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Civil Justice Docket - 1953-1956
Reading, Michigan

E-mail Dale Baker requesting a copy of the page # you are interested in. He will scan & send it in .jpg format. (Note: Sorry, but March 2008 - this is no longer a valid email address.)

Be Advised: Justice Frank Reynolds did NOT have the best hand-writing I have ever seen. I tried to transcribe the book as it appeared.

Page #	Plaintiff				Defendant

201	Sawyer, Walter W			Cook, Laverne

84	ISCS					Adair, Clifford

83	ISCS					Adair, Floyd

90	Reading Co-op				Adair, Floyd

142	Huey, Max				Adams, Frank & Etta

3	Macy L A				Allen, Aurther

32	Miller & Hyliard			Allen, Auther & Mildred

162	Hillsdale Credit			Allen, Mildred & Arthur

123	Levin Oil Company			Anis, W

38	Standard Oil Co				Bacon, Armon & Loraine

67	Hickok Appliance			Bacon, Armond & Loraine

63	ISCS					Bacon, Armond & Loraine

42	Gaylord, Robert				Bager, Morris

57	Kreps, S M				Baker, Richard

60	Hyliard, Miller				Baker, Robert

133	Sanford, Douglas			Barnett, Jerry

164	Hillsdale Credit			Barton, Allen

18	Watson, Audlin				Betts, Earl

1	Watson, Audlin M			Betts, Earl

136	Huey, Max				Boner, Ivan L Auctioneer

137	Huey, Max				Boner, Ivan L Auctioneer

75	Truman, Bill				Bradshaw, Otto & Evelyn

26	Adams, George				Briner, Ray

132	Barnett Company Osseo Milk		Briner, Ted

134	Hodson, Freda & Roy			Briner, Ted

169	Ritter Brothers				Brines, Theodore

12	Cook, C B				Buell, Berman

35	Redding, John				Burger, David

46	Gaylord, Robert				Burger, L A

44	Gaylord, Robert				Burger, Larry

100	Brand, Ralph				Burlew, Fay

41	Blordale, C A				Burlew, Forest & Goldie

172	Hillsdale Co., Health Center	        Burlew, Forrest Ed Jr

16	Kulow, Paul				Burlew, Kenneth

153	Health Center				Byard, Bernard

120	Faulk Lumber Company			Byers, Arthur H

139	ISCS					Byers, Walker

129	Blosdale, Carlyle			Camp, Albert

96	Gibler, Arthure				Carpenter, Harvey K

7	Willilts, Mores C			Carpenter, Harvey K

53	Blosdale, Carlyle			Carpenter, Moe

216	Bales, Doctor				Carpenter, Ralph

174	Blosdale, Carlyle			Carpenter, Ralph

185	Hopkins, Richard H			Clark, Edward G

177	Hillsdale Credit			Claw, Clarence

186	Market Tin Company			Cleveland, L S

198	Gulf Refining				Close, Ralph & Mary

144	Adams, Clifford				Cole, Jollie

29	Grill, D E				Cook, Laverne

121	Hardgrave, Allen			Cook, Laverne

214	ISCS					Cornish, Mack & Hilda

191	Vernon Company				Covey, Glen

192	Vernon Company				Covey, Glen

215	ISCS					Cox, Jacob & Wife

203	Hanes, Clara H				Curry, Alton

178	Field Enterprices			Czarnecki, Ben

91	Reading Co-op				Czarnicht, Lester/Virginia

14	Millard & Whitney			Daley, George

88	ISCS					Denning, James

4	Carpenter, Mac A			Densmore, R D

199	Horton Coal Company 	   		Densmore, Ray & Velma

10	Adams, George				Densmore, Roy

5	Green, Ellsworth			Densmore, Roy

47	Adams, George J				Dicker, Junior

87	ISCS					Dickey, Lyndon

217	Day, D L W				Drake, Gene

171	Hugget, Elton				Drann, Kenneth

165	Horton Coal Company			Draper, Richard

