a - means acres; bds - boards; B Tel. - Bell telephone; 4 ch, - 4 children;
H & L - house and lot; O - owns; R1 - Rural Route No. 1; ret - retired;
T - tenant; 4h - 4 horses; 2c - 2 cattle.
Moore, Otis (Ethel) fireman East Ash St. | Petty, William (Sarah) painter D St. |
Morrow, Ray laborer Mechanic & Center Sts. | Phileo, L. (Rachel) 1 ch salesman A St. |
Morse, Isaac ret mason Columbia St. Ind. Tel. | PHILLIPS, WM. (Martha) 3ch farmer W Maple St Ind. Tel. |
MUKELSON, C.P. | Pierce, Richard (Eliza) 5ch gardening O 4a 1h Ind. Tel. |
Neely, Mrs. Carrol C St. | Porter, Mrs. Emily North St. |
Neely, Harry (Harriette) clothier Oak St. Ind. Tel. | Post, J.W. (Elizabeth) 6ch timber estimator W Ash St. |
Nelson, Prude teacher Main St. | Post, W.N. (Sarah N.) 1ch ret farmer W Ash St. |
Newberry, A.G. (Mary C.) 4 ch pastor of Baptist church C St. | Potter, D.C. shoe repairing Okemos St. |
Nichols, Benj. ret Main St. | Potter, Mrs. Mariah boarder Oak St. |
Nichols, D. engineer T H&L. | Price, Mrs. George S Barnes St Ind Tel. |
Noxon, Alma East Elm St. | Pryor, Sarah E. Ash St. |
Noxon, Herbert (Beryl) 2 ch painter T H&L 1h 8c Barnes St. | Randall, Clarence (Viola) 2 ch livery A St. |
Oliver, Robert A. (Ada A.) carpenter West Mill St. | Randall, Mrs. J. W Maple St. |
Orr, Miss Maude nurse | Rathbone, Henry (Priscilla) 3ch ret farmer Cherry St. |
Ostrand, Miss Edith clerk Columbia St. | Rayner, Mrs. C.J. D St. B Tel. |
Ostrand, T. ret Columbia St. | Rayner, Robbins B. (Pearl L.) 1ch coal dealer Oak & C Sts. B Tel. |
Otis, Nora 2ch Elm St. Ind. Yel. | Reason, Mrs. Bessie carpenter W Mill St. |
Ottis, Eber L. (Lois) clerk P St. B Tel. | Reed, Mrs. Emma cor E Ash & D Sts. |
Parker, C.A. (Tressa) 1 ch drygoods Maple St. | Reeves, Miss Lydia housekeeper Oak St. |
Parker, Ernest 2ch laborer West Elm St. | Robinson, Mrs. Ann Buzzard St. |
Parker, F.C. (Pearl) bookkeeper Elm St. | Rockwell, H.P. (Helen) 2ch butcher D St. |
Parkhurst, Earl (Mabel) clerk Maple St. | Rodman, H.S. (Amy) 2ch meat market Okemos St. |
Parkes, Roy janitor school house A St. | Rodman, Lita school teacher Okemos St. |
Parmater, Leon C. (Amie M.) painter Mill St. | Rolfe, C.C. ret farmer 339 Main St. |
Parrish, Jessie East Elm St. | Rolfe, Lyman (Fanny) 1ch section hand South St. |
Patrick, Philo (Amy) 1 ch ret Buzzell St. | Root, W.S. (Laura) 2ch supt poor South St. B & Ind. Tels. |
Peck, G.R. (Linna) 3ch justice of peace South St. | Rorabeek, Mrs. E.J. Columbia St. |
Penberthy, John N. (Emma C.) harness dealer Mill St. Ind. Tel. |
ROSE, A.L. (Emma J.) publisher. See adv. |
Perrin, Frank (Charlotte) ret farmer East Ash St. | ROUSE, N.N. broker. See adv. |
Peters, Henry (Mary) ret Ash cor P Sts. | Royston, Bert painter Center St. |
Petty, Alvin M. (Mary) 1ch blacksmith Mill St. B. Tel. | Royston, Guy C. (Millie) 2ch painter Oak St Ind.Tel. |
Rusch, John (Florence) carpenter Columbia St. | |
Salisbury, Leslie E. 1ch hardware Mill St Ind Tel | |
Samann, Eda W Maple St. | |
Samana, John M. (Carrie) 2ch tailor W Maple St. |
a - means acres; bds - boards; B Tel. - Bell telephone; 4 ch, - 4 children;
H & L - house and lot; O - owns; R1 - Rural Route No. 1; ret - retired;
T - tenant; 4h - 4 horses; 2c - 2 cattle.
