Cemetery (G. R. 21)
Cascade Township, Kent County, Michigan
Record taken on or about June 24, 1926
by the Sophie de Marsac Campau Chapter of
the Daughters of the American Revolution (D.A.R.)
(*See Cemetery Index for pictures of the cemetery.)
Adley, Adelia Winters (Mother); b.1843 d.1922 Apsey, Mary; see Westmoreland Bale, Henry; d.Mar.22,1875; a.-83y 1m 14d Bale, Lydia; w. of Henry; d.Apr.27,1868; a.-76y 4m 12d Barris, W. B.; n.d.; Co. M, Mich. Cav. Blood, Alva W.; d.Oct.10,1857; a.-32y 11m Blood, Dealton C.; b.Oct.27,1855; o.d. Blood, Mary A.; see Weston Blood, Mary A.; b.Aug.21,1857 d.Aug.23,1922 Bowen, Jennie Wood; w. of M. M.; b.1872 d.1893 Brewer, Ella Lewis; b.1857 d.1920 Brewer, J. W.; b.1856 d.1912 Brewer, Mary; w. of J.W.; d.Aug.14,1891; a.-36y 4m 2d Brewer, Maud; b.1883 d.1900 Broadbent, Albert W.; b.Apr.9,1855 d.Mar.16,1905 Broadbent, Albert W.; b.Apr.9,1855 d.Mar.18,1905
Burr, A. N.; o.d. 184 Burr, Amanda; w. of A.N.; b.1825 d.1907 Case, Emily; b.Feb.26,1834 d.July 10,1875 Case, Justus; b.Sept.29,1831 d.Feb.4,1895; Co. M, 6th Mich. Cav. Clark, Albert C.; b.1852 d.1905 Clark(?), C.; o.d. 1894 Clark, David H.; b.Dec.3,1830 d.Jan.10,1900 Clark, Edith B.; d. of A. and M.; b.Mar.6,1883 d.Nov.10,1894 Clark, Ellen J.; d. of Wm. and E.J.; b.Nov.27,1859; a.-13y Clark, Emma Tillyer; w. of Geo. W.; b.1864 d.1887 Clark, Esther J.; w. of Wm.; b.Aug.31,1830; a.-42y Clark, Eva; inf. d. of H. and L.; n.d. Clark, Frank; s. of H. and L.; b.Mar.5,1855 d.Nov.29,1860 Clark, Freddie; b.1886 d.1887 Clark, Grover E.; b.1902 d.1911 Clark, Hannah; d. of Wm. and E.J.; b.Feb.12,1857; a.-10y Clark, Harmon; b.Apr.15,1825 d.Feb.16,1874 Clark, Harold E.; s. of A. and M.; b.Apr.3,1897 d.Jan.1,1898 Clark, Harriet; d. of Wm. and E.J.; b.Sept.1,1855; a.-4y Clark, Isaac; b.Jan.11,1797 d.Mar.11,1873 Clark, Levy; s. of H. and L.; b.Dec.27,1856 d.Dec.26,1860 Clark, Lewis S.; b.1829 d.1919 Clark, Louisa; b.Apr.4,1836 d.Jan.15,1872 Clark, Margaret; w. of I.; b.June 15,1796 d.Sept.29,1873 Clark, Marietta E.; w. of L.S.; b.1842 d.1917 Clark, Mary; w. of David H.; b.May 27,1832 d.Apr.1,1913 Clark, Mary Ann; b.1862 d.1888 Clark, Mary E.; w. of L.S.; b.1831 d.1882 Clark, Wm.; b.June 25,1824; a.-66y 4m Cooley, Sarah; d. of G.N. and H.; d.Dec.24,1857; a.-21d Cooper(?), Alice; n.d. Cooper, Howard L.; b.1912 d.1922 Cooper(?), Ilene; n.d. Cooper, Mary Louise; b.1922 d.1923 Croninger, Daniel; b.June 1,1818 d.Sept.21,1899 Croninger, Frederik T.; b.1870 d.1924 Croninger, Melissa M.; w. of Daniel; b.July 4,1818; o.d. Croninger, Noria M.; w. of T.R.; b.Jan.14,1843 d.Apr.24,1913 Croninger, Saly A.; w. of J.; d.July 29,1867; a.-54y 3m 16d Croninger, T. R.; b.Sept.24,1836 d.May 6,1891 Dean, Adah; d. of R.J. and R.; d.Apr.4,1869; a.