1850 Census Index: Hillsdale County Michigan

This page is an index to the 1850 Hillsdale County Michigan Census transcription for the following townships:
Adams, Amboy, Cambria, Camden, Fayette, Jefferson, Litchfield, Moscow, Pittsford, Reading, Scipio, Somerset, Wheatland Woodbridge, and Wright.

Use the link next to the name to go to the actual scanned census pages (generously provided by S-K Publications), then use the line number to locate the person.

SNEGLER        Elizabeth              3      Michigan        Cambria        386A     17
SNEGLER        Elizabeth             64      New Jersey      Cambria        386A     13
SNEGLER        Harriet               28      New York        Cambria        386A     15
SNEGLER        John                  66      New York        Cambria        386A     12
SNEGLER        John, Jr.             31      New York        Cambria        386A     14
SNEGLER        Lewis C.               1      Michigan        Cambria        386A     18
SNEGLER        Mary C.                6      Michigan        Cambria        386A     16
SNICK          Augusta               16      New York        Litchfield     427A     6
SNICK          Benjamin F.            2      Michigan        Wheatland      474B     12
SNICK          Calista               13      Michigan        Litchfield     427A     7
SNICK          Charlotte             20      New York        Litchfield     427A     5
SNICK          Elizabeth             55      Massachusetts   Litchfield     427A     4
SNICK          John                  58      New Jersey      Litchfield     427A     3
SNICK          Louisa                38      New York        Wheatland      474B     8
SNICK          Lyman                 10      Michigan        Wheatland      474B     11
SNICK          Mary                   8      Michigan        Wheatland      474B     15
SNICK          Miner                 38      New York        Wheatland      474B     7
SNICK          Miner Jr              12      Michigan        Wheatland      474B     10
SNICK          Tunis                 17      New York        Wheatland      474B     9
SNOW           Betsey                26      New York        Amboy          338A     22
SNOW           James                 21      New York        Amboy          338A     21
SNOW           Pomeroy              2/12     Michigan        Amboy          338A     23
SNYDER         Adain                 11      O               Wright         350B     2
SNYDER         Adelaide E.            1      Michigan        Wheatland      475A     1
SNYDER         Andrew                 7      Michigan        Wheatland      475A     2
SNYDER         Daniel                23      O               Wright         350A     41
SNYDER         Esther                53      Pennsylvania    Wright         350A     40
SNYDER         George                20      O               Wright         350A     42
SNYDER         Isaac                 18      O               Wright         350B     1
SNYDER         John                  63      Pennsylvania    Wright         350A     39
SNYDER         Lydia                 69      Rhode Island    Wheatland      474B     39
SNYDER         Nancy                 21      New York        Wheatland      474B     42
SNYDER         Nicholas              23      New York        Wheatland      474B     40
SNYDER         William               26      New York        Wheatland      474B     41
SNYDER         Zachariah             69      New York        Wheatland      474B     38
SOPER          Clarkson              29      New Jersey      Pittsford      371a     40
SOPER          Edgar                 34      New Jersey      Pittsford      371a     39
SORTER         Frances                8      New York        Adams          470b     35
SORTER         Frances L.            30      Connecticut     Adams          470b     33
SORTER         James L.              34      New York        Adams          470b     32
SORTER         Jonathan              66      New Jersey      Adams          470b     26
SORTER         Mary                  59      New Jersey      Adams          470b     27
SORTER         Sarah E.              13      New York        Adams          470b     34
SOUTHWELL      Edward H             2/12     Michigan        Camden         326B     34
SOUTHWELL      George                28      New York        Camden         326B     32
SOUTHWELL      Mary Ann              22      Pennsylvania    Camden         326B     33
SOUTHWICK      Emily                 27      New York        Wright         349B     32
SOUTHWICK      Myron H.               7      Michigan        Wright         349B     33
SOUTHWICK      Norman M.              3      Michigan        Wright         349B     34
SOUTHWICK      Ranson                35      New York        Wright         349B     31
SOUTHWICK      Sarah S.               1      Michigan        Wright         349B     35
SOUTHWORTH     Abigail                8      Michigan        Litchfield     422B     25
SOUTHWORTH     Alexander             15      New York        Reading        396a     31
SOUTHWORTH     Ann                   21      O               Pittsford      366a     42
SOUTHWORTH     Catharine M.           8      New York        Reading        396a     35
SOUTHWORTH     Elsa                  54      New York        Camden         329A     15
SOUTHWORTH     Emily M.              11      New York        Reading        396a     33
SOUTHWORTH     George M.             10      New York        Reading        396a     34
SOUTHWORTH     Ira                   55      New York        Camden         329A     14
SOUTHWORTH     John B.               39      New York        Reading        396a     28
SOUTHWORTH     John L.               14      New York        Reading        396a     32
SOUTHWORTH     John M                23      New York        Pittsford      366a     41
SOUTHWORTH     Lucinda               30      New York        Litchfield     422B     24
SOUTHWORTH     Lucretia A           8/12     Michigan        Pittsford      366b     1
SOUTHWORTH     Mary                  17      New York        Reading        396a     30
SOUTHWORTH     Otis                  54      New York        Woodbridge     334A     7
