1850 Census Index: Hillsdale County Michigan

This page is an index to the 1850 Hillsdale County Michigan Census transcription for the following townships:
Adams, Amboy, Cambria, Camden, Fayette, Jefferson, Litchfield, Moscow, Pittsford, Reading, Scipio, Somerset, Wheatland Woodbridge, and Wright.

Use the link next to the name to go to the actual scanned census pages (generously provided by S-K Publications), then use the line number to locate the person.

NARAMORE       Sybl                  59      New York        Reading        395b     23
NASH           Charles P             17      New York        Ransom         347A     16
NEARPASS       Samuel                25      New York        Litchfield     431B     20
NELSON         Alfred D.             38      New York        Scipio         435A     9
NELSON         Andrew C.              3      Michigan        Scipio         435A     15
NELSON         Cynthia C             12      Michigan        Scipio         435A     11
NELSON         Daniel                11      Michigan        Litchfield     430A     37
NELSON         Harriet               12      Michigan        Litchfield     430A     36
NELSON         Henry A.               5      Michigan        Scipio         435A     14
NELSON         Hiram                 23      New York        Adams          467a     18
NELSON         Horace A.              1      Michigan        Scipio         435A     16
NELSON         Joel M.                8      Michigan        Scipio         435A     13
NELSON         Leonard               37      New York        Litchfield     430A     34
NELSON         Louisa                33      New York        Litchfield     430A     35
NELSON         Martha                 3      Michigan        Litchfield     430A     38
NELSON         Sarah                 37      New York        Scipio         435A     10
NELSON         Thomas                10      Michigan        Scipio         435A     12
NESBIT         Barbary               34      New York        Wheatland      483A     23
NESBIT         John                  32      New York        Wheatland      483A     22
NETHAWAY       Nelson                42      New York        Adams          461b     16
NETHAWAY       Nelson H.             13      New York        Adams          461b     18
NETHAWAY       Parice                34      New York        Adams          461b     17
NETHAWAY       Thomas J.              8      New York        Adams          461b     19
NEVINS         Alvnia                 1      Michigan        Wright         352B     22
NEVINS         Amanda M.              3      Michigan        Wright         352B     21
NEVINS         John                  27      New York        Wright         352B     19
NEVINS         Rosina                24      New York        Wright         352B     20
NEWELL         Jacob                 36      New York        Jefferson      374A     8
NEWELL         Moses                 78      Connecticut     Jefferson      374A     9
NEWILE         Rachel                54      New York        Fayette        528B     31
NEWTON         John                  27      England         Pittsford      364b     14
NEWTON         Samuel                69      Massachusetts   Wheatland      475A     24
NICHELOY       Henry                 17      New York        Wheatland      472B     9
NICHOLS        Aaron W.              27      New York        Jefferson      373A     13
NICHOLS        Adaline               37      New York        Jefferson      378B     1
NICHOLS        Almon                 43      New York        Reading        396a     13
NICHOLS        Asenath D.            18      New York        Reading        396a     15
NICHOLS        Avis                  16      New York        Jefferson      378B     3
NICHOLS        Avis                  16      New York        Pittsford      362b     42
NICHOLS        Avis                  61      New York        Jefferson      377B     21
NICHOLS        Charles A.            27      Vermont         Reading        396a     8
NICHOLS        Charles C.             4      Michigan        Jefferson      373A     15
NICHOLS        Danford P.            31      New York        Adams          466a     13
NICHOLS        David                 18      New York        Jefferson      378B     2
NICHOLS        Douglass I.          5/12     Michigan        Jefferson      378B     10
NICHOLS        Douglass J            36      New York        Jefferson      377B     18
NICHOLS        Edgar Z.             4/12     Michigan        Jefferson      373A     40
NICHOLS        Elizabeth             10      Kentucky        Jefferson      373A     37
NICHOLS        Ezra                  15      New York        Jefferson      377B     19
NICHOLS        Ezra                  70      New York        Jefferson      377B     20
NICHOLS        Francis A.            16      New York        Reading        396a     16
NICHOLS        Hellen                14      New York        Jefferson      378B     5
NICHOLS        Henry                 14      New York        Jefferson      378B     4
NICHOLS        James D.              10      New York        Jefferson      378B     7
NICHOLS        Julia E.               8      New York        Jefferson      378B     8
NICHOLS        Lovisa                 9      Michigan        Reading        396a     17
NICHOLS        Mary                  30      Kentucky        Jefferson      373A     36
