Note: Most are alphabetical, however, there are a few out of order. So, please use your find button in the tool bar to be sure you have found all your surnames. BABY, Albert, m. b. 10 July, 1870, at Grand Rapids. BACKER, Josephine, f., b. 6 May, 1868, at Lowell. BACKUS, Helen, f., b. 15 Feb., 1868, at Lowell. Parents:- BACON, Frederick, m., b. 28 Jan., 1867, at Caledonia. BAHS, (BASH), Anna, f., b. 20 May, 1870, at Gaines. BAHS, Mary, f., b. 22 Apr. 1868, at Gaines. Parents:- BAILEY, Delia S., f., b. 13 Jan., 1869, at Paris. BAILEY, Edward, m., b. 1 Sept., 1871, at Cannon. BAILEY, Horace, m., b. 1 Sept., 1871, at Ada. Parents:- BAILEY, Leon, m., b. 13 March, 1871, at Nelson. Parents:- BAILEY, Lillie, f., b. 25 Feb., 1871, at Nelson. Parents:- BAILEY, Minnie, f., b. 24 Sept., 1867, at Ada. Parents:- BAILEY, Morral E., m., b. 25 May, 1869, at Campbell Twp., BAILEY, Nellie, f., b. 24 July, 1867, at Cannon. BAILEY, William J., m., b. 4 Aug., 1869, at Grand Rapids, BAILLEY, Mirtle, f., b. 15 July, 1869, at Nelson. BAILY, Chinnison, f., b. 17 Nov., 1868, at Algoma. BAKER, Charles Wm., m., b. 22 June, 1867, at Byron. BAKER, George, M., b. 12 Oct., 1871, at Byron. Parents:- BAKER, Ida Adell, f., b. 13 Nov., 1869, at Plainfield. BAKER, Levi T., m., b. 15 Sept., 1869, at Byron. Parents:- BAKER, Willie, m., b. 8 Oct., 1869, at Caledonia. Parents:- BALARD, ---, f., b. 16 Nov., 1868, at Walker. Parents:- BALCOM, Nelly, f., b. 26 June, 1868, at Grand Rapids, 5 ward. BALDWIN,Frank, m., b. 5 Apr., 1867, at Perinton, Monroe Co., N.Y. BALDWIN, Nellie, f., b. 12 Jan. 1869, at Cannon. Parents:- James A. BALFOUR, Clara, f., b. 27 Sept. 1868, at Sparta. Parents:- James BALL, Ann Eliza, f., b. 20 May, 1870, at Alpine. Parents:- Allen Ball, BALL, Charles, m., b. 9 Apr., 1870, at Byron. Parents:- Benton W. Ball, BALL, Ethel Bertha, f., b. 6 Nov., 1871, at Byron. Parents:- Nathan BALL, Mary Joanna, f., b. 10 Nov., 1869 at Grand Rapids, 3rd Ward. BALLARD, Josephine N., f., b. 16 March, 1870, at 2nd Ward. Parents:- BALLARD, Harry Lyman, m., b. 4 July, 1869, at Sparta. Parents:- Sheere BALLARD, Walter Leroy, m., b. 21 May, 1868, at Alpine. Parents:- BANKS, --, f., b. 5 Dec., 1869, at Oakfield. Parents:-John Banks, BANNISTER, Minna L., b. 18 May, 1868, at Grand Rapids 4th Ward. BARBARY, Mary Ann, f., b. 10 July, 1867, at Grand Rapids 2nd Ward. BARBER, Annie Bell, f., b. 10 Sept., 1868, at Lowell. Parents:- Martin BARBER, Frank, m., b. 12 May, 1868, at Gaines. Parents:- George Barber, b. France, and Mary Barber, b. N.Y. State. Res. Gaines. Occ. Farmer. BARBER, Henry, m., b. 23 Sept., 1870, at Gaines. Parents:- George BARBER, L.D., m., b. 24 Aug., 1870, at Lowell. Parents:- Alex A. BARBER, Lewellyn Clyde, m., b. 10 Aug., 1868, at Lowell. Parents:- BARBIN, Archie, m., b. 15 Feb., 1868, at Lowell. Parents:- Remme? BARBOR, --(Illegitimate), f., b. 31 Dec., 1869, at Walker. Parents:- BARGINSKI, James S., m., b. 6 Apr. 1870, at Grand Rapids. Parents:- BARKER, Effie M., f., b. 26 Sept., 1869, at Algoma. Parents:-E.M. BARKER, Mary, f., b. 17 Aug., 1868, at Algoma. Parents:-Mary E. Barker, b. N.H., and --, b. --. Res. Algoma. Occ. Mechanic. BARKER, Perl M., f., b. 15 Feb., 1869, at Algoma. Parents:- P.M. BARNARD, Florence, f., b. 31 Dec., 1870, at Grand Rapids. Parents:- BARNARD, William V. and Harry B. Barnard (Twins), m., b. 3 Sept., 1869, at Grand Rapids. Parents:- Stephen P. Barnard, B. N.Y., and Martha Barnard, b. N.Y. Res. Grand Rapids. Occ. Farmer. BARNES, Emma, f., b. 4 Aug., 1868, at Lowell. Parents:- Jacob Barnes, BARNES, George H., m., b. 19 May, 1870, at Grattan. Parents:-Augustus BARNES, Ozela, f., b. 9 Oct., 1870, at Byron. Parents:-Eli Barnes, b. BARNES, Sheridan M., m., b. 10 Oct., 1867, at Courtland. Parents:- BARNES, Wm., m. b. 6 July, 1867, at Gaines. Parents:-Eli Barnes, b. BARNETT, James F., m., b. 17 June, 1869, at Grand Rapids 2nd Ward. BARNUM, Wm. Henry, m., b. 30 Feb., 1871, at Paris. Parents:-Franklin BARR, Hattie, B., f., b. 22 Mar., 1869, at White Lake. Parents:-Robert