SOUTHWORTH     Roscius               36      Connecticut     Litchfield     422B     23
SOUTHWORTH     Roxana                 8      Michigan        Camden         329A     17
SOUTHWORTH     Royal                  4      Michigan        Litchfield     422B     27
SOUTHWORTH     Sarah L.              20      New York        Pittsford      366b     23
SOUTHWORTH     Stephen S.             1      Michigan        Reading        396a     36
SOUTHWORTH     Tacy M.               38      New York        Reading        396a     29
SOUTHWORTH     Thaddeus M.            6      New York        Litchfield     422B     26
SOUTHWORTH     Wallace B             12      Michigan        Camden         329A     16
SOUTHWORTH     William               23      New York        Pittsford      366b     22
SOUTHWORTH     William R.           1/12     Michigan        Litchfield     422B     28
SPAFFORD       Amy L                 32      New York        Amboy          340B     20
SPAFFORD       Cyrus H                4      O               Amboy          340B     23
SPAFFORD       Levi B.               35      New York        Amboy          340B     19
SPAFFORD       Olive G                7      O               Amboy          340B     22
SPAFFORD       Sylvenus R             1      O               Amboy          340B     24
SPAFFORD       William A              9      New York        Amboy          340B     21
SPATCH         Elizabeth             11      New York        Somerset       491B     32
SPATCH         Emiline               43      Vermont         Somerset       491B     30
SPATCH         Herman                 8      New York        Somerset       491B     33
SPATCH         James                  4      New York        Somerset       491B     35
SPATCH         Joseph                53      England         Somerset       491B     29
SPATCH         Mary                   6      New York        Somerset       491B     34
SPATCH         Sarah                  2      Michigan        Somerset       491B     36
SPATCH         William               14      New York        Somerset       491B     31
SPAULDING      Henry                 14      Michigan        Somerset       497A     37
SPEAKER        Henry F.              17      [not recorded]  Reading        399a     12
SPEAR          Burton                 7      Michigan        Adams          460b     42
SPEAR          Cullen                 9      Michigan        Adams          460b     41
SPEAR          Elizabeth             34      New York        Adams          460b     38
SPEAR          Evaline               13      Michigan        Adams          460b     39
SPEAR          Mary J.               11      Michigan        Adams          460b     40
SPEAR          William               36      New York        Adams          460b     37
SPENCER        Aaron                 25      O               Adams          471a     20
SPENCER        Aaron                 59      New York        Moscow         447B     29
SPENCER        Amasa                 11      Michigan        Moscow         447B     36
SPENCER        Bradley               23      New York        Moscow         447B     33
SPENCER        Caroline              18      New York        Wheatland      487A     12
SPENCER        Clara                 23      Vermont         Jefferson      380A     35
SPENCER        Clarissa              18      New York        Moscow         447B     34
SPENCER        Cynthia               27      New York        Moscow         447B     32
SPENCER        David A.              12      Michigan        Scipio         441B     18
SPENCER        Elizabeth             26      New York        Moscow         447B     38
SPENCER        Elizabeth             46      England         Scipio         441B     15
SPENCER        Emma A.              1/12     Michigan        Adams          471a     22
SPENCER        Eugene                 3      Illinois        Woodbridge     336B     4
SPENCER        Gilbert H.             4      Michigan        Moscow         447B     39
SPENCER        Harriet               20      O               Adams          471a     21
SPENCER        Joel A.               30      New York        Moscow         447B     37
SPENCER        John                  15      Michigan        Moscow         447B     35
SPENCER        Julia                 33      New York        Moscow         447B     31
SPENCER        Laura A.               6      Michigan        Scipio         441B     20
SPENCER        Lydia E.              15      O               Scipio         441B     17
SPENCER        Martha                54      New York        Moscow         447B     30
SPENCER        Scott                  2      Michigan        Moscow         447B     40
SPENCER        Stephen               10      Michigan        Wheatland      487A     9
SPENCER        Susan W.              10      Michigan        Scipio         441B     19
SPENCER        Thomas C.             17      O               Scipio         441B     16
SPENCER        William R.            44      New York        Scipio         441B     14
SPERRY         Albert                 9      New York        Amboy          339B     31
SPERRY         Andrew J              18      Massachusetts   Amboy          339B     28
SPERRY         Annis            **           New York        Fayette        529A     42
SPERRY         Burton                 6      Michigan        Amboy          339B     32
SPERRY         Charles J             20      Connecticut     Amboy          339B     27
SPERRY         Harriet A             15      New York        Amboy          339B     29
SPERRY         Jeremiah              48      Connecticut     Amboy          339B     25
SPERRY         Jerusha               45      Connecticut     Amboy          339B     26
SPERRY         Martha J              11      New York        Amboy          339B     30
SPERRY         Mary                  53      Germany         Fayette        529B     1
SPERRY         Orlando F              3      Michigan        Amboy          339B     33
SPOONER        Adaline              9/12     Michigan        Adams          461a     25
SPOONER        Alfred                13      Michigan        Adams          461a     19
