1850 Census Index: Hillsdale County Michigan (Partial)
This page is an index to the 1850 Hillsdale County Michigan Census transcription
for the following townships:
Adams, Amboy, Cambria, Camden, Fayette, Jefferson, Litchfield, Moscow, Pittsford, Reading, Scipio, Somerset, Wheatland Woodbridge, and Wright.
Use the link next to the name to go to the actual scanned census pages
(generously provided by S-K Publications), then use the line number to locate the person.
PEARCE Abner W 36 Connecticut Fayette 520A 32
PEARCE Thankful 32 New York Fayette 520A 33
PEASE Adaline 5 Michigan Wheatland 486B 9
PEASE Charles N. 15 Michigan Wheatland 486B 1
PEASE Clinton A. 31 New York Wheatland 486B 7
PEASE Emeline 17 Michigan Wheatland 486A 42
PEASE George H. 21 Michigan Wheatland 486A 41
PEASE Julia 28 New York Wheatland 486B 8
PEASE Lyman 57 Connecticut Wheatland 486A 39
PEASE Pamelia 49 New York Wheatland 486A 40
PEASE William E. 11 Michigan Wheatland 486B 2
PECK Abigail 1 Michigan Litchfield 430B 5
PECK Amanda 24 New York Fayette 522B 3
PECK Castle 41 Pennsylvania Litchfield 430A 39
PECK Clarissa 6 Michigan Litchfield 430B 1
PECK Eleanor 4 Michigan Litchfield 430B 2
PECK Eliza 36 New York Litchfield 430A 40
PECK Hellen 5 Michigan Fayette 522B 4
PECK Jerimiah 56 New York Fayette 530A 18
PECK Jerimiah Jr 17 New York Fayette 530A 20
PECK John 30 New York Fayette 522B 2
PECK Juliette 10 Michigan Litchfield 430A 41
PECK Lewis 3 Michigan Litchfield 430B 3
PECK Reuben 8 Michigan Litchfield 430A 42
PECK Rosa A 1 Michigan Fayette 522B 6
PECK Sally 54 New York Fayette 530A 19
PECK Sarah 3 Michigan Fayette 522B 5
PECK William 30 New York Wheatland 484B 14
PECK William 2 Michigan Litchfield 430B 4
PELTON Amanda 51 New York Wheatland 486B 6
PELTON Nathan 55 Vermont Wheatland 486B 5
PENDLETON Cynthia M. 4/12 Michigan Scipio 436B 17
PENDLETON James H. 7 Michigan Scipio 436B 14
PENDLETON Lewis 35 Massachusetts Scipio 436B 11
PENDLETON Lewis J 5 Michigan Scipio 436B 15
PENDLETON Lydia A. 41 Massachusetts Scipio 436B 12
PENDLETON Mary A. 3 Michigan Scipio 436B 16
PENDLETON William A. 10 Michigan Scipio 436B 13
PENOYAR Eliza 23 New York Camden 328A 22
PENOYAR James 1 Michigan Camden 328A 23
PENOYAR Reuben 26 New York Camden 328A 21
PEREGO Austin 30 New York Cambria 385B 1
PEREGO Eliza 27 New York Cambria 385B 4
PEREGO Marvin 1 Michigan Cambria 385B 3
PEREGO Sarah 26 New York Cambria 385B 2
PERKINS Chauncey 11 O Wheatland 476B 15
PERKINS Christopher 55 New York Ransom 347B 25
PERKINS Francis M 5 Michigan Ransom 347B 28
PERKINS Hiram O 10 Michigan Ransom 347B 27
PERKINS Jabez 49 Connecticut Wheatland 476B 12
PERKINS Mary 13 O Wheatland 476B 14
PERKINS Sally 48 CANADA WEST Ransom 347B 26
PERKINS Sarah 54 Massachusetts Wheatland 476B 13
PERRICE Charles 5 Michigan Pittsford 364a 3
PERRIN Catharine G. 31 New York Jefferson 378A 16
PERRIN Clement 4/12 Michigan Jefferson 378A 19
PERRIN Elijah 30 Connecticut Jefferson 378A 21
PERRIN Elizabeth 20 New York Jefferson 378A 22
PERRIN Elizabeth 5 Michigan Jefferson 378A 17
PERRIN John 24 Connecticut Jefferson 378A 20
PERRIN Mason E. 19 Connecticut Jefferson 378A 23
PERRIN Stephen W. 37 Connecticut Jefferson 378A 15
PERRIN Susan A. 3 Michigan Jefferson 378A 18
PERRIN Timothy 26 Connecticut Pittsford 366a 35
PERRIN, JR John 8/12 Michigan Pittsford 366a 34
