEIGS          Lucien                30      [not recorded]  Reading        399a     22
MEIGS          Morton                28      New York        Reading        400a     38
MEIGS          Ruel                  26      New York        Reading        400b     9
MELLIGAN       Joseph                15      Michigan        Wright         349B     36
MELLIGAN       Mary                  12      Michigan        Wright         352A     5
MELVIN         Harrison              12      New York        Litchfield     432A     40
MELVIN         John                  53      Massachusetts   Litchfield     432A     35
MELVIN         Melinda               19      New York        Litchfield     432A     37
MELVIN         Nancy                 15      New York        Litchfield     432A     38
MELVIN         Olive                 47      New York        Litchfield     432A     36
MELVIN         Tomkins               13      New York        Litchfield     432A     39
MENDELL        Albert                 4      O               Litchfield     420B     32
MENDELL        Amos                  71      Massachusetts   Litchfield     420B     33
MENDELL        Henry                 37      O               Litchfield     420B     30
MENDELL        Maria                 27      O               Litchfield     420B     31
MENDELL        Ruth                  62      Massachusetts   Litchfield     420B     34
MERCER         Andrew                23      New York        Somerset       494A     6
MERCER         David                  5      Michigan        Somerset       493B     30
MERCER         Elizabeth              1      Michigan        Somerset       493B     32
MERCER         Hannah                21      New York        Somerset       494A     7
MERCER         Hannah                64      Ireland         Somerset       494A     4
MERCER         Isabella              18      New York        Somerset       494A     8
MERCER         Margaret              24      New York        Somerset       494A     5
MERCER         Samuel                 3      Michigan        Somerset       493B     31
MERCER         Samuel                65      Ireland         Somerset       494A     3
MERCER         Sarah                 32      New York        Somerset       493B     29
MERCER         William               39      Ireland         Somerset       493B     28
MERCHANT       Alice A.               2      Michigan        Reading        393b     24
MERCHANT       John                  34      Maine           Reading        393b     21
MERCHANT       Laura I.              26      New York        Reading        393b     22
MERCHANT       Lois A.                5      New York        Reading        393b     23
MERRIAM        Celestia               3      Michigan        Somerset       490B     28
MERRIAM        Sarah A               30      New York        Somerset       490B     27
MERRIAM        William               31      O               Somerset       490B     26
MERRIAM        William H              1      Michigan        Somerset       490B     29
MERRIFIELD     Chauncey              55      Vermont         Woodbridge     336B     5
MERRIFIELD     Lydia                 45      Vermont         Woodbridge     336B     6
MERRIFIELD     William               23      Vermont         Woodbridge     336B     7
MERRIMAN       Anna                  52      Vermont         Reading        398b     15
MERRIMAN       Cornelia              19      New York        Reading        398b     16
MERRIMAN       Edwin                 27      New York        Reading        404a     3
MERRIMAN       Eliza                 21      New York        Reading        404a     4
MERRIMAN       George                 1      Michigan        Reading        404a     5
MERRIMAN       Julius                15      New York        Reading        398b     18
MERRIMAN       Loyal                 56      Connecticut     Reading        398b     20
MERRIMAN       Martha                17      New York        Reading        398b     17
MERRIMAN       Mary                  13      New York        Reading        398b     19
MERRIMAN       Roswell               52      Connecticut     Reading        398b     14
MERRIOTT       Ellis                1/12     Michigan        Jefferson      374B     40
MERRIOTT       Emily J.               7      Michigan        Jefferson      374B     39
MERRIOTT       John W.               39      New York        Jefferson      374B     36
MERRIOTT       Lemuel                15      New York        Jefferson      374B     38
MERRIOTT       Margaret              34      New York        Jefferson      374B     37
MERWIN         Minerva S.            42      Connecticut     Moscow         449A     4
MERWIN         Smith C               45      New York        Moscow         449A     3
MERWIN         Volney V.B.           17      New York        Moscow         449A     5
MESSENGER      Maria                  2      Michigan        Jefferson      374B     13
MESSENGER      Sarah                 25      Pennsylvania    Jefferson      374B     12
MESSENGER      Sarah A              8/12     Michigan        Jefferson      374B     14
MESSENGER      William               32      New York        Jefferson      374B     11
MESSENGER      William C.            22      New York        Jefferson      374B     15
METCALF        Caroline               3      Michigan        Wheatland      477B     34
METCALF        Jonathan              27      New York        Wheatland      477B     38
