1850 Census Index: Hillsdale County Michigan

This page is an index to the 1850 Hillsdale County Michigan Census transcription for the following townships:
Adams, Amboy, Cambria, Camden, Fayette, Jefferson, Litchfield, Moscow, Pittsford, Reading, Scipio, Somerset, Wheatland Woodbridge, and Wright.

Use the link next to the name to go to the actual scanned census pages (generously provided by S-K Publications), then use the line number to locate the person.

SHAFER         Adam                  24      Germany         Fayette        525B     2
SHAFER         Catharine             43      New York        Somerset       498B     41
SHAFER         Dorothea              45      Germany         Fayette        525B     1
SHAFER         Henry                 32      Germany         Fayette        525B     42
SHAFER         Henry                 74      New York        Somerset       499A     1
SHAFER         Peter                 43      New York        Somerset       498B     40
SHAFER         Peter V B              9      Michigan        Somerset       498B     42
SHAFF          Andrew                17      New York        Somerset       490A     24
SHAFF          Elizabeth             57      New Jersey      Somerset       490A     23
SHANNON        John                  19      New York        Reading        394a     3
SHANNON        Martha A.             24      New York        Reading        394a     4
SHARP          Alice                  6      Michigan        Fayette        520B     22
SHARP          Caroline               9      Michigan        Fayette        520B     21
SHARP          Coe                   20      New York        Scipio         435A     6
SHARP          Condon                12      Michigan        Fayette        520B     20
SHARP          Dorr                   4      Michigan        Fayette        520B     23
SHARP          Dwight                 1      Michigan        Fayette        520B     24
SHARP          Elisa A               37      New York        Fayette        520B     17
SHARP          Ellen R.               7      Michigan        Litchfield     428B     8
SHARP          Eunice                55      Vermont         Adams          466a     8
SHARP          Heprebeth             27      New York        Litchfield     428B     7
SHARP          John S.               37      New York        Litchfield     428B     6
SHARP          Juliette              29      New York        Adams          466a     4
SHARP          Loren                  3      Michigan        Litchfield     428B     10
SHARP          Mary                  15      New York        Fayette        520B     19
SHARP          Mary E.              1/12     Michigan        Litchfield     428B     11
SHARP          Mary G.               17      New York        Scipio         435A     7
SHARP          Norman S.             33      New York        Adams          466a     3
SHARP          Orlando A.             5      Michigan        Litchfield     428B     9
SHARP          Perry P.               6      Michigan        Adams          466a     5
SHARP          Rebecca               56      New Jersey      Scipio         435A     5
SHARP          Salmon                57      Connecticut     Adams          466a     7
SHARP          Salmon B.             22      New York        Adams          466a     9
SHARP          Sheldon W             41      New York        Fayette        520B     16
SHARP          Smith                 17      New York        Fayette        520B     18
SHARP          Warren                15      New York        Scipio         435A     8
SHARP          Zina                  58      Vermont         Scipio         435A     4
SHARPSTEIN     Benjamin              18      New York        Somerset       496B     39
SHARPSTEIN     Deborah               12      New York        Somerset       496B     40
SHARPSTEIN     Edward                 2      Michigan        Somerset       496B     42
SHARPSTEIN     Francis                8      New York        Somerset       496B     41
SHARPSTEIN     Mary                  21      New York        Somerset       496B     37
SHARPSTEIN     Polly                 76      New York        Scipio         442B     8
SHARPSTEIN     Sarah                 48      New York        Somerset       496B     36
SHARPSTEIN     Thompson              20      New York        Somerset       496B     38
SHATTUCK       Charles               37      Massachusetts   Cambria        389B     12
SHATTUCK       Edgar                  9      Massachusetts   Cambria        389B     18
SHATTUCK       Emeline               10      Massachusetts   Cambria        389B     17
SHATTUCK       Emily                 26      New York        Somerset       493A     37
SHATTUCK       Janette               42      Massachusetts   Cambria        389B     13
SHATTUCK       John                   6      Wisconsin       Cambria        389B     19
SHATTUCK       Samuel W              28      New York        Somerset       493A     36
SHATTUCK       Stephen D              2      Michigan        Somerset       493A     38
SHAW           Alfonzo               26      New York        Litchfield     426A     12
SHAW           Charles N             13      O               Camden         324A     3
SHAW           Edward                10      New York        Pittsford      367a     13
SHAW           Edward               6/12     Michigan        Scipio         435A     40
SHAW           Edward C.              9      Michigan        Scipio         435A     38
SHAW           Elizabeth              4      Michigan        Scipio         435A     39
SHAW           Israel                14      New York        Pittsford      367a     12
SHAW           Lewis                 16      New York        Pittsford      367a     11
SHAW           Maria                 52      New York        Pittsford      367a     10