-1y 4m 17d Dean, Elmer F.; b.1861 d.1922 Dean, Minnie C.; d. of R.J. and R.; d.Feb.25,1862; a.-3y 1m 25d Dunham, Olive Sears; w. of Charles; b.Aug.19,1847 d.Jan.18,1903 Filhour, Geo. W.; b.1855 d.1909 Fountain, Benj.; d.Dec.6,1893; a.-51y 6m 26d Fountain, Phebe; w. of Benj.; d.Feb.9,1888; a.-40y 3m 5d Freyermuth, Addie; d. of C.F. and E.F.; b.Aug.31,1890 d.Sept.17,1896 Freyermuth, Caroline F.; w. of J.; b.Mar.6,1827 d.Nov.3,1911 Freyermuth, John; b.June 5,1822 d.June 16,1902 Frost, Chas. H.; b.1822 d.1898 Frost, Eliza H.; b.1822 d.1916 Fuller, Clark; s. of Wm. and Harriet; d.Sept.16,1864; a.-6y 8m 26d Fuller, Harriet M. (Mother); b.Mar.24,1832 d.Nov.15,1907 Fuller, William (Father); b.Aug.13,1826 d.Apr.4,1894 Gleason, Frank M.; s. of Franklin and Amanda; d.May 27,1888; a.-33y Graves, Sylvester H.; b.Mar.21,1834 d.Aug.8,1911 Houghton, Florence Josephine; only d. of S. and L.; d.June 4,1883
Houghton, Henry S.; d.Dec.26,1881; a.-74y 3m 28d Houghton, Louisa A. (Mother); b.1840 d.1917 Houghton, Samuel; d.Dec.26,1883; a.-44y 8m 24d Hutchinson, Hattie; d. of G.A. and N.E.; d.Aug.1,1892; a.-13 hrs. James, Hugh (Father); b.1826 d.1896 Johnson, Ida; b.1858 d.1924 Johnson, Martin; b.1857 d.1925 Johnson, Richard Martin; b.1918 d.1924 Jones, Harty B.; w. of J.A.; d.Jan.7,1874; a.-20y 9d Kellogg, Frankie J.; w. of Orvies and Ivah; b.1904 d.1913 Kellogg, Ivah J.; w. of O.C.; b.1886 d.1917 King, A.B.; n.d.; Co M, 6th Mich. Cav. King, H.W.; n.d.; Co. C, 5th Mich. Inft.; G.A.R. marker Koppelbarger, Sarah; b.Feb.28,1828 d.Mar.3,1896 Lawrson, Eliza J.; see Streeter Leclear, Abgil; w. of B.; d.Nov.25,1870; a.-64y 1m 15d Leclear, Baptist; d.Aug.12,1880; a.-75y 9m 8d Leclear, James; b.Mar.22,1808 d.Jan.8,1888 LeClear, Levi; b.Aug.25,1832 d.Aug.30,1905 Leclear, Sally; w. of James; d.Feb.15,1858; a.-46y 8m 1d Leclear, Sarah F. (Mother); d.Feb.7,1892; a.-69y Lewis, Calvin; b.1829 d.1897 Lewis, Edwin G.; b.1839 d.1922 Lewis, Katurah; b.1835 d.1910 Linton, William J. (Father); b.1848 d.1893 Linton, Willie J.; s. of W.J. and E.W.; b.1878 d.1895 McGregor, Margaret; b.1838 d.1907 McGregor, Thomas; b.1831 d.1902 McWhinney, Lewis; s. of Ella Brewer; b.1887 d.1906 Morse, Benjamin; d.May 8,1861; a.-51y 9m 15d Morse, Delfield L.; s. of P. and A.; d.July 31,1864; a.-4y 11m 29d Morse, Lois; w. of Benjamin; d.Apr.8,1882; a.-75y Morse(?), Phebe (Mother); b.Aug.23,1799 d.Oct.28,1872 Osborn, Annis; w. of Rev. D.; d. of Simeon and Cynthia Pease;