BARRAS, Liddie, f., b. 19 Jan., 1870, at Sec. 32. Parents:-James BARRETT, Daniel, m., b. 30 Aug. 1869, at Tyrone. Parents:-Charles BARRETT, Geo., m., b. 18 Nov. ?, 1867, at Tyrone. Parents:-Chas. L. BARRETT, Hiram A., m., b. 28 Dec., 1868, at Grattan. Parents:-Hiram BARRETT, Loran, m., b. 18 May, 1868, at Grand Rapids 2nd Ward. BARRINGER, William H., m., b. 9 May, 1871, at Algoma. Parents:-John BARRIS, --, f., b. 20 Nov., 1869, at Caledonia. Parents:- Byron Barris, BARRIS, Hattie May, f., b. 20 Nov., 1870, at Caledonia. Parents:- Byron BARROWS, Jennie, f., b. 7 March, 1869, at Grand Rapids 1st Ward. BARRY, William H., m., b. 20 Oct., 1871, at Ada. Parents:-William H. BARTLETT, --, f., b. 30 Apr., 1870, at Grand Rapids 2nd Ward. Parents:- Anderson B. Bartlett, b. Mass., and Emily Bartlett, b. Conn. Res. Grand Rapids. Occ. Painter. BARTLETT, Thomas J., m., b. 11 Apr., 1868, at Paris. Parents:-Edward H. Bartlett, b. Indiana, and Maria A. Bartlett, b. Monroe Co. Res. Paris. Occ. Laborer. BARTON, Ida Mary, f., b. 7 Nov., 1869, at Spencer. Parents:-George BASH, George G., m., b. 21 Feb., 1871, at Bowne. Parents:-George Bash, b. Germany, and Christine Bash, b. same place. Res. Bowne. Occ. Farmer. BASS, Maud A., f., b. 31 Aug., 1870, at Grand Rapids. Parents:-Albert BASSER, Franklin, m., b. 31 July, 1867, at Tyrone. Parents:-Simon P. BASSET, Frank E., m., b. 25 March, 1871, at Nelson. Parents:-Ezra BATEMAN, Ellen A., f., b. 8 Jan., 1870, at Caledonia. Parents:-Cabet BATES, Estella, f., b. 17 Aug., 1868, at Oakfield. Parents:-George BATES, Luella, f., b. 4 Nov., 1870, at Oakfield. Parents:-George Bates,b. N.Y., and Mary J. Bates, b. same place. Res. Oakfield. Occ. Farmer. BATES, Milton A., m., b. 15 April, 1871, at Bowne. Parents:-Alfred G. BATES, Nellie, f., b. 29 Jan., 1868, at Grand Rapids. Parents:-Philemon BAXTER, Mary E., f., b. 3 Jan., 1868, at Cascade. Parents:-Orman BAXTER, Roselle Tilla, f., b. 8 Dec., 1869, at Michigan. Parents:-Mile BAYMAN, Anna, f., b. 10 Feb., 1870, at Grand Rapids 2nd Ward. Parents:- Nicholas Bayman, b. Germany, and Mary Bayman, b. Germany. Res. Grand Rapids. Occ. Laborer. BEACH, Mina E., f., b. 18 July, 1870, at Ada. Parents:-Samuel Beach, BEACH, Orlo, m., b. 7 May, 1870, at Bowne. Parents:- Wm. Beach, b. New York, and Clarissa Beach, b. Ohio. Res. Bowne. Occ. Carpenter. BEAK, Worthy E., m., b. 4 Oct., 1870, at Grand Rapids. Parents:-George BEAL, Sarell W., m., b. 13 Jan., 1870, at 2nd Ward. Parents:-W.H. Beal BEARD, Nettie Bell, f., b. 20 June, 1869, at Michigan. Parents:-Linson BEARDSLEE, Clarance, m., b. 15 Oct., 1869, at Oakfield. Parents:- Abram Beardslee, b.--, and Hannah Beardslee, b. Michigan. Res. Oakfield. Occ. Farmer. BEARDSLEY, --, m., b. 10 Aug., 1869, at Cannon. Parents:-Wm. L. BEBER, Charles, m., b. 6 March, 1870, at Grand Rapids. Parents:-Charles Beber, b. Germany, and Christina Beber, b. same place. Res. Grand Rapids. Occ. Shoemaker. BECKWITH, Henry P., m., b. 3 Sept., 1869, at Grand Rapids. BEEBE, Adelia May, f., b. 21 May, 1867, at Byron. Parents:-Alanson BEEBE, Mary Azinn, f., b. 5 Aug., 1869, at Walker. Parents:-Girden L. BEEBE, Sarah, f., b. 29 Sept., 1869, at Grand Rapids 2nd ward. BEEBE, Walther Ellis, m., b. 10 June, 1868, at Grand Rapids 5th Ward. BEEBE, Nora Violet, f., b. 13 Dec., 1871, at Byron. Parents:-Alanson BEEBE, Wm. L., m., b. 27 June, 1869, at Byron. Parents:-Alanson J. BEELS, Ada, f., b. 29 June, 1870, at Spencer. Parents:-Wm. Beels, b. BEERS, flora, f., b. 12 Jan., 1869, at Vergennes. Parents:-John H. BEGRO, Eliza, f., b. 25 Dec., 1868, at Caledonia. Parents:-Chas. Begro,b. North Germany, and Eliza Begro, b. North Germany. Res. Caledonia, Occ. Blacksmith. BEGSON, Henry, m., b. 22 May, 1870, at Caledonia. Parents:-Henry BEHKA, Mary Caroline, f., b. 13 Jan., 1869, at Plainfield. BEIHLER, Ann Margary, f., b. 22 Nov., 1868, at Lowell. Parents:-George Beihler, b. Wurtemburg, Ger., and Margery Rathbone, b. Brighton, C.,W. Res. Lowell. Occ. Butcher. BELKNAP, Helen Arlina, f., b. 8 Aug., 1869, at Sparta. Parents:- BELKNAP, Jennie, f., b. 