Edward Heaton, Master Wrecker


Edward Heaton

Some of the Buildings Wrecked by Mr. Heaton's Crew

(Article in Snap Shooting Grand Rapids, G. R. Herald, 17 June 1923)



Grand Rapids School No. 7
Wrecking of old school in 1910 on Ionia Avenue.
The Coldbrook School occupies the location.


Central Grammar School
The old grammar school at Lyon Street and Barclay Avenue
was wrecked in 1911.  It is now occupied by Strong Junior High School.


Old Lexington School
Being torn apart.


Fountain Street Baptist Church Fire, 1920
The wrecking crew taking apart what was left after the fire.


O-Wash-Ta-Nong Club at Reed's Lake
Before it was destroyed by fire.


Watson Homestead, Landmark of the West Side
Erected by Henry G. Stone in 1871


Waston Homestead on Stone Hill
Wreckers working on it.


Old Fuller Homestead
wrecked in 1913 to make way for the new Masonic Temple.

Scanned by: ES
Created: 6 September 2006