Obituaries T
Corneilia Elizabeth Merriman Thompson *
Jane Victorine (Gerow) Tompkins *
Warren Tompkins
Reading Hustler, Hillsdale Co., Michigan, 27? March 1912, p.1.
Corneilia Elizabeth MERRIMAN was born at Chazy, Clinton county, New York, May 29th, 1831, and came with her parents, the late Mr. and Mrs. Roswell MERRIMAN, to Jonesville in 1839 and to Reading township in 1840.
In 1852 she was united in marriage to Darwin H. THOMPSON. They resided in North Reading a few years and also in Camden township, moving to Reading village where the husband died in 1882. Reading village had been the home of Mrs. THOMPSON, until a short time ago when she was moved to Hillsdale and a few days prior to her death she was taken to the county house.
Out of a large family of children only Mrs. Mary S. MERRIMAN, of Hillsdale, survives. Ray S. THOMPSON, now of Las Vegas, New Mexico, is the only child. There are also six grandchildren, the eldest being 14 years of age.
Mrs. THOMPSON was united with the F.B. church in North Reading several years ago. Funeral services were held at the F.B. church here Monday afternoon and burial was in Maplewood.
Submitter: Nancy Nally
Mar 7 1907
Mrs. J. Vic TOMPKINS, widow of the late Henry TOMPKINS of this place [Litchfield], died in Battle Creek Sunday morning of pneumonia, aged 62
years. She leaves one daughter, Mrs. Clifford THAYER, of Battle Creek, and one son, Frank, of Ann Arbor, and relatives of this place being Mrs. A. HERRING
[sister] and Mrs. Addie TOMPKINS.
The remains were brought here for burial Tuesday accompanied by the following from out of town: Mr. and Mrs. Clifford THAYER, Mr. and Mrs. J. B.
DORSEY, of Battle Creek; Mr. and Mrs. S. W. MARSHAL and Dr. WARBOYS of Albion; Frank TOMPKINS of Ann Arbor; Mr. and Mrs. R. E.
GARLINGHOUSE, Mrs. C. J. HENSHAW, and Mrs. J. A. SHULTZ, of Homer.
Submitter: Phil Anderson
2 May 1900
Warren TOMPKINS Dead
After an illness of 21 weeks Warren TOMPKINS passed away at his home on Marshall street, at 2:30 Wednesday afternoon. [died 2 May 1900]
Warren TOMPKINS was born in Genesee, Wyoming county, N.Y., July 29, 1838, where he resided until 1853, when he came to Michigan with his parents,
and settled on the farm now owned by Monroe FROST. In March 1865, he enlisted and served his country for a year and a half when ill health compelled
him to be mustered out.
March 29, 1866, he was married to Adalaide C. MASON. To them were born eight children, all of whom are still living but two. Those living are Mrs. R. E.
GARLINGHOUSE and Mrs. J. A. SHULTZ, of Homer, Mosely M., Will F., Nina May and Cozie A., of Litchfield, together with his wife and two sisters of
Homer, were by his side at the last.
We can all say he was a kind husband and indulgent father and was respected by all who know him.
The funeral will be held at the M. E. church Saturday, May 5, at 1:30, Rev. Cronk officiating. Interment will be made in Mt. Hope cemetery.
Submitter: Phil Anderson
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