13 Aug., 1870, at Sparta. Parents:-Chas. E. BELKNAP, William L., m., b. 14 Aug., 1867, at Vergennes. Parents:-Wm. M. Belknap, b. Canada, and Emma Belknap, b. N.Y. Res. Vergennes. Occ. Farmer. BELL, James (Black), m., b. 22 Dec., 1870, at Grand Rapids. BELLAMY, Ida Clara, f., b. 15 Oct., 1869, at Michigan. Parents:-Wm. BELNAP, Ada L., f., b. 25 June, 1869, at Ada. Parents:- --, b. --, and BELNAP, Frank J., M., b. 22 Oct. 1870, at Vergennes. Parents:-William BEMIS, Bertha L., f., b. 6 Aug. 1869, at Plainfield. Parents:-Charles BENAGE, William Henry, m., b. 9 Sept., 1870, at Walker. Parents:-Thomas Benage, b. Germany, and Anna Benage, b. same place. Res. Walker. Occ. Laborer. BENDER, Henry, m., b. 2 Jan., 1870, at Grand Rapids 2nd Ward. Parents:- Lewis Bender, b. Germany, and Catharine Bender, b. same place. Res. Grand Rapids. Occ. Painter. BENEDICT,--(Still born), m., b. 13 Aug., 1870, at Vergennes. Parents:- BENEWAY, Nell Rose, m?, b. 28 Aug., 1868, at Caledonia. Parents:-Minard Phelan Beneway, b. Harpersfield, Deleware Co., N.Y., and Ruth Ann Beneway. b. Cyuga Co., N.Y. Res. Caledonia. Occ. Farmer. BENHAM, --, m., b. 3 Mar., 1867 (or 8), at Courtland. Parents:-F. BENJAMIN, Cornelia Angelina, f., b. 30 Mar., 1870, at Grand Rapids. BENJAMINSE, Adrian, m., b. 2 June, 1870, at Grand Rapids. (Twin) BENJAMINSE, John (Twin), m., b. 2 June, 1870, at Grand Rapids. BENNET, Alice, m., b. 28 Jan., 1869, at Courtland. Parents:-Lyman BENNETT, Charles D., --, b. 11 Jan., 1868, at Grand Rapids 4th Ward. BENNEWAY, William, m., b. 2 Sept., 1870, at Grand Rapids. Parents:-Aron Benneway, b. America, and Mary Benneway, b.--. Res. Trowbridge. Occ. Fisherman. BENSINGER, Isaac, m., b. 18 July, 1868, at Ill. Parents:-John BENSON, Emley, f., b. 4 July, 1870, at Nelson. Parents:-Peter Benson, BENTER,--, b. 30 Dec., 1867, at Grand Rapids 4th Ward. Parents:- Minard Benter, b. Germany, and Louisa Benter, b. Germany. Res. Grand Rapids. Occ. Laborer. BENTHAM, James, m., b. 29 July, 1868, at Grand Rapids 2nd Ward. BENTLER, Peter, m., b. 13 Aug., 1871, at Bowne. Parents:-Herman BENTLEY, U.S. Grant, m., b. 3 Nov., 1868, at Grand Rapids 5th Ward. BENTON, Charles F., m., b. 12 Jan. 1870, at Alpine. Parents:-James BENTON, John Rufus, m., b. 20 Dec., 1871, at Alpine. Parents:-James BENTON, Luetta Amelia, f., b. 12 Nov., 1867, at Alpine. Parents:-James BENTZ, Clara, f., b. 17 Mar., 1870, at Algoma. Parents:-Geo. Bentz, b. BERGEN, Jane, f., b. 10 Mar., 1869, at Village of Lowell. Parents:-John BERGER, Mary, f., and Ellen Berger, f., (Twins), b. 1 July, 1869, at BERIS, Klazina, f., b. 25 Oct., 1869, at Grand Rapids 2nd Ward. BERKLEY, Isabell, f., b. 21 Jan., 1870, at Grand Rapids. BERKY, Baby, f., b. 21 Jan., 1870, at Grand Rapids 2nd Ward. Parents:- BERKY, Frank T., m., b. 14 Sept., 1868, at Paris. Parents:-Peter BERLES, Cortina, f., b. 15 June, 1868, at Grand Rapids 4th Ward. BERRY, Luella B., f., b. 4 Sept., 1869, at Grattan. Parents:-Lester A. BERRY, Nellie, f., b. 27 July, 1868, at Grand Rapids 4th Ward. BERRY, Mysta, f., b. 18 Aug., 1870, at Grand Rapids. Parents:-Orlando BERTSCH, Jacob, m., b. 28 July, 1868, at Grand Rapids 3rd Ward. BESSEY, susan, f., b. 26 March, 1871, at Nelson. Parents:-Lafayette BETZLER, John, m., b. 31 Dec., 1867, at Caledonia. Parents:-Joseph BEVINS, Flora Bell, f., b. 20 Oct., 1868, at Cascade. Parents:-David W. BICKNELL, Mary L., f., b. 24 May, 1870, at Cedar Springs. Parents:- BIRD, Emma, f., b. 2 Dec., 1868, at Courtland. Parents:- Robert Bird, BIRD, George, m., b. 12 Aug., 1869, at Grand Rapids. Parents:-Peter BIRD, Ira F., f?., b. 21 Dec. 1868, at Courtland. Parents:-Edward Bird, BIRD, John, m., b. 29 Nov., 1867, at Grand Rapids. Parents:-Peter Bird, BIRD, Margaret E., f., b. 15 May, 1867, at Grand Rapids. Parents:- BIRD, Wm. Francis, m., b. 1 July, 1869, at Grand Rapids. Parents:- BIRGE, Manning Andrus, m., b. 28 Dec., 1869, at Grand Rapids 3rd Ward. Parents:-Manning D. Birge, b. America, and Cordelia A. Birge, b.