METCALF        Joseph                15      New York        Wheatland      476A     19
METCALF        Joseph                67      Massachusetts   Wheatland      477B     37
METCALF        Mary A.                1      Michigan        Wheatland      477B     35
METCALF        Minerva J.            23      New York        Wheatland      477B     39
METCALF        Sophrona              26      New York        Wheatland      477B     33
METCALF        Theodore              32      New York        Wheatland      477B     32
MICKLE         Almira                12      [not recorded]  Reading        399a     35
MICKLE         Benjamin F.          7/12     Michigan        Reading        403b     32
MICKLE         Daniel W.              2      Michigan        Reading        403b     31
MICKLE         Elizabeth             16      [not recorded]  Reading        399a     33
MICKLE         Eunice                39      [not recorded]  Reading        399a     31
MICKLE         Genius                 6      [not recorded]  Reading        399a     37
MICKLE         George W.             10      Michigan        Reading        403b     28
MICKLE         Henry C.               5      Michigan        Reading        403b     30
MICKLE         John                  46      New York        Reading        403b     26
MICKLE         John Q.                9      Michigan        Reading        403b     29
MICKLE         Layertis               5      [not recorded]  Reading        399a     38
MICKLE         Maria                 10      [not recorded]  Reading        399a     36
MICKLE         Mary                  33      New York        Reading        403b     27
MICKLE         Sarah                 14      [not recorded]  Reading        399a     34
MICKLE         Wellington            18      [not recorded]  Reading        399a     32
MICKLE         William              2/12     [not recorded]  Reading        399a     39
MICKLE         William               42      [not recorded]  Reading        399a     30
MILES          Chauncey              38      Connecticut     Camden         326B     12
MILES          Esther                 5      Michigan        Camden         326B     17
MILES          George                 2      Michigan        Camden         326B     18
MILES          John                   7      Michigan        Camden         326B     16
MILES          Mary Ann              33      New York        Camden         326B     13
MILLARD        Anna M                 8      O               Woodbridge    332B      14
MILLARD        Elsa                  54      Connecticut     Woodbridge    332B      12
MILLARD        Horace                22      New York        Woodbridge    332B      11
MILLARD        Joseph L              20      New York        Camden         324A     9
MILLARD        Philander             15      O               Woodbridge    332B      13
MILLER         Amanda M. M.           2      Michigan        Jefferson      380A     4
MILLER         Bartemius              1      Michigan        Litchfield     423B     14
MILLER         Barzillia S            3      Michigan        Jefferson      380A     3
MILLER         Catharine A.          17      Pennsylvania    Litchfield     423B     8
MILLER         Elisha                11      Michigan        Litchfield     431B     34
MILLER         Eliza A.              10      Pennsylvania    Litchfield     423B     11
MILLER         Emily R.              40      Maine           Moscow         451B     14
MILLER         George                27      New York        Pittsford      361a     37
MILLER         Henry                 19      New York        Jefferson      374A     38
MILLER         Ira G.                 8      Michigan        Jefferson      380A     2
MILLER         John                  36      New York        Fayette        523A     14
MILLER         Jonah C               62      Connecticut     Pittsford      361a     18
MILLER         Joseph                12      O               Camden         327A     19
MILLER         Joseph                33      Vermont         Jefferson      379B     42
MILLER         Leonard               30      New York        Moscow         450A     21
MILLER         Lewis T.              65      New York        Moscow         451B     13
MILLER         Louisa J.              5      Pennsylvania    Litchfield     423B     13
MILLER         Marcia M              42      New York        Pittsford      361a     19
MILLER         Margarette            12      Pennsylvania    Litchfield     423B     10
MILLER         Mary H                 3      New York        Moscow         452A     3
MILLER         Mary I                22      New York        Jefferson      380A     1
MILLER         Mary S                31      O               Camden         327A     18
MILLER         Merrick               30      Vermont         Jefferson      380A     5
MILLER         Michael               47      Pennsylvania    Litchfield     423B     5
MILLER         Michael                8      Pennsylvania    Litchfield     423B     12
MILLER         Phebe                 28      New York        Moscow         452A     2
MILLER         Phebe                 35      New York        Litchfield     431B     32
MILLER         Phebe                 38      Pennsylvania    Litchfield     423B     6
MILLER         Robert                 6      O               Camden         327A     21
MILLER         Rodolphus M.          14      New York        Litchfield     431B     33
MILLER         Samuel                15      Pennsylvania    Litchfield     423B     9