Pattison, Jane; w. of Thos.; d.Oct.9,1853; a.-72y(?) Pattison, John (Father)(?); b.Sept.10,1815 d.Jan.9,1901 Pattison, Thos.; d.Sept.3,1863; a.-78y Pease, Annis; see Osborn Peel, E. B. Langhe; b.July 14,1900 d.Jan.13,1903 Peel, Ethel L.; b.Sept.28,1909 d.May 20,1912 Peel, Nettie J.; b.1870 d.1924 Proctor, Edith L.; b.1861 d.1915 Proctor, Elmer G.; b.1855 d.1912 Proctor, Henry B.; b.Feb.4,1860 d.Nov.1,1900 Proctor, John T.; d.Oct.10,1883; a.-56y 2m 21d Proctor, Marcia E.; b.1836 d.1899 Proctor, Mary; w. of John T.; d.Mar.7,1888; a.-61y 2d Proctor, Oliver R.; b.1835 d.1878 Reynolds, Delfield L.; ch. of O. and H.E.; d.Dec.19,1883; a.-12y 1m 4d Reynolds, Ione; d. of O. and H.E.; d.Feb.25,1886; a.-4m 5d Reynolds, Levan O.; s. of O. and H.E.; d.Aug.8,1873; a.-3y 9m 3d Reynolds, O.; n.d.; Co. D, 1st. N.Y. Vet Cal. Richards, Frank M.; b.1863 d.1917 Richards, Henry S.; b.Feb.28,1825 d.Sept.22,1893 Richards, Susannah; b.1831 d.1915 Rockfellow, John E.; b.Oct.14,1864; o.d. Rockfellow, Mary E.; b.Mar.6,1872 d.Dec.16,1920 Sears, Harriet; w. of Austin; d.Nov.25,1867; a.-46y 6m Sears, Horace; b.1819 d.1912 Sears, Maria J.; w. of Horace; b.1822 d.1896 Sears, Olive; see Dunham Sears, Roy S.; s. of Wm. and Lizzie; b.1887 d.1908 Sears, Wm. W.; b.1857 d.1912 Seekins, Julia A.; see Streeter Semeyn, Katherine; w. of P.W.; b.1859 d.1914 Sewell, Jane; w. of Tom; b.1842 d.1906 Sewell, Tom; b.1841 d.1914 Sneden, Benj.; b.1796 d.1862 Sneden, Esther; b.1800 d.1856 Streeter, Eddie; b.1888 d.1908 Streeter, Warren (Family Record);
Taylor, Ettie E.; d. of Wm. H. and D.; d.Nov.15,1881; a.-7y 2m 6d Taylor, Julia; w. of Oliver; b.Aug.5,1818 d.Feb.9,1899 Taylor, Oliver; d.July 24,1874; a.-72y Thomas, Caroline (Mother); b.1834 d.1913 Thomas, Cora B.; w. of Sylvester; b.Sept.23,1855 d.Feb.17,1908 Thomas, Frank O.; b.June 8,1874 d.July 29,1896 Thomas, Jonathan B., Jr.; b.1907 d.1915 Thomas, M. B.; b.Dec.4,1832 d.Sept.25,1911 Thomas, Rebecca; w. of Sylvester; d.Sept.22,1896; a.-75y Thomas, Sylvester; b.May 16,1849 d.Sept.12,1894 Thomas, Sylvester D.; d.Oct.26,1898; a.-83y Tillyer, Edith M.; d. of Fred and Clara; d.Oct.11,1896; a.-10m 13d Tillyer, John (Father); d.Jan.31,1892; a.-76y 2m 12d Tillyer, Mary H. (Mother); w. of John; d.May 18,1901; a.-73y 9m 1d Tucker, Donna Wood; w. of C.E.; b.1879 d.1913 Vanderhoof, Caroline E.; w. of Frank; b.1874 d.1918 Vanderhoof, Mercy A.; b.Mar.24,1839 d.May 29,1901 Wakefield, Glen; b.1894 d.1910 Washborn, W. N.; n.d.; Co. M, 5th (or 6th) Mich. Cav. Washburn, Nathan; d.Feb.10,1877; a.-26y Westmoreland, Mary; d. of Malachi and Charlotte Apsey;
Weston, Mary A.; former w. of A. W. Blood; b.July 12,1827 d.July 30,1914 Weston, Nathan; b.Apr.6,1818 d.Sept.9,1887 White, Catherine; b.May 28,1803 d.Jan.30,1892 White, Wm. C.; b.July 10,1798, Tunbridge, Vt.
Whitney, Horace M.; s. of Peter I. and Betsey; d.Aug.27,1854; a.-4y Whitney, Oscar; d.Feb.18,1849; a.-36y 6m 12d Wood, Chas. M.; b.Oct.31,1852 d.Nov.18,1886 Wood, Clinton A. (Father); b.Feb.5,1820 d.June 9,1901 Wood, Frank A.; b.Aug. 2,1844