NICHOLS        Mary A.               20      New York        Jefferson      377B     23
NICHOLS        Mary E.                6      Kentucky        Jefferson      373A     38
NICHOLS        Nancy A.               1      Michigan        Jefferson      373A     16
NICHOLS        Olive                 44      New Hampshire   Reading        396a     14
NICHOLS        Orrin                  6      Michigan        Reading        396a     18
NICHOLS        Phebe                 12      New York        Jefferson      378B     6
NICHOLS        Philetus               2      Michigan        Jefferson      378B     9
NICHOLS        Philetus              41      New York        Jefferson      377B     22
NICHOLS        Robert J.             35      New York        Jefferson      373A     35
NICHOLS        Robert L.              3      Michigan        Jefferson      373A     39
NICHOLS        Susan A.              25      New York        Jefferson      373A     14
NICHOLS        William               39      New York        Jefferson      378A     42
NICHOLSON      Mary                  50      Ireland         Moscow         449B     37
NICHOLSON      Samuel                50      Ireland         Moscow         449B     36
NICKERSON      Caroline               4      Michigan        Pittsford      362b     33
NICKERSON      Jane                  24      New York        Pittsford      362b     32
NICKERSON      Laura                  2      Michigan        Pittsford      362b     34
NICKERSON      Solomon               34      New York        Pittsford      362b     31
NICKLOY        James                 44      New York        Wheatland      472B     24
NICKLOY        James E.              15      New York        Wheatland      472B     26
NICKLOY        Loverda               42      New York        Wheatland      472B     25
NICOLLS        Almira                39      New York        Moscow         455A     39
NICOLLS        Catharine             18      New York        Moscow         455A     41
NICOLLS        Harriet               14      New York        Moscow         455A     42
NICOLLS        Jason R.              41      New York        Moscow         455A     38
NICOLLS        William                7      Michigan        Moscow         455B     1
NICOLLS        Zimrod B.             19      New York        Moscow         455A     40
NIMOCKS        Rowland               70      Massachusetts   Moscow         449B     38
NIMOCKS        Zeruah                62      Massachusetts   Moscow         449B     39
NIMS           Ann E.                11      Michigan        Litchfield     433A     15
NIMS           Ellen L.              10      Michigan        Litchfield     433A     16
NIMS           Frances A.            13      Michigan        Litchfield     433A     14
NIMS           Frederick O.           7      Michigan        Litchfield     433A     17
NIMS           James A.              15      Massachusetts   Litchfield     433A     13
NIMS           James F.              40      Massachusetts   Litchfield     433A     11
NIMS           Louisa                34      New York        Litchfield     433A     12
NOAK           Jacob                 41      Germany         Fayette        528A     33
NOC            Clarissa              56      Massachusetts   Fayette        528A     34
NOC            Clarissa A             7      Michigan        Fayette        528A     38
NOC            Ethalinda             14      Michigan        Fayette        528A     35
NOC            Henry                 11      Michigan        Fayette        528A     36
NOC            Wallace                9      Michigan        Fayette        528A     37
NOKES          Emily                 22      New York        Wheatland      483B     41
NOKES          George F.             11      Michigan        Wheatland      483B     42
NOKES          Rebecca               46      Canada          Wheatland      483B     40
NOKES          Richard               89      New York        Wheatland      484A     1
NORMLY         Catharine             15      New York        Pittsford      361a     2
NORMLY         Catharine             27      New York        Pittsford      359b     42
NORMLY         David                 39      Pennsylvania    Pittsford      360b     41
NORMLY         George                46      Pennsylvania    Pittsford      359b     41
NORMLY         Henry                  7      New York        Pittsford      360a     1
NORMLY         Lucinda               37      New York        Pittsford      360b     42
NORMLY         Lydia                 15      New York        Pittsford      361a     1
NORMLY         Lydia A.             10/12    New York        Pittsford      360a     2
NORRIS         Emma C                 5      Michigan        Woodbridge     335B     9
NORRIS         Jared B               34      New York        Woodbridge     335B     6
NORRIS         Jason B               27      New York        Woodbridge     335B     11
NORRIS         Julia M                6      Michigan        Woodbridge     335B     8
NORRIS         Louis G               32      New York        Woodbridge     335B     7
NORRIS         Lydia D                1      Michigan        Woodbridge     335B     10
NORTHROP       Anna H                 2      Michigan        Jefferson      377A     34
NORTHROP       Clarence S.            6      Michigan        Jefferson      377A     32