168	Ritter Brothers				Drum, Kenneth

219	Day L W Doctor				Durling, Donald

176	Hillsdale Credit			Earles, Ron & Pearl

15	Davison, William M			Eckard, A

86	Adams, George				Elwood, Carpenter

39	Hillsdale Hospital			Emerick, Kenneth

76	Empty					Empty

77	Empty					Empty

95	Empty					Empty

68	ISCS					Fall, Arnold & Florence

206	Hillsdale Credit			Fast, Henry A

114	Hodge, Doctor				Ferguson, Paul

111	Reading Co-op				Freed, Lyle

143	Redding, John				Freed, Lyle

122	Colonial Finance Company		Gaminez, Lupe

151	Richardson, George			Gier, James

181	Reading Co-op				Gier, James Jr

112	Reading Co-op				Gies, Jim

195	Hillsdale Credit			Globensky, George/June

194	Huey, Max				Grats, Raymond

220	Hodge, Doctor				Greenfield, Charlene

159	Hillsdale Credit			Greenfield, Clarance

82	Dunn, Richard & Ruth			Greenfield, Clarence

131	Hauty, J W				Greenfield, Clarence

59	Hodge, C L				Greenfield, Clarence/Grace

66	ISCS					Greenfield, Claren/Grace

59	Shard L					Greenfield, Claren/Grace

24	Whitney & Millard			Guise, Lavere

101	Dury, Robert				Hamilton, Ramond

52	Hall, Harvey H				Haybarker, Owen

73	Hyliard, Miller				Herendean, Alger

94	Quackenbush, Robert			Herendene, Alger

99	Quackenbush, Robert			Herendene, Alger

152	Hillsdale Credit 			Hess, Dego

27	Adams, George				Higitt, Nelson

81	Warner, Paul				Hiller, David

17	McNitt, R S				Hopper, Orville

148	Mineral Surveyor Inc			Horton, Harold, Mr/Mrs

160	Castle, Arthur B			Howell, Max

107	Reading Co-op				Huffman, Wilmer

127	Worthington, Art			Hulchin, Paul

118	Luce, Otto				Hutchins, Paul

189	Reading Feed Mill			Jenkins, Earl

128	Blosdale, Carlyle			Kemp, Milo

85	Adams, George				Kemp. Milo

80	Shumaker, Ron				Kirkingburg, Dennis

11	Salway, Hugh				Kyser, Ray

13	Salway, Hugh				Kyser, Ray

103	Gibler, Arthur				Ladd, Wilber

50	Willets, M C				Lamming, Herb

196	Kendelville Coal Company	        Lansky, Carlton & Hilda

97	ISCS					Leavilt, William

102	ISCS					Leavilt, William

105	ISCS					Leavilt, William

108	ISCS					Leavitt, William

208	VanWarmer, Hazel			March, Ronald & Shirley

182	ISCS					Martin, Lyle & Marion

158	Ramus & Huey				McClain, Howard

157	The Burnett Company, Osseo		McLein, Howard

74	Luce, Otto				Midtgard, Fred

193	Horton Coal Company 	      	 	Mildgard, Fred & Jennie

209	Knickerbacker Sales 	       		Mildtgard, Fred & Jennie

135	Lewis Oil Company			Moore, Charles

138	Lewis Oil Company			Moore, Charles

146	Montgomery Ward & Co			Morse, George B

23	Davison, William			Myor, Lyle & Logan, Stuart

170	Ritter Brothers				Norris, Richard

190	Reading Feed Mill			Osborn, Kenneth

92	ISCS					Paradine, Homer

167	Faylke Lumber & Supply			Paterson, Edd

179	Appliance Service Center	        Patterson, Edward

45	Luce, Otto				Patterson, Edward

212	Redding, John				Patterson, Edward

183	Southworth, A				Patterson, Edward

213	Southworth, A D				Patterson, Edward

210	Briner, Ted				Patterson, Richard

54	Todd, George Jr				Pesham,. Roscoe

207	Gulf Refining Company			Petrie, Harold

156	Hillsdale County Health Center	        Phibbs, Roberts