MILLER         Simeon                 1      Michigan        Litchfield     423B     15
MILLER         Theodore               2      O               Camden         327A     22
MILLER         Tompkins D.           32      New York        Moscow         452A     1
MILLER         William                8      O               Camden         327A     20
MILLER         William               33      O               Camden         327A     17
MILLER         William H              1      Michigan        Moscow         452A     4
MILLER         William H.            19      Pennsylvania    Litchfield     423B     7
MILLER         William H.            27      New York        Moscow         451B     15
MILLER         William H.            43      New York        Litchfield     431B     31
MILLIGAN       Betsey                17      New York        Wright         351A     20
MILLIGAN       Caroline              18      New York        Wright         351A     18
MILLIGAN       David                 19      New York        Wright         351A     12
MILLIGAN       Edward                24      New York        Wright         351A     17
MILLIGAN       Elizabeth             28      New York        Pittsford      361b     15
MILLIGAN       Florence O             6      New York        Pittsford      361b     17
MILLIGAN       George                33      New York        Pittsford      361b     14
MILLIGAN       Moses                 22      New York        Wright         351A     19
MILLIGAN       Sidney                 1      Michigan        Pittsford      361b     18
MILLIGAN       William                8      Michigan        Pittsford      361b     16
MILLS          Charlotte             50      New Hampshire   Litchfield     432A     5
MILLS          Daniel H.             13      New York        Litchfield     432A     8
MILLS          Eilza J.              17      New York        Adams          461a     1
MILLS          Elias J.              16      New York        Litchfield     432A     7
MILLS          Henry A.               2      Michigan        Cambria        389B     10
MILLS          James                 29      New York        Cambria        389B     8
MILLS          Jane A.               19      New York        Cambria        389B     9
MILLS          John H.               55      Vermont         Litchfield     432A     4
MILLS          Louisa                27      New York        Litchfield     432A     6
MILLSOM        Ann                   39      England         Litchfield     428B     21
MILLSOM        Isadora                5      Michigan        Litchfield     428B     25
MILLSOM        John M.                8      Michigan        Litchfield     428B     24
MILLSOM        Mary M.               11      Michigan        Litchfield     428B     23
MILLSOM        Thomas                17      New York        Litchfield     428B     22
MILLSOM        Thomas                40      England         Litchfield     428B     20
MILTON         Sam                   40      England         Scipio         438B     19
MILTON         Samuel                46      England         Scipio         439A     31
MINER          Alonzo                10      Michigan        Pittsford      358a     12
MINER          Austin D.              9      New York        Pittsford      357b     35
MINER          Betsey                33      New York        Pittsford      358a     11
MINER          Catharine             14      New York        Jefferson      381B     6
MINER          Catherine             14      New York        Cambria        387A     20
MINER          Eleanor               55      New York        Somerset       499B     6
MINER          Henry                 20      New York        Jefferson      381B     3
MINER          Herkimer L.            2      Michigan        Pittsford      357b     38
MINER          Irvin                 12      New York        Pittsford      357b     34
MINER          James                 21      New York        Somerset       499B     8
MINER          Jas. H.               39      New York        Pittsford      357b     32
MINER          John H.               34      New York        Pittsford      358a     10
MINER          Lorenzo                8      Michigan        Pittsford      358a     13
MINER          Lucinda               16      New York        Jefferson      381B     5
MINER          Luther                58      Massachusetts   Somerset       499B     5
MINER          Luther Jr             23      New York        Somerset       499B     7
MINER          Maria I.               6      Michigan        Pittsford      357b     37
MINER          Orlando L.             8      Michigan        Pittsford      357b     36
MINER          Phebe                 36      New York        Pittsford      357b     33
MINER          Ruby                  68      Connecticut     Pittsford      357b     40
MINER          Sophia                 2      Michigan        Pittsford      358a     14
MINER          Sylvester S.          69      Connecticut     Pittsford      357b     39
MINER          Wesley                23      New York        Jefferson      381B     4
MINER          William               26      New York        Jefferson      381B     35
MINER          William P             10      Michigan        Somerset       499B     9

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Copyright © 1999-2002 Tracey Morris

This page was last updated Thursday, 17-Oct-2013 07:27:40 MDT

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