--. Res. Grand Rapids. Occ. Grocer. BISHOP, --, m., b. - Apr., 1868, at Grand Rapids. Parents:-Christopher BISHOP, Bell, f., b. 6 Feb., 1869, at Cannon. Parents:-Louis Bishop, b. BISHOP, T. Wilhelin, m., b. 13 Apr., 1868, at --. Parents:-Mr. Bishop, BLACK, Franky, f., b. 24 Oct., 1870, at Grand Rapids. Parents:-Theodore Black, b. Michigan, and Jennie Black, b. Ireland. Res. Grand Rapids. Occ. Clerk. BLACKALL, Eugene Leonard, m., b. 11 Dec., 1869, at Sparta. BLACKALL, --f., and Sarah Elizabeth Blackall, f., (Twins), b. 19 Aug., BLACKALL, George Israel, m., b. 26 Dec., 1868, at Sparta. Parents:- BLAKELY, Laura, f., b. 15 Dec., 1871, at Algoma. Parents:-Egbert BLAKELEY, Merrit, m., b. 15 Aug., 1870, at Algoma. Parents:-M. BLACKMAN, Mary Ann, f., b. 19 Mar., 1868, at Sparta. Parents:-Lorenzo D. Blackman, b. Michigan, and Cornelia B. Blackman, b. Michigan. Res. Sparta. Occ. Farmer. BLAIBES, Otallia, f., b. 29 July, 1869, at Grand Rapids 1st Ward. BLAIN, Melvin, m., b. 31 July, 1870, at Gaines. Parents:-Joseph W. BLAIN, Sanford T., m., b. 7 Feb. 1868, at Gaines. Parents:-Thos. Blain, BLAIR, Ethelyn, f., b. 30 March, 1870, at Walker. Parents:-Johnithan BLAIR, William B., m., b. 18 Oct., 1868, at Gaines. Parents:-Joseph R. BLAKE, Belle, f., b. 5 May, 1868, at Wyoming. Parents:-Joseph Blake, BLAKE, Melius C., m., b. 20 June, 1869, at Gaines. Parents:-Samuel P. BLAKELEY, Adelbert, m., b. 6 Nov., 1868, at Algoma. Parents:- Adelbert Blakeley, b. Canada, and --, b.--. Res. Algoma. Occ. Farmer. BLAKELY, Carrie, f., b. 15 Dec., 1868, at Alpine. Parents:-Cora A. BLAKESLEE, Walter Warner, m., b. 11 May, 1868, at Lowell. Parents:- BLANCHARD, --, f., b. 15 Jan., 1869, at Courtland. Parents:-Walter D. BLANDING, Blanche, f., b. 15 Nov., 1869, at Lowell. Parents:-Chas. BLANDING, Gracey, f., b. 20 Aug., 1870, at Vergennes. Parents:-Daniel BLANDING, Maurise J., m., b. 14 Mar., 1868, at Vergennes. Parents:-Alex H. Blanding, b. N.Y., and Almaette Blanding, b. Michigan. Res. Vergennes. Occ. Farmer. BLANDING, Ruby, f., b. 14 Mar., 1868, at Vergennes. Parents:-Dan'l S. BLANVELT, Edith May, f., b. 22 Feb., 1869, at Sparta. Parents:-John BLEVINS, Wm. John, m., b. 20 Nov., 1868, at Wyoming. Parents:--- BLICKLE, Julia J., --, b. 23 Apr. 1867, at Grand Rapids 4th Ward. BLIRNIS, Mary Ann, f., b. 5 Dec., 1870, at 5th Ward. Parents:-Perry BLODGETT, Carrie May, f., b. 19 Aug., 1867, of Algoma. Parents:-Carrie May Blodgett, b. Hannibal, N.Y., and --, b--. Res. Algoma. Occ. Farmer. BLODGETT, Fred, m., b. 20 Mar., 1870, at Paris. Parents:-Chancey BLODGETT, Jenny, f., b. 1 Mar., 1868, at Paris. Parents:-Chauncey BLOOD, Elmer E., m., b. 8 Aug., 1867 at Sparta. Parents:-Zaccheus BLOOD, Emeline Elizabeth, f., b. 18 Aug., 1868, at Sparta. Parents:- BLOOD, Gertrude R., f., b. 3 Jan., 1869, at Grand Rapids 3rd Ward. BLOOD, John E., m., b. 11 Aug., 1870, at Sparta. Parents:-Hiram Blood, BLOOD, William Putnam, m., b. 18 Sept.,---, at Alpine. Parents:-Abel BLOSS, Fred, m., b. 20 Oct., 1869, at Gaines. Parents:-Henry Bloss, BODEN, Mary A., f., b. 3 Oct., 1868, at Paris. Parents:-Joseph L. BODENBERG, Anna, f., b. 1 Sept., 1870, at Grand Rapids. Parents:-Robert J. Bodenberg, b. Germany, and Mary Bodenberg, b. Ireland. Res. Grand Rapids. Occ. Laborer. BOGARDUS, William F., m., b. 30 July, 1867, at Byron. Parents:-Henry BOGORDUS, Nettie M., f., b. 5 Jan., 1869, at Wyoming. Parents:-Jacob BOIES, Tenelock Close, f., b. 28 Nov., 1868, at Grand Rapids 2nd Ward. Parents:-Jacob Boies, b.