Organizations That Are For
and Against Woman Suffrage


Who Want Woman Suffrage?
(G. R. News, November 2, 1918)

  • The President of the United States.
  • The House of Representatives.
  • The National Republican Committee.
  • The State Republican Convention.
  • The National Democratic Committee.
  • The State Democratic Convention.
  • Women of the Allied Countries of Europe, organized for democracy.
  • The 2,000,000 organized women of the National American Woman Suffrage Association.
  • The 2,500,000 women of the General Federation of Women's Clubs.
  • National Women's Trade Union League.
  • Association of Collegiate Alumnae.
  • American Nurses' Association.
  • National Educational Association.
  • National Convention of Business Women.
  • Woman's Christian Temperance Union.
  • State legislatures, state political parties, churches, granges and labor organizations.


The Case Against Woman Suffrage
(G. R. Herald, Sunday Morning, November 3, 1918)

The United State Senate Declared Against Woman Suffrage October 1st, 1918.

Does Michigan want to give women the ballot? The great majority of women do not want it. Many prominent men have declared against it. Socialists, pacifists and suffragists are closely allied. Does the average woman approve of the actions of the suffragettes in Washington, D. C., when the matter was before Congress -- fighting the police and getting into jail?

Aside from all this, it is an injustice to submit the amendment at this time. Thousands of the soldier boys cannot vote on the question at all. Do you want to force something on them? They may not want the change. Is this justice?

In the United States as in England, women who thoughout the war have called attention to woman's work and urged their claim for woman suffrage have not been the real works. They are for the most part the officials of suffrage societies who have been engaged in propaganda work. The suffragists, by utilizing their organization simultaneously for political propaganda and war work, have created the impression among the uninformed that woman's war activities are related to woman suffrage. This is not true; but it is true that the crisis which impelled the great bulk of women to deeds, not words, left the suffragists the only vocal section among women.

It was the pro-German-Socialist vote in New York City which brought victory to the suffragists. An analysis of the vote shows that the suffrage gain, the Socialist gain and the number of pro-German voters is similar in every borough in New York.

Opinions of Eminent Men Against Woman Suffrage

James Cardinal Gibbons - "Woman is queen, indeed, but her empire is the domestic kingdom. The greatest political triumphs she would achieve in public life fade into significance compared with the serene glory which radiates from the domestic shrine, and which she illumines and warms by her conjugal and motherly virtues."

Rev. Lyman Abbott, D. D., Editor of the Outlook--"If man attempts woman's functions, he will prove himself but an inferior woman. If woman attempts man's functions, she will prove herself but an inferior man. Some masculine women there are: some feminine men there are. These are the Monstrocities of Nature."

Hon. Elihu Root, United States Senator--"I am opposed to granting suffrage to women because I believe it would be a loss to women and an injury to the State."

Bishop Jno. H. Vincent, Founder of Chautauqua--"Years of wide and careful observation have convinced me that the demand for Woman Suffrage in America is without foundation in equity, and, if successful, must prove harmful to society."

Rabbi Joseph Silverman--"There is no difference between Woman Suffrage, socialism and the present feminist movement. The one means the other, and, no matter which cause wins first, disaster to matrimony and the home will follow. At all hazards we must oppose these movement."


Transcriber: ES
Created: 2 June 2009