Paul P. Davis

Paul P. Davis, professor of rhetoric and elocution, and teacher of the histrionic art, with his studio at room 29, Gilbert building, Grand Rapids, was born in San Francisco, Cal., April 7, 1860. His education was acquired in the public schools of his native city, and after ceasing his studies he taught for three and a half years at the California Military academy of Oakland, Alameda county. He then began studying for the stage, and in 1881 became a "professional," at first playing local engagements, soon wore off the "novice" condition of stage life, and then was engaged to support such stars as Miss Julia Marlowe, Mme. Fanny Janauschek, the famous Bohemian tragic actress; Mme. Helena Modjeska, the equally famous Polish actress; Joe Murphy, the Irish comedian, and Joe Polk, and later was member of the exceptionally strong company that for years occupied the boards of the New York City Lyceum theater. In 1890 and 1891, Mr. Davis was stage manager for Janauschek, and the following season he abandoned the stage and came to Grand Rapids, opened his school of instruction, and soon secured a large clientele in this city and at Holland.

Since coming to Grand Rapids, Mr. Davis has appeared in dramatic entertainments nearly all the cities of Michigan and has been flatteringly received at all. On the evening of February 1, 1898, he put on the play of "Wonderful Woman" at Power’s opera house before a very large, appreciative and enthusiastic audience, and January 27, 1899, he took part in a Shakespearian entertainment at the Ackley institute of Grand Haven, in which he gave a number of recitations from "Macbeth" and of which the correspondent of the Grand Rapids Herald wrote as follows; "This was Mr. Davis’ first appearance here, and his rendering of those lines of Shakespeare’s wonderful work won the applause of each present. He favored his hearers with the murder scene by request, and ‘well done’ was said by the audience in the long and continued applause that they gave him. It was in the clown’s play that Mr. Davis won deserved praise. In his other selections his dialect and droll imagery were nicely shown." It may well be inferred, from the foregoing extract, that Mr. Davis is an elocutionist of most comprehension scope, as he recited passages, at the entertainment alluded to, from heavy tragedy, light comedy and broad farce. He has sounded the histrionic art from its "lowest tones to the topmost of its pitch," and is well entitled to the extensive patronage which he is receiving as a teacher of the art which represents all other arts on the dramatic as well as the lyric stage.

Mr. Davis is a member of the board of directors of the Michigan Association of Elocutionists, of the Imperial lodge, K. of P., Phoenix lodge, I. O. O. F., and in 1896-97, was lecturing Knight of Daisy lodge, No. 48, B. P. O. E. He is also an honorary member of the Grand Rapids Schubert club, organized in 1894, and now one of the largest musical societies in the city.


Transcriber: Jeri Landheer
Created: 10 September 2006