SPOONER        Charles               10      Michigan        Adams          461a     20
SPOONER        Elizabeth             36      New York        Adams          461a     18
SPOONER        Elizabeth              6      Michigan        Adams          461a     22
SPOONER        Jane                   4      Michigan        Adams          461a     23
SPOONER        Mary                   8      Indiana         Adams          461a     21
SPOONER        Warner                46      Vermont         Adams          461a     17
SPOONER        Warner Jr.             2      Michigan        Adams          461a     24
SPOOR          Eliza V.               5      Michigan        Moscow         452A     17
SPOOR          Hellen M.             13      Indiana         Adams          466a     10
SPOOR          Isaac                 45      New York        Moscow         452A     11
SPOOR          Lorinda A.             2      Michigan        Moscow         452A     18
SPOOR          Mary J.                8      Michigan        Moscow         452A     16
SPOOR          Polly                 41      New York        Moscow         452A     12
SPOOR          Theron                14      Pennsylvania    Moscow         452A     14
SPOOR          Wallace L.            12      Michigan        Moscow         452A     15
SPOOR          William A.            15      Pennsylvania    Moscow         452A     13
SPRAGUE        Adelbert A             9      New York        Pittsford      363a     30
SPRAGUE        Agnes A               12      Michigan        Pittsford      363a     29
SPRAGUE        Alpheus P.             7      New York        Pittsford      363a     31
SPRAGUE        Benjamin K.            4      New York        Pittsford      363a     32
SPRAGUE        Edwin A               14      Michigan        Pittsford      363a     28
SPRAGUE        Elizabeth             46      Massachusetts   Pittsford      363a     27
SPRAGUE        James S               41      M*              Pittsford      363a     26
SPRAGUE        Lewis                 37      New York        Woodbridge    332B      7
SPRINGER       Asenath               33      New York        Jefferson      374A     15
SPRINGER       Cornelia I.            4      Michigan        Jefferson      374A     20
SPRINGER       Elizabeth J.           9      Michigan        Jefferson      374A     17
SPRINGER       Francis I.             1      Michigan        Jefferson      374A     21
SPRINGER       Joseph H.             37      New York        Jefferson      374A     14
SPRINGER       Polly M.               7      Michigan        Jefferson      374A     18
SPRINGER       Sarah A.              12      Michigan        Jefferson      374A     16
SPRINGER       Willard D.             5      Michigan        Jefferson      374A     19
SPRINGSTON     Caroline               7      O               Litchfield     420B     27
SPRINGSTON     Delos                  4      O               Litchfield     420B     28
SPRINGSTON     Lovina                 1      Michigan        Litchfield     420B     29
SPRINGSTON     Nancy                 30      O               Litchfield     420B     26
SPRINGSTON     William               32      O               Litchfield     420B     25
SPROWLS        Adaline                6      Michigan        Adams          458b     37
SPROWLS        George                 2      Michigan        Adams          458b     38
SPROWLS        James                 15      New York        Adams          458b     34
SPROWLS        John                  17      New York        Adams          458b     33
SPROWLS        Julia                  9      Michigan        Adams          458b     36
SPROWLS        Mahala                36      New Jersey      Adams          458b     32
SPROWLS        Mary E.               13      Michigan        Adams          458b     35
SPROWLS        Peter                 43      New Jersey      Adams          458b     31
SQUIER         Caroline              28      New York        Ransom         343B     22
SQUIER         Charles S             1/2     Michigan        Ransom         343B     25
SQUIER         Cornelia O.           32      New York        Pittsford      359b     16
SQUIER         Ellen A                6      Michigan        Ransom         343B     23
SQUIER         Emeline               13      New York        Moscow         448B     3
SQUIER         Emma A.                4      Michigan        Pittsford      359b     18
SQUIER         Francis O.            22      New York        Amboy          340B     8
SQUIER         John B.               32      New York        Pittsford      359b     15
SQUIER         John W.          4\12         Michigan        Pittsford      359b     19
SQUIER         Lebeus                41      New York        Moscow         448A     41
SQUIER         Lemuel I              30      New York        Ransom         343B     21
SQUIER         Margery               32      New York        Moscow         448A     42
SQUIER         Margery A.             4      Michigan        Moscow         448B     5
SQUIER         Mary                   7      Michigan        Moscow         448B     4
SQUIER         Milan                 14      New York        Moscow         448B     2
SQUIER         Noble                 61      Massachusetts   Ransom         347B     12
SQUIER         Olive                 16      New York        Moscow         448B     1
SQUIER         Russel L.              7      Michigan        Pittsford      359b     17
SQUIER         Ruth                  19      O               Amboy          340B     9
SQUIER         Sarah I                2      Michigan        Ransom         343B     24
SQUIER         Susannah              62      New Hampshire   Ransom         347B     13
SQUIRES        Clarence               2      Michigan        Reading        394b     2
SQUIRES        Maria                 25      New York        Reading        394b     1
SQUIRES        Truman L.             28      New York        Reading        394a     42

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This page was last updated Thursday, 17-Oct-2013 07:28:00 MDT

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