Sanders, David (Minerva R.) ret farmer Elm St. | Squiers, John C. (Mary J.) ret E Ash St. |
Saunders, Wesley S. (Frances) 1ch baker Oak St. | Squiers, John, Jr. (Elizabeth) 4ch druggist E Ash St. |
Sayers, John H. ret Oak St. | Staley, John 1ch ret Oak St. |
Seaman, Wm P. 1ch laborer Maple St. | Standish, Don (Dora) 1ch machinist Elm St. |
Searl, Fred (Minnie) 3ch county supt school Barnes St Ind. Tel. | Stanton, Fred freight agt MCRRW Ash St. |
Searl, Mary Mill St. | Stanton, W.E. (Josephine) farmer O 10a 2h 1c |
SEELY, F. | Stephens, Charles (Ina) ret farmer W Ash St. |
Shafer, Bertha Maple St. Ind. Tel. | Stevens, A.B. (Ella) 1ch ret farmer Maple St. |
Shafer, James H. (Lucy E.) justice of peace Main St B Tel. | Stevens, Mrs. Pearry Main St Ind Tel. |
Shafer, Ollie Maple St. Ind. Tel. | Stoekle, Jacob (Electa) clerk Mill St |
Shaffer, William (Millie) 4ch laborer Maple St. | Strickland, David M. (Mary E.) ret Columbia St. |
Shank, Will A. (Rose E.) printer E Elm St B Tel. | Strickland, Guy 6ch elevator man O H&L |
Shattuck, Loren (Susie) 2ch farmer Lansing St. | Stroud, Mrs. Mary D St. |
Shaw, Samuel W Maple St. | Swan, Martha ret farmer Oak St. |
Shebert, Thadius laborer W North St. | SWEENEY, T.J. hotel |
Sherman, Gil. D. (Alice) 1ch minister Cherry & C Sts. | SWEET, L.R. Box 276 |
Sherman, G.W. (Alta R.) miller Okemos St Ind. Tel. | Symons, John T. (Florence M.) principal high school Ash St B Tel. |
Sitts, Baldwin (Ellen) ret farmer W Maple St. | Taliman, Fred (Dora) steam engineer Oak & C Sts. |
Sitts, Mrs. James West St. | Tallman, Mrs. M.A. W Maple St. |
Skinner, Art (Josephine) 4ch laborer Buzzell St. | Taylor, J.E. (Clara) implement dealer E Ash St. |
Smead, Jeanette housekeeper Elm St. B Tel. | Thomas, Frank (Ada B.) 1ch physician Ash St B & Ind Tels. |
Smith, Grace B. poultry W Mill St. | Thomas, Helen F. Ash St. |
Smith, George (Hattie) teamster Barnes St. | Thornburn, James G. (Leda A.) mechanic Mechanic St Ind tel |
Smith, J.J. laborer C St. | Thorburn, James S. (Mary A.) night police Center St. |
Smith, Jos. P. (Lillian) 1ch coal dealer W Maple St Ind. Tel. | Thorburn, Thomas T. (Zella) tile mfgr Columbia Ind Tel. |
Smith, Jarid B. (Emma) ret farmer West St. | Titus, Manly (Nora) carpenter Lansing St. |
Smith, Lansing F. (Kate) Ash St. | Titus, Winnie Lansing St B Tel. |
Smith, Rosell (Adie) painter W Maple St. | Torrance, Alvin J. (Ida) 1ch automobile E Ash St Ind. tel. |
Smith, W.W. farmer & stockbuyer Columbia St. | Traver, Henry (Grace) 2ch rug factory W Maple St. B Tel. |
Smith, Wm. H. 1ch ret farmer W Mill St. | Travis, Sanford (Lucy) 2ch laborer Buzzell St Ind tel. |
Smith, William (Anna) farmer & stock | |
Slanier, John (Melissa) butcher A St. |