Coleman Nockolds

Coleman Nockolds, V.S., M.D., is a native of England, born in the city of Yarmouth, on the 2nd day of February, 1870. He attended school in his native country, and is a graduate of the Royal college of Preceptors of London. He remained in England until the age of nineteen years, when he came to America, and since that time has traveled extensively in this country and Canada, visiting every state in the union with one exception.

Before leaving for his native shore the doctor prepared himself for his profession by taking a full course of veterinary surgery in the Royal Veterinary college of London, at which he was matriculated in 1887. Then, further to increase his professional knowledge, he entered the Veterinary college of Toronto, and after receiving there from a degree, began to practice in that city where he continued for a period of two years.

Dr. Nockolds went from Toronto, to Newark, N. J., where he remained for a few months only, removing thence to Jacksonville, Fla., where he practiced his profession for six months. His next move was to Chadron, Nebr., thence six months later to San Antonio, Tex., where, for some time, he was assistant inspector of contagious diseases. In the course of his travels the doctor, upon several occasions, passed through Grand Rapids, and being pleased with the city finally decided to make it his permanent location; accordingly, in 1897, he removed to this city, accepting the chair of principles and practice of veterinary surgery and medicine in the Grand Rapids Medical college. The doctor’s professional practice covers a large field, being frequently called to visit places remote from Grand Rapids, in Michigan and to other states. His services are in great demand, and his practice has become a decided success financially.

While giving attention to all departments of the profession, Dr. Nockolds makes a specialty of domestic animals, dogs particularly, in the treatment of which he has been eminently successfully, his hospital in this city being usually with sick and disabled canines.

The doctor is a regular graduate of the medical department of the Grand Rapids Medical school, received his degree in May, 1899, and is now one of the registered physicians of this city. He devotes the forenoons of each day to the general practice, and his afternoons are taken up with teaching and lecturing at the college. All in all, he is a remarkably busy man, the demands upon his time and attention being both numerous and onerous.

Dr. Nockolds is a son of Samuel R. and Lydia Nockolds, both parents still living in Norfolk county, England, the doctor being the only representative of the family in the United States. The father is a clergyman of the Church of England, and his family consisted of five children, of whom the doctor is second in order of birth. The doctor was reared in the Church of England, and at this time belongs to the Episcopal church of Grand Rapids.


Transcriber: Barb Jones
Created: 10 January 2009