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Hillsdale County Michigan - 1872 Plat Map
Moscow Township
Township 5 South, Range 2 West, Section 21

The following information is extracted from a circa 1872 plat map, which was purchased as a single page from a plat book. Courtesy of Tracey Morris.

BORDEN, Jos. - 160 acres with residence
CARTER, Wm. - 40 acres
DELAVAN, E.C. and J. - 40 acres (see section 16)
HALL, W.C. - 160 acres with residence
HOW, N.D. - 80 acres
KIES, Fernando - 80 acres
MUMFORD, E.C.L. - 40 acres
SHEPARD, P.B. - 40 acres with residence (see Section 22)

Section 17

Section 16

Section 15

Section 20 Section 21, Township 5 N, Range 2 W Section 22

Section 29

Section 28

Section 27

This information is made available to the public for non-commercial purposes.
Copyright 2000 Tracey Morris




This page was last updated Saturday, 20-Jun-2009 13:39:30 MDT

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