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Vietnam War Casualties
Hillsdale Co.

*For persons who died while missing or captured,
the date of casualty is the date died or declared dead (e.g. date of a finding of death), not the date declared missing or captured.
**BNR indicates that the body has not been recovered.

Last First/Middle Rank Service Home DOD POD Casualty BNR
Aeschliman David Keith CWO Army Camden 01/16/1970 S. Vietnam Hostile, Died Wounds
Anderson Warren Leroy COL Air Force Camden 01/09/1978 N. Vietnam Hostile, Died Missing BNR
Belcher Frank Edward SP4 Army Osseo 06/07/1968 S. Vietnam Hostile, Killed
Bennett Donald Lee SP4 Army Hillsdale 03/11/1967 S. Vietnam Hostile, Died Missing
Breeden Clifford Lynn Jr PFC Army Hillsdale 10/17/1967 S. Vietnam Hostile, Died Missing
Collyer Dale Elwyn MSGT Army Hillsdale 01/09/1969 S. Vietnam Non Hostile, Died ILL., INJ .
Doty Clair Duane SP4 Army Hillsdale 05/05/1964 S. Vietnam Hostile, Killed
Greiling David Scott CDR Navy Hillsdale 09/14/1973 N. Vietnam Hostile, Died Captured BNR
Higbee Gary Lee CAPT Army Montgomery 08/08/1968 S. Vietnam Hostile, Killed
Markel Ronald Joe LCPL Marines Waldron 05/09/1968 S. Vietnam Hostile, Killed
Myers Larry Dale PFC Army Camden 01/11/1967 S. Vietnam Hostile, Killed
Sanford David Amon SFC Army Shady Side 02/07/1968 S. Vietnam Hostile, Killed
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This page was last updated Saturday, 20-Jun-2009 13:49:14 MDT

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