--, and Genete Boies, b. Holland. Res. Grand Rapids. Occ. Laborer. BOIL, William, m., b. 15 Jan., 1869, at Grand Rapids 2nd Ward. BOLE, Charles Edgar, m., b. 5 May, 1868, at Grand Rapids 2nd Ward. BOLE, Jennie Mary, f., b. 25 Dec., 1869, at Grand Rapids 1st Ward. BOLNS, Sophia, f., b. 5 Sept., 1869, at Grand Rapids 1st Ward. BOLSTON, John, m., b. 28 Aug., 1867, at Grand Rapids 3rd Ward. BOLTON, Cora C., f., b. 14 Dec., 1868, at Paris. Parents:-Charles O. BOMAN, Micheal, m., b. 25 Apr., 1869, at Plainfield. Parents:-Michael BONCHARD, Edward, m., b. 27 Feb., 1870, at Paris. Parents:-Edward BOUNER, Fred, m., b. 12 Sept., 1868, at Grand Rapids 5 Ward. Parents:- Fred W. Bouner, b. Pa., and Ellen Bouner, b. N.Y. Res. Grand Rapids. Occ. Peddler. BOOKE, JesseLouisa, f., b. 28 March, 1870, at 7th Ward. Parents:- BOONEY, Charles, m., b. 19 Jan., 1870, at Grand Rapids. Parents:-Omis BOOR, Cornelia, f., b. 5 Jan., 1870, at Grand Rapids. Parents:-John BOOROM, Otis, m., b. 20 Mar., 1868, at Sparta. Parents:-Andrew J. BOOS, Areene, f., b. 13 Sept., 1868, at Grand Rapids 3rd Ward. BOOTHE, Wm. H., m., b. 7 Apr., 1867, at Lowell. Parents:-Henry W. BORICH, Clemance, m., b. 2 April, 1870, at 7th Ward. Parents:-Franz BORTHE, Leonora, f., b. 2 Sept., 1868, at Lowell. Parents:-Henry W. BOSS, Henry, m., b. 18 Aug., 1869, at Grand Rapids 1st Ward. Parents:- BOTRUFF, Florence, f., b. 15 Oct., 1868, at Algoma. Parents:-Florence BOUCHARD,--,--, b. 23 Mar., 1868, at Grand Rapids 4 Ward. BOUGHMER, Harry, m., b. 28 July, 1869, at Michigan. Parents:-Martin BOWEN, Charlotte, f., b. 20 May, 1870, at Sec 26. Parents:-Amos Bowen, b. N.Y., and Betsey Bowen, b.--. Res. Lowell. Occ. --. BOWEN, George, m., b. 20 Feb., 1870, at Grand Rapids. Parents:-George Bowen, b.--, and Emma Bowen, b.--. Res. Division St. Occ. Carpenter. BOWLER, Catherine, f., b. 25 Nov., 1870, at Algoma. Parents:-J. Bowler, b. Ireland, and C. Bowler, b. Ireland. Res. Algoma. Occ. Farmer. BOWLER, Mary, f., b. 29 July, 1867, at Algoma. Parents:-Mary Bowler, BOWLER, Morris F., m., b. 15 Sept., 1869, at Grattan. Parents:-Richard BOWMAN, Eli G., m., b. 13 June, 1867, at Gaines. Parents:-J.C. Bowman, b. Canada, and Hannah Bowman, b. Penna. Res. Gaines. Occ. Farmer. BOWMAN, Ellen, f., b. 22 Jan., 1869, at Oakfield. Parents:-Nelson B. BOWMAN, Nettie, f., b. 27 Dec., 1868, at Gaines. Parents:-Owen C. BOWMAN, Otto, m., b. 3 Sept., 1868, at Gaines. Parents:-Aaron C. BOWMAN, Rodney, m., b. 18 Mar., 1868, at Caledonia. Parents:-Jacob C. Bowman, b. Canada, and Catherine Bowman, b. Canada. Res. Caledonia. Occ. Farmer. BOXHEIMER, John A., m., b. 14 Feb., 1868, at Grand Rapids 2nd Ward. Parents:-Frank Boxheimer, b.--, and Mary A. Boxheimer, b.--. Res. Grand Rapids. Occ. Hotel keeper. BOYCE, Alince, m., b. 22 Nov., 1869, at Solon, Parents:-J.E. Boyce, b. BOYD, --, m., b. 21 July, 1870, at Alpine. Parents:-James Boyd, b. BOYER, John, m., (Illegitimate), b. 21 Feb, 1869, at Plainfield. BOYNTON, Chas. Wesley, m., b. 8 Aug., 1868, at Grand Rapids. Parents:- Levi S. Boyington, b. Michigan, and Letta A. Boyington, b. Michigan. Res. Grand Rapids. Occ. Farmer. BOYINGTON, Linian, f., b. -Dec., 1868, at Grand Rapids, 2nd Ward. BOYLAN, Catherine, f., b. 10 Aug., 1868, at Oakfield. BOYLAN, Cornelius, m., b. 30 April, 1871, at Ada. Parents:-Thomas BOYLIN, --, f., b. 5 May, 1870, at Grattan. Parents:-Cornelius Boylin, BOYTON, Lydia Ann, f., b. 29 Dec. 1867, at Grand Rapids 2nd Ward. BOYNTON, Mary G., f., b. 29 Mar., 1869, at Michigan. Parents:-William BRACE, --, --, b. 11 June, 1870, at Cedar Springs. Parents:-Hison Lion BRADFIELD, Eddie G., m., b. 26 Mar., 1868, at Ada. Parents:-E.W. BRADFIELD, Lulu O., f., b. 20 Sept., 1868, at Ada. Parents:-Henry H. BRADFORD, Dora Asell, f., b. 9 Oct., 1870, at Wlaker. Parents:-Charles BRADFORD, John Cornelus, m., b. 29 Aug., 1870, at Grand Rapids. BRADFORD, Lillie Selina, f., b. 21 May, 1867, at Sparta. Parents:-Jason BRADLEY, Mary Ann, f., b. 4 July, 1871, at Algoma. Parents:-R.L. BRADY, Joseph, m., b. 24 Mar., 1870, at Grand Rapids. Parents:-John BRADY, Thomas, m., b. 4 Dec., 1868, at Grand Rapids 3rd Ward. Parents:- John Brady, b. Ireland, and Margaret Brady, b.