SHAW           Marilla               40      Massachusetts   Camden         324A     2
SHAW           Moses                 68      New York        Pittsford      367a     9
SHAW           Nahum                 40      Massachusetts   Camden         324A     1
SHAW           Philena               39      Connecticut     Scipio         435A     37
SHAW           Samuel W.             53      England         Scipio         435A     36
SHAY           Archibald             30      New York        Litchfield     422B     12
SHAY           Bloom                  5      New York        Litchfield     422B     14
SHAY           Edith                 35      New York        Litchfield     422B     13
SHAY           Edward                 3      New York        Litchfield     422B     15
SHELDEN        Barber W.             32      New York        Wheatland      473B     24
SHELDEN        George N.             72      New York        Wheatland      473B     3
SHELDEN        Huldah                72      New York        Wheatland      473B     4
SHELDEN        Maria                 29      O               Wheatland      473B     25
SHELDEN        Minerva J.            11      O               Wheatland      473B     26
SHELDON        Almerin               53      Vermont         Litchfield     432B     7
SHELDON        Ann E.                19      Vermont         Litchfield     432B     9
SHELDON        Charlotte A.          17      Vermont         Litchfield     432B     10
SHELDON        Edwin B.               8      Vermont         Litchfield     432B     13
SHELDON        Frederick H.          13      Vermont         Litchfield     432B     12
SHELDON        Laura A.              16      Vermont         Litchfield     432B     11
SHELDON        Maria O.               4      Vermont         Litchfield     432B     14
SHELDON        Mary                  40      Vermont         Litchfield     432B     8
SHEPARD        Azel H                51      Vermont         Somerset       489A     17
SHEPARD        Matilda               51      Vermont         Somerset       489A     18
SHEPARDSON     Clarissa              13      Ohio            Ransom         347A     25
SHEPARDSON     Elvira                35      Vermont         Ransom         347A     24
SHEPARDSON     Kincaid                6      Ohio            Ransom         347A     27
SHEPARDSON     Lucetta               11      Ohio            Ransom         347A     26
SHEPARDSON     Milton                 3      Ohio            Ransom         347A     28
SHEPARDSON     Perrin                39      Vermont         Ransom         347A     23
SHEPHERD       Burton               6/12     Michigan        Ransom         347A     6
SHEPHERD       Caleb B               39      New York        Ransom         347A     2
SHEPHERD       Emma C                 5      Michigan        Ransom         347A     5
SHEPHERD       Mary E                39      Connecticut     Ransom         347A     3
SHEPHERD       William H              7      Michigan        Ransom         347A     4
SHERMAN        Fanny                 56      New York        Somerset       496A     21
SHERN          Margaret              23      New York        Pittsford      358a     28
SHERWOOD       Elizabeth             22      New York        Fayette        528A     42
SHERWOOD       Nathan E.             40      New York        Wheatland      478B     26
SHERWOOD       Thomas J              16      New York        Fayette        529B     4
SHIPMAN        Augerona              21      New York        Litchfield     418A     23
SHIPMAN        Franklin I.          9/12     Michigan        Litchfield     418B     24
SHIPMAN        Harriet               22      New York        Litchfield     418B     23
SHIPMAN        John                  70      New Jersey      Litchfield     418A     24
SHIPMAN        Josephine             19      New York        Litchfield     418A     26
SHIPMAN        Robert                29      New York        Litchfield     418A     25
SHIPMAN        William               23      New York        Litchfield     418B     22
SHIPMAN        William               27      New York        Litchfield     418A     22
SHOEMAKER      Henry                 29      New York        Reading        394a     30
SHOEMAKER      John                  27      New York        Reading        393b     15
SHORT          Elizabeth             31      Pennsylvania    Adams          458a     34
SHORT          Harvey                31      New York        Adams          458a     33
SHOWERS        Mahlow                18      [not recorded]  Reading        399a     29
SHULL          Charles               30      New York        Scipio         436A     2
SHULL          David                 48      New York        Scipio         436A     4
SHULL          John                  50      New York        Scipio         436A     3
SHULL          Mary                  34      New York        Scipio         436A     5
SHULTERS       Adelia                14      New York        Scipio         440B     3
SHULTERS       Phillip               44      New York        Scipio         440B     1
SHULTERS       Rhoda A.              43      Vermont         Scipio         440B     2
SHUPP          George W               1      Michigan        Amboy          340A     14
SHUPP          John                  31      Pennsylvania    Amboy          340A     10
SHUPP          Mary                  28      France          Amboy          340A     11
SHUPP          Sarah A                6      O               Amboy          340A     13

This information is made available to the public for non-commercial purposes.
Copyright © 1999-2002 Tracey Morris

This page was last updated Thursday, 17-Oct-2013 07:27:56 MDT

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