NORTHROP       Haldah J              16      New York        Jefferson      377A     30
NORTHROP       Harriet E.            13      Michigan        Jefferson      377A     31
NORTHROP       Herbert  E.          3/12     Michigan        Jefferson      377A     35
NORTHROP       Jabez S.              47      New York        Jefferson      377A     27
NORTHROP       Mary S.               28      New York        Jefferson      377A     28
NORTHROP       Rhoda E.              20      New York        Jefferson      377A     29
NORTHROP       William A.             3      Michigan        Jefferson      377A     33
NORTON         Charles                1      Michigan        Somerset       493B     40
NORTON         George B               3      Michigan        Somerset       493B     39
NORTON         Harvey                15      Michigan        Wheatland      486A     31
NORTON         Isaac                 38      New York        Somerset       490B     6
NORTON         Lorenzo               27      New York        Somerset       493B     37
NORTON         Mariette               2      Michigan        Somerset       490B     8
NORTON         Melinda                1      Michigan        Somerset       490B     9
NORTON         Paulina               25      Vermont         Somerset       493B     38
NORTON         Phebe                 29      New York        Somerset       490B     7
NOYES          Albon                 16      O               Wheatland      483B     34
NOYES          Allen L.               7      Michigan        Adams          465b     37
NOYES          Alonzo                29      O               Wheatland      476B     31
NOYES          Amos B.               31      New York        Adams          465b     34
NOYES          Caroline              12      Michigan        Wheatland      483B     36
NOYES          Elijah                63      New Hampshire   Wheatland      483B     29
NOYES          Eliza A.              33      New York        Adams          465b     35
NOYES          Elizabeth             21      New York        Wheatland      476B     32
NOYES          Franklin              14      Michigan        Adams          466a     1
NOYES          Graham                58      Connecticut     Adams          465b     39
NOYES          Hiram                 40      Vermont         Wheatland      475A     36
NOYES          Hiram                 45      Vermont         Wheatland      483B     37
NOYES          Jane                  15      O               Wheatland      483B     35
NOYES          Julia A.              18      Michigan        Adams          465b     42
NOYES          Lydia A.              48      Pennsylvania    Adams          465b     40
NOYES          Mary J.               12      Michigan        Adams          465b     36
NOYES          Morilla               18      O               Wheatland      483B     33
NOYES          Orren                 25      New York        Adams          465b     41
NOYES          Polly                 59      New Hampshire   Wheatland      483B     30
NOYES          Polly                 12      Michigan        Adams          466a     2
NOYES          Ruth                  21      O               Wheatland      483B     32
NOYES          William               23      O               Wheatland      483B     31
NUTTEN         Agnes                 11      New York        Moscow         454A     23
NUTTEN         Betsey                33      New York        Moscow         452A     6
NUTTEN         Byron                 10      New York        Moscow         452A     7
NUTTEN         Celestia             7/12     Michigan        Moscow         454A     26
NUTTEN         Charles E.             2      Michigan        Moscow         452A     10
NUTTEN         Cornelia              13      New York        Moscow         454A     22
NUTTEN         Fayette                9      New York        Moscow         454A     24
NUTTEN         George                29      New York        Moscow         454A     28
NUTTEN         James W.               5      Michigan        Moscow         452A     9
NUTTEN         John B.                7      New York        Moscow         454A     25
NUTTEN         Jonathan              38      New York        Moscow         454A     20
NUTTEN         Lucy A.                1      Michigan        Moscow         454A     30
NUTTEN         Oscar                  8      New York        Moscow         452A     8
NUTTEN         Pamelia C.            27      New York        Moscow         454A     29
NUTTEN         Susan                 38      Rhode Island    Moscow         454A     21
NUTTEN         Warren                33      New York        Moscow         452A     5
NYE            Alfred F               2      Michigan        Pittsford      364a     18
NYE            Mary A                25      England         Pittsford      364a     15
NYE            Nelson P              33      New York        Pittsford      364a     14
NYE            Pamelia M              5      Michigan        Pittsford      364a     16
NYE            Rachel L.              3      Michigan        Pittsford      364a     17

This information is made available to the public for non-commercial purposes.
Copyright © 1999-2002 Tracey Morris

This page was last updated Thursday, 17-Oct-2013 07:27:43 MDT

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