1850 Census Index: Hillsdale County Michigan

This page is an index to the 1850 Hillsdale County Michigan Census transcription for the following townships:
Adams, Amboy, Cambria, Camden, Fayette, Jefferson, Litchfield, Moscow, Pittsford, Reading, Scipio, Somerset, Wheatland Woodbridge, and Wright.

Use the link next to the name to go to the actual scanned census pages (generously provided by S-K Publications), then use the line number to locate the person.

VELIE          Abraham               47      New York        Wheatland      487A     21
VELIE          Cornelius             17      New York        Wheatland      487A     23
VELIE          Eleanor               41      New York        Wheatland      487A     22
VELIE          Elizabeth              9      Michigan        Wheatland      487A     26
VELIE          Evert                 15      New York        Wheatland      487A     24
VELIE          Margaret               3      Michigan        Wheatland      487A     28
VELIE          Phillip                5      Michigan        Wheatland      487A     27
VELIE          Tenetta               12      New York        Wheatland      487A     25
VICKERS        George T              10      Michigan        Woodbridge     333A     10
VICKERS        Lucretia M            45      Massachusetts   Woodbridge     333A     8
VICKERS        Mary Ann              12      Massachusetts   Woodbridge     333A     9
VICKERS        William               36      England         Woodbridge     333A     7
VINCENT        Albert                 7      Ohio            Ransom         342A     10
VINCENT        Amanda                14      Michigan        Camden         326B     14
VINCENT        Fayette                5      Ohio            Ransom         342A     11
VINCENT        Gardner               32      New York        Ransom         342A     8
VINCENT        Jane                  28      New York        Ransom         342A     9
VINCENT        Margaret               8      Michigan        Camden         326B     15
VINCENT        Mariette               2      Michigan        Ransom         342A     12
VINECONE       Alexander             30      New York        Cambria        386B     23
VINECONE       Josephine R.           1      Michigan        Cambria        386B     25
VINECONE       Wealthy D.            20      New York        Cambria        386B     24
VOORHES        Charles D             18      New York        Somerset       489A     29
VOORHES        Elizabeth             20      New York        Somerset       489A     28
VOORHES        James H               30      New York        Somerset       490A     25
VOORHES        Jane                  52      New Jersey      Somerset       489A     24
VOORHES        John                  60      New Jersey      Somerset       489A     23
VOORHES        John W                28      New York        Somerset       489A     25
VOORHES        Julia A               17      New York        Somerset       489A     30
VOORHES        Marvin S              27      New York        Somerset       489A     26
VOORHES        Mary                  22      New York        Somerset       489A     27
VOORHES        Sarah A               21      New York        Somerset       490A     26
VREELAND       Anna E.                4      Michigan        Adams          467a     16
VREELAND       Benjamin F.           11      New Jersey      Adams          467a     13
VREELAND       Eliza                 32      New Jersey      Adams          467a     12
VREELAND       George                 1      Michigan        Adams          467a     17
VREELAND       Mary E.                9      New Jersey      Adams          467a     14
VREELAND       Nicholas G.           32      New Jersey      Adams          467a     11
VREELAND       Rachel B.              7      New Jersey      Adams          467a     15
VROOMAN        Ann                   27      New York        Scipio         443B     40
VROOMAN        Henry                 70      New York        Scipio         443B     38
VROOMAN        Mary                  20      New York        Scipio         444A     1
VROOMAN        Mary                  54      New York        Scipio         443B     39
VROOMAN        Sidney B.             23      New York        Scipio         443B     41
VROOMAN        Thomas                37      New York        Scipio         443B     42

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Copyright © 1999-2002 Tracey Morris

This page was last updated Thursday, 17-Oct-2013 07:28:10 MDT

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