--. Res. Grand Rapids. Occ. Physician. BRAINARD, --, --, b. 18 Sept., 1868, at Wyoming. Parents:-Reuben W. BRAINARD, Elly, f., b. 22 June, 1869, at Wyoming. Parents:-Hulew H. BRAMER, Daniel, m., b. 9 Aug., 1870, at Algoma. Parents:-Henry Bramer, b. Germany, and Margaret Bramer, b. same place. Res. Algoma. Occ. Farmer. BRANAGAN, William M., m., b. 27 Nov., 1869, at Vergennes. Parents:-John Branagan, b. Ireland, and Ann Branagan, b. Ireland. Res. Vergennes. Occ. Farmers. BRANAN, Nina May, f., b. 19 July, 1868, at Lowell. Parents:-Isaac BRANNON, Ida, f., b. 14 June, 1869, at Lowell. Parents:-James Brannon, b. N.Y., and Elizabeth Brannon, b. Ohio. Res. Lowell. Occ. Farmer. BRANT, Mary E., f., b. 26 July, 1867, at Grand Rapids 3rd Ward. BRAYFORD, Cyrus R., m., b. 9 Jan., 1870, at Cannon. Parents:-Edmund BRAYFORD, Laura Oretta, f., b. 17 May, 1869, at Cannon. Parents:-Jotham J. Brayford, b. N.Y., and Lucy Brayford, b. Michigan. Res. Cannon. Occ. Farmer. BREAK, Anna E., f., b. 11 Sept., 1870, at Caledonia. Parents:-Abram BREAK, Mary Ellen, f., b. 24 Sept., 1868, at Caledonia. Parents:-Abram BREARLEY, Cora M., f., b. 28 Nov., 1868, at Gaines. Parents:-Amos BRECKING, Elizabeth, f., b. 26 Jan., 1871, at Alpine. Parents:-William BRECHTING, Frank, m., b. 20 Aug., 1868, at Alpine. Parents:-Wm. BRECHTLING, Frank, m., b. 8 Nov., 1868, at Grand Rapids 4th Ward. BRECHTNIG, Theressa, f., b. 26 Dec., 1870, at Apine. Parents:-William BRESHNAHAM, Martha I., f., b. 4 Sept., 1869, at Grattan. Parents:- John
Breshnaham, b. Michigan, and Catherine Breshnaham, b. Ohio. Res. BREWER, Claude, m., b. 9 Nov., 1867, at Alpine. Parents:-Francis C. BREWER, Sylvia, (Illegitimate), f., b. 25 Feb., 1871, at Alpine. BREWER, Ward, m., b. 29 Oct., 1869, at Alpine. Parents:-Francis C. BRIAN, Cornelia D.E., f., b. 26 Apr., 1870, at Grand Rapids. Parents:- BRIBER, Abram, m., b. 20 Dec., 1868, at Grand Rapids, 2nd Ward. BRICKMAN, Liona, f., b. 4 Oct., 1869, at Solon. Parents:-Hilbert BRIGGS, Iva Gertrude, f., b. 4 May, 1869, at Byron. Parents:-Simeon L. BRIGGS, Robert, m., b. 22 March, 1871, at Algoma. Parents:-Van Briggs, b. Michigan, and Sarah J. Briggs, b. Same Place. Res. Algoma. Occ. Farmer. BRIGS, Schylar J., m., b. 3 Aug., 1870, at Cedar Springs. BRINCK, John, m., b. 1 Nov., 1870, at Grand Rapids. Parents:-Adrian BRISTOL, Daniel, m., b. 14 Apr., 1868, at Ada. Parents:-John Bristol, BRISTOL, Willie, m., b. 14 Mar., 1868, at Ada. Parents:-Bethel Bristol, BRITTON, Harriet, f., b. 17 Sept., 1869, at Algoma. Parents:---, b.--, BRITTON, Mary A., f., b. 16 Jan., 1870, at Grand Rapids. Parents:-P.J. BROAD, Minnie, f., b. 18 Dec., 1869, at Lowell. Parents:-Edgar Morse, BROAD, Nina, f., b. 10 June, 1869, at Lowell. Parents:-William Broad, BRODIE, Jake, m., b. 15 May, 1870, at Wyoming. Parents:-Jake Brodie, BRONKAN, Nettie, f., b. 6 Aug., 1870, at Grand Rapids. Parents:-P.B. BROOKS, --, m., b. 14 June, 1869, at Plainfield. Parents:-James Brooks, BROOKS, Edwin L., m., b. 21 July, 1869, at Oakfield. Parents:-Samuel E. Brooks, b. Ohio, and R. Cornilia Brooks, b. Mich. Res. Oakfield. Occ. BROOKS, Henry, m., b. 29 Jan., 1870, at Grand Rapids. Parents:-Henry BROOKS, Josephine, f., b. --May, 1868, at Sparta. Parents:-Joseph BROPHY, Quta A., f., b. 15 Mar., 1869, at Grand Rapids 2nd Ward. BROTHWELL, Archie, m., b. 27 Sept., 1870, at Cannon. Parents:-George Brothwell, b. N.Y., and Chloe Brothwell, b. N.Y. Res. Cannon. Occ. Farmer. BROTHWELL, Bertha, f., b. 20 Nov., 1867, at Cannon. Parents:-Geo. E. BROTHWELL, Delbert, m., b. 14 Nov., 1867, at Vergennes. Parents:-David Brothwell, b. Conn., and Mary J. Brothwell, b. Texas. Res. Vergennes. Occ. Farmer. BROTHWELL, George Arthur, m., b. 11 July, 1869, at Cannon. Parents:- BROUGH, Maud, f., b. 2 Sept., 1868, at Grand Rapids, 3rd Ward. BROUGHAN, Dennis Michael, m., b. 26 Sept., 1869, at Michigan. Parents:- William Broughan, b. Ireland, and Kate Broughan, b. Ireland. Res. Michigan. Occ. Farmer. BROWER, Daniel J., m., b. 1 Oct., 1868, at Gaines. Parents:-John C. BROWER, Enson, m., b. 9 May, 1870, at Gaines. Parents:-John Brower, BROWER, Ezera, m., b. 5 Sept., 1870, at Gaines. Parents:-Isaac Brower, BROWER, Henry, m., b. 26 Aug., 1868, at Gaines. Parents:-Isaac C. BROWER, Nelson, m., b. 18 May 1869, at Gaines. Parents:-William C. BROWN, --, m., b. 25 July, 1867, at Cascade. Parents:-Hugh B. Brown, BROWN, --, (Still Born), m., b. 28 Feb., 1869, at Caledonia. Parents:- BROWN, --, m., b. 20 Sept., 1870, at Gaines. Parents:-Martin Brown, BROWN, Adeline, f., b. 16 June, 1867, at Vergennes. Parents:-Wm. H. BROWN, Anna Amelia, f., b. 5 Sept., 1870, at Pennsylvania. BROWN, Bennie, m., (Illegitimate), b. 24 Oct., 1870, at Lowell. BROWN, Charles, m., b. 28 Nov., 1869, at Grand Rapids 2nd Ward. BROWN, Charles B., m., b. 27 Feb., 1869, at Wyoming. Parents:-Charles H. Brown, b. America, and Sarah Cook Brown, b.