117	Gaylord, Mitchell, Grey, White, Chapin	Powers, Gail

173	ISCS					Powers, Gail

113	Reading Co-op				Powers, Gale

187	Reading Feed Mill			Powers, Mr & Mrs Gail

202	Smith, Ira B				Puschis, Frank

132	Barnet Company Osseo Milk		Ranson, Ted

134	Hodson, Freda & Roy			Ranson, Ted

58	Barnet, Ben B				Robertson, Phillip

64	Barnett, Ben				Robertson, Phillip

65	Barnett, Ben				Robertson, Phillip

109	Newton, Ronald				Robison, Kenneth P

56	Burnet Company				Roe, John

62	ISCS					Roe, John

20	Mundy, Lewis				Rose, Lester

220	Hodge, Doctor				Rosetti, Carl Jr

149	Appliance Service Center		Ryan, Ben

145	Truman, Bill				Ryan, Ben & Maxine

93	Quackenbush, Robert			Ryan, Walt

98	Quackenbush, Robert			Ryan, Walt

205	Clem Davis Ford		       		Sanders, Charles D & Bertha

147	Hill, Richard				Sarlen, Ivan & Dartha

69	Blosdale, Carlyle			Sawdey, Ted

30	Hadson, A S				Sawdey, Ted

140	Messimer, Harold			Sawdey, Ted

132	Barnet Company Osseo Milk		Sawdry, O

134	Hodson, Freda & Roy			Sawdry, O

116	Burnett Company				Sawdry, Ranson O

218	ISCS					Schofield, Robert

155	St Johns				Scroggins, Ross

161	Knickerbacker Motor Sales		Shannon, George G

126	Martin, Eli				Shaw, Tom

51	Blosdale, Carlyle A			Shindler, Joe

48	Luce, Otto				Shook, Marlin

197	Consolidated Office Supply		Slade, Harold

70	Rabley, George D			Smith, Harley

72	Huey, Max L				Smith, Norman

55	Huey, M L				Smith, Norman L

61	Huey, Max L				Smith, Norman L

175	ISCS					Snow, Harold

34	Luce, Otto				Snow, Harold

71	Rabley, George				Snow, Harold

19	Weaver, Carl W				Snow, Harold

125	Reading Home Dairy			Spath, Lewis

78	Adams, George				Speith, Davis & Phillis

79	Adams, George				Speith, Davis & Phillis

180	Reading Co-op				Speith, Lewis

184	Hunton, Gerald				Speith, Lewis & Lois

106	Reading Co-op				Spielh, Davis

130	Humbarger, Harry			Spieth, Lewis

188	Reading Feed Mill			Stockwell, Roy

211	Tinfroeh, Charles Doctor		Straw, Clayton

2	Davison, William M			Swanders, Richard

150	Chapin, L E Doctor			Tankel, Oscar

141	Blosdale, Carlyle			Tankle, Orlo

8	Chapin, Earl L				Taylor, Eugene

154	Day & Michel				Thorp, Carrol

110	Rabley, George				Todd, Emery

204	Hillsdale Credit			Traylor, John & Ruth

163	Rasmussen, John				Varner, Theo & Mary

36	Redding, John				Wallman, David

119	Ritter Brothers				Weaver, Ralph O

200	Randall Wall Paper & Paint Store	Webb, Frank & Verihell

104	Gibler, Arthur				Webber, Roscoe

22	Ehnis, Harold				Weidner, M J

49	Luce, Otto				Wells, Lynn

40	Prehn, Chuck				Wilkins, Harold


21	Voorher, J W				Wisner, Ralph

33	Chapin, Earl				Worthington, Arther & Ethel

166	McKentyre, Robert			Worthington, Arthur

28	Mitchell & Co.		      		Worthington, Auther & Ethel

89	X'd Out	X'd Out

124	X'd Out	X'd Out

6	X'd Out

9	X'd Out

25	X'd Out

31	X'd Out

37	X'd Out

43	X'd Out

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Copyright © 2002 Tracey Morris

This page was last updated Wednesday, 05-Dec-2012 12:15:11 MST

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