PERRING Albert 3 Michigan Camden 325A 39
PERRING Caroline 1 Michigan Camden 325A 40
PERRING Eliza 35 New York Camden 325A 36
PERRING Elmira J 16 O Camden 325A 37
PERRING Francis E 9 O Camden 325A 32
PERRING Frederick 26 O Camden 324B 29
PERRING Frederick 71 Connecticut Camden 325B 4
PERRING John C 33 O Camden 325A 29
PERRING Julia 13 Michigan Camden 325A 31
PERRING Lucinda 36 New York Camden 325A 41
PERRING Lucy E 33 Connecticut Camden 325A 30
PERRING Morris 2 Michigan Camden 325A 34
PERRING Newton 6 Michigan Camden 325A 33
PERRING Sol 23 O Camden 324B 30
PERRING Stephen C 40 New York Camden 325A 35
PERRING William H 11 Michigan Camden 325A 38
PERRY Alvin 5 New York Woodbridge 332A 38
PERRY Frederick 1 Michigan Woodbridge 332A 40
PERRY Lamira 3 Michigan Woodbridge 332A 39
PERRY Peter 25 New York Woodbridge 332A 36
PERRY Rhoda 24 New York Woodbridge 332A 37
PERSEL Benjamin 22 New Jersey Wheatland 474A 7
PERSEL Caroline 3 Michigan Wheatland 474A 13
PERSEL Charlotte 41 New Jersey Wheatland 474A 6
PERSEL Daniel 49 New Jersey Wheatland 474A 5
PERSEL Dexter 13 New York Wheatland 474A 10
PERSEL Eliza A. 9 New York Wheatland 474A 12
PERSEL John 19 New York Wheatland 474A 9
PERSEL Pamelia 11 New York Wheatland 474A 11
PERSEL Tessle 21 New York Wheatland 474A 8
PETEGREW Evaline 17 Vermont Adams 464b 27
PETEGREW Lebens 5 Michigan Adams 464b 29
PETEGREW Marinda 46 Vermont Adams 464b 26
PETEGREW William C. 15 New York Adams 464b 28
PETERS Emer K 1 Michigan Pittsford 365b 13
PETERS Emer K 34 New York Pittsford 365b 7
PETERS Harriet A 10 New York Pittsford 365b 9
PETERS John 24 New York Fayette 522A 35
PETERS Joseph 75 New Jersey Adams 470b 15
PETERS Joshua 7 New York Pittsford 365b 10
PETERS Margaret 3 Michigan Pittsford 365b 12
PETERS Maria 38 New York Pittsford 365b 8
PETERS Sarah M 5 Michigan Pittsford 365b 11
PETERSON Andrew 7 Michigan Fayette 528B 13
PETERSON Charles W 35 New York Fayette 528B 11
PETERSON Elizabeth 28 New York Fayette 528B 12
PETERSON James 4 Michigan Fayette 528B 14
PETERSON Lafayette 25 New York Adams 460b 6
PETRIE Anson 9 New York Cambria 388B 5
PETRIE Charity 59 New York Cambria 388A 38
PETRIE Charles 5 Michigan Cambria 388B 1
PETRIE Daniel 33 New York Cambria 388B 3
PETRIE Henry C. 6 Michigan Cambria 388B 6
PETRIE Henry W. 7 New York Cambria 388A 42
PETRIE Hiram 17 New York Cambria 388A 39
PETRIE Isabella 27 New York Cambria 388B 4
PETRIE Laura 2 Michigan Cambria 388B 2
PETRIE Levi 29 New York Cambria 388A 40
PETRIE Lucy 23 New York Cambria 388A 41
PETRIE William 1 Michigan Cambria 388B 7
PETTIS Eliza 6 Michigan Jefferson 375B 1
PETTIS Emily 1 Michigan Jefferson 375B 3
PETTIS Hellen 3 Michigan Jefferson 375B 2
PETTIS Peleg 50 New York Jefferson 375A 40
PETTIS Philista 30 New York Jefferson 375A 41
PETTIS Plyna 7 Michigan Jefferson 375A 42
PETTIS Sarah 16 Michigan Jefferson 375B 4
PETTIS William 22 New York Jefferson 375B 5
PETTY Alvin 6 Indiana Camden 326A 33
PETTY Edwin J 8 Michigan Camden 326A 32
PETTY Harriet 30 Vermont Camden 326A 31
PETTY Orlando 35 New York Camden 326A 30
This information is made available to the public for non-commercial purposes. Copyright © 1999-2002 Tracey Morris
This page was last updated Thursday, 17-Oct-2013 07:27:46 MDT
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Hillsdale County MIGenWeb