Henderson Imes (Ames) Co
and William Shakespeare
Company |

General Gas Light Company,
Hotel Rickman,
and G. P. Truesdale Funeral

Cadillac Motor Car Company,
M. Kent Company,
Kalamazoo Paper Co.
and the Majestic Theater |

C. Ehrmann - whiskey and wines,
Wm. A Jacobs - saloon,
W. H. Overholt wines and cigars,
N. H. McParland - billiards,
E. E. Phelps
- wines and liquors,
Lortie & Loomis Buffet,
and Goodie Phillips - Anheuser-Busch

Buehler Bros. - fresh and
salt meats,
Grant Ray - short orders,
Charles Schau - billiards,
M. Walsh - wholesale grocer,
C. P. Bidlack - druggist,
Dold's Drug Store,
Albert W. Fortner - livery and boarding stable,
Somers & Stroberg -
The Knight - baths of all kinds,
The Union Hotel,
Goetzinger &
Niedringhaus - cigars,
Hulburd Warren and Chandler - stock brokers,
La Nita &
Certified - cigars |

Standard Paper Company
and the Illinois Envelope Company |

Awning & Tent,
Union Trim & Lumbar,
Gibson Mandolin-Guitar Company,
Humphrey Company,
A. Grofvert florist,
Fuller & Sons Manufacturing,
the Superior Ice Company

Crown Celery Gardens,
Dry Cleaning,
Howell's Market,
Piper Ice Cream Company,
Woman's Exchanges
- bread cakes pies,
Edward H.
Woodhams - flowers fruits and vegetables ,
Fauger-Martin suits and overcoats,
The Paris - garment cleaners,
Bon Ton
Cafe, Gorman Cycle Company,
Finger's cleaners and dyers,
Geo. Lee - oriental
restaurants ,
Fred A. Mill - attorney

Clark Engine & Boiler and
Brewing Company |

Gas Company

Drug Co., Anderson's Buffet,
Spot Cash Grocery
Kalamazoo Auto
Sales - Overland Model 79,
Wallace Drug Store,
Britton and Harvey - trunks
bags suitcases and jewelry,
H. A. Fisher - florists.

Joldersma & Brockie - undertakers,
S. J. Arnold - wines liquors and
Chas. Lee - Lee Yo
Wo Laundry,
The First National Bank of Kalamazoo,
T. J. Dermody - cigar
F. L. McCall, Otto Bayer - wines liquors and cigars |

The Goodale Company,
Kalumen Ware skillets

Harris &
Pratt - coal coke and wood,
Sam Lee Chinese Laundry
Slover & Huber
Drug Store,
Bert Downs groceries

Antique Furniture Shop
Gerline Brass Foundry,
Lee You Wo Chop Suey