--. Res. Wyoming. Occ. Farmer. BROWN, David, S., m., b. 14 Dec., 1869, at Grand Rapids 1st Ward. BROWN, Edith E., f., b. 23 July 1869, at Oakfield. Parents:-Charles E. BROWN, Edward S., m., b. 23 May, 1868, at Grand Rapids 2nd Ward. BROWN, Elizabeth, f., b. 24 June, 1868, at Wyoming. Parents:-Chester BROWN, Florence N., f., b. 13 July, 1868, at Byron. Parents:-Edward BROWN, Franklin, m., b. 10 Oct., 1870, at Grand Rapids. Parents:-James Brown, b. Scotland, and Ellen Brown, b. N.Y. Res. Grand Rapids. Occ. Book-keeper. BROWN, Frederic C.O., m., b. 30 Sept., 1868, at Caledonia. Parents:-Wm. H. Brown, b. Kingston, R.I., and Lufanny Brown, b. Tompkins Co., N.Y. Res. Cannon. Occ. Farmer. BROWN, Frederick, m., b. 13 Oct., 1870, at Wyoming. Parents:-Chester BROWN, Ida A., f., b. 25 Sept., 1869, at Grand Rapids 2nd Ward. BROWN, Lima, f., b. 29 July, 1867, at Sparta. Parents:-John Brown, b. BROWN, Mable H., f., b. 29 Oct., 1870, at 2nd Ward. Parents:-H.D. BROWN, Meda A., f., b. 28 July, 1867, at Courtland. Parents:-Samuel BROWN, Mertie, f., b. 23 Sept., 1868, at Grand Rapids, 4th Ward. BROWN, Ora, f., b. 18 Aug., 1867, at Oakfield. Parents:-Wm. Brown, b. BROWN, Sarah, f., b. 16 May, 1869, at Courtland. Parents:-Samuel Brown, b. N.Y., and Jane Brown, b. N.Y. Res. Courtland. Occ. Farmer. BROWN, William B., m., b. 24 Nov., 1869, at Grand Rapids. BROWNELL,--, f., b. 31? Nov., 1868, at Plainfield. Parents:-George BROWNELL, Vasa, f., b. 6 May, 1870, at Plainfield. Parents:-George BROWNELL, Ida, f., b. 25 Apr., 1868, at Plainfield. Parents:-Geo. BROWNELL, Minnie Adell, f., b. 11 Oct., 1869, at Plainfield. Parents:- BRUBB, Elmer, m., b. 19 Apr., 1868, at Algoma. Parents:-Elmer E. Brubb, b. N.Y., and --, b.--. Res. Algoma. Occ. Farmer. BRUCE, Henry, m., b. 28 Sept., 1867, at Grand Rapids, 3 Ward. Parents:- Gerritt Bruce, b. U.S., and Mary Bruce, b.--. Res. Grand Rapids 3 Ward. Occ. --. BRUDAVELT, Leand, f., b. 13 May, 1868, at Grand Rapids 2nd Ward. BRUMMELER, John, m., b. 27 Mar., 1870, at Grand Rapids. Parents:-Wm. Brummeler, b. Netherland, and Marie Brummeler, b. Netherland. Res. Grand Rapids. Occ. Clerk. BRUND, Deark, m., b. 25 Mar., 1869, at Grand Rapids 2nd Ward. Parents:- Adran Brund, b. Holland, and Jacoba Brund, b. Holland. Res. Grand Rapids. Occ. Laborer. BRUNER, --, f., b. 28 Mar., 1868, at Lowell. Parents:-Joseph Bruner, b. BRUNSON, George, m., b. 24 May, 1869, at Tyrone. Parents:-H.S. Brunson, b. America, and E.A. Brunson, b.--. Res. Tyrone. Occ. Farmer. BRUTON, Joseph, m., b. 3 Aug., 1870, at Caledonia. Parents:-Patrick BRYANT, Willis Andrew, m., b. 11 July, 1868, at Lowell. Parents:-Daniel BUCHANAN, Clara A., f., b. 1 June, 1868, at Grand Rapids 3rd Ward. BUCHANNAN, Mary H., f., b. 31 Oct., 1870, at Vergennes. BUCK, --, m., b. 5 March, 1871, at Algoma. Parents:-Alonzo Buck, b. BUCK, Alpheus, m., b. 25 June, 1870, at Gaines. Parents:-Seralpha Buck, b. Michigan, and Adaline Buck, b. New York. Res. Gaines. Occ. BUCK, --, m., b. 15 Feb., 1868, at Algoma. Parents:---, b. --, and BUCK, Gladdys, f., b. 1 Mar., 1868, at Alpine. Parents:-Judson J. Buck, BUCK, Laura Etta, f., b. 30 June 1869, at Caledonia. Parents:-Thomas D. BUDE, Nellie, f., b. 15 Aug., 1870, at Walker. Parents:-Franklin Bude, BUDY, Genge, m., b. 11 May, 1870, Ferryberg, Michigan. Parents:-George Budy, b. Germany, and Caroline Budy, b. Same Place. Res. Grand Rapids. Occ. Machinist. BUFF, Frank E., -?, b. 2 March, 1869, at Grand Rapids, 1st Ward. BUFF, Mary A., f., b. 31 May, 1870, at Caledonia. Parents:-John Buff, BUHLER, Amy M., f., (Illegitimate), b. 20 Feb., 1870, at Grand Rapids BUHTEL, Wm., m., b. 3 Sept., 1869, at Paris. Parents:-Eprhamm Buhtel, BULLIS, Angeline, f., b. 26 Dec., 1868, at Walker. Parents:-James BULLIS, Anna, f., b. 15 Jan., 1867, at Grand Rapids. Parents:-Isaac BULLUS, Wm. Joseph, m., b. 15 Nov., 1867, at Algoma. Parents:-Wm. H. Bullus, b. Chattam, N.Y., and --, b. --. Res. Algoma. Occ. Farmer. BUNDY, Edith Emeline, f., b. 20 Apr., 1867, at Bethel, Branch Co., BUNDY, Frances N., f., b. 8 May, 1870, at Grand Rapids. BUNNDER, Ida, f., b. 25 May 1870, at Grand Rapids. Parents:-William BUOB, Nellie, f., b. 25 Oct., 1869, at Grand Rapids 3rd Ward. Parents:- BURCH, George L., m., b. 20 Aug., 1868, at Courtland. Parents:-Homer BURCH, George L., m., b. 20 Aug., 1869, at Courtland. Parents:-Homar A. Burch, b. N.Y., and Clarisa Burch, b. Michigan. Res. Courtland. Occ. Farmer. BURCH, Sidney F., m., b. 11 Feb., 1869, at Courtland. Parents:-Harmon BURCH, Sidney, m., b. 11 Mar., 1869, at Courtland. Parents:-Harman BURCK, Homer L., m., b. 3 Aug., 1867, at Courtland, Parents:-Homer BURCLAY, Fannie, f., b. 6 May, 1870, at Cannon. Parents:-William BURDELL, Lizzie M., f., b. 19 Mar., 1869, at Villlage of Lowell. BURDICK, Villa, f., b. 12 June, 1870, at Ada. Parents:-Tallman C. BURGOT, Waltar, m., b. 5 Sept., 1868, at Berlin. Parents:-Waltar O. BURKHOLDER, Caroline, f., b. 12 Sept., 1867, at Paris. Parents:-Joseph BURLINGAME, Luilla, f., b. 25 Dec., 1870, at Wyoming. Parents:-Edwin A. Burlingame, b. Connecticut, and Sarah Burlingame, b. Michigan. Res. BURLISON, Harley L., m., b. 3 Jan. 1870, at Lowell. Parents:-Martin BURNS, Dennis, m., b. 6 Apr., 1869, at Wyoming. Parents:-Patrick Burns, b. Ireland, and --, b.--. Res. Wyoming. Occ. Laborer. BURNS, Francis, m., b. 14 Sept., 1867, at Wyoming. Parents:-Patrick BURNS, James W., m., b. 10 Oct., 1870, at Paris. Parents:-Thomas Burns, b. Ireland, and Margaret Burns, b. Canada. Res. Paris. Occ. Farmer. BURNES, Louis Francis, f., b. 18 June, 1868, at Caledonia. BURNS, Mary, f., b. 8 Oct., 1868, at Gaines. Parents:-Eli Burns, b. BURNS, Susan, f., b. 14 May, 1869, at Wyoming. Parents:-Dennis Burns, BURNS, Theesa, m., b. 1 May, 1869, at Caledonia. Parents:-Thomas Burns, b. --, and Bridget Burns, b. Ireland. Res. Byron. Occ. Blacksmith. BURSLEY, Hiram, m., b. 13 Nov. 1870, at Nelson. Parents:-Lewis Bursley, b. N.Y.. and Lucy Bursley, b. Same Place. Res. Nelson. Occ. Farmer. BURT, --, m., b. 8 Nov., 1868, at Lowell. Parents:-Benj. E. Burt, BURTHOLEMEN, Fred, m., b. 10 Feb., 1870 at Grand Rapids. Parents:-Fred Burtholemen, b. Scotland, and Hannah Burtholemen, b. Ireland. Res. Grand Rapids. Occ. Carpenter. BURTON, --, m., b. 25 Apr., 1869, at Caledonia. Parents:-Patrick BURTON, Ambrose, m., b. 5 Jan., 1869, at Caledonia. Parents:-Robert BURTON, Luis G., m., b. 17 May, 1868, at Grand Rapids, 5th Ward. BUSH, Effie S., f., b. 4 Aug., 1868, at Cannon. Parents:-Horatio N. BUSH, Elizabeth, f., b. 16 Oct., 1868, at Cannon. Parents:-William H. BUSHARD, Jennie, f., b. 10 Jan., 1868, at Walker. Parents:-Edward BUTLER, Edith J., f., b. 9 May, 1870, at Sparta. Parents:-Jonah Butler, BUTLER, Luther N., m., b. 15 Dec., 1870, at Walker. Parents:-E.H. BUTLER, Rosa May, f., b. 26 Sept., 1869, at Plainfield. Parents:-Henry BUTTERFIELD, Berthlade, f., b. 3 Sept., 1869, at Caledonia. BUTTERFIELD, Kitty Bell, f., b. 24 Dec., 1867, at Caledonia. BYRES, George E., m., b. 13 Sept., 1868, at Grand Rapids, 4th Ward. BYRNE, --, f., b. 14 Apr., 1868, at Grattan. Parents:-John Byrne, b. BYRNE, Ann Josephine, f., b. 14 May 1870, at Grattan. Parents:-Michal BYRNE, Catherine M., f., b. 26 Dec., 1869, at Grattan. Parents:-William Byrne, Jr., b. Michigan, and Mary Byrne, b. Michigan. Res. Grattan. BYRNE, Edgar J., m., b. 6 July, 1869, at Grattan. Parents:-Joyn Byrne, BYRNE, Eva M., f., b. 17 June, 1867, at Grattan. Parents:-Thos. Byrne, BYRNE, John J., m., b. 5 Apr., 1868, at Grattan. Parents:-Wm. J. Byrne, BYRNES, --, m., b. 17 Dec., 1869, at Vergennes. Parents:-Thomas Byrnes, b. Michigan, and Sarah E. Byrnes, b. Michigan. Res. --. Occ. Farmer. |
Transcriber: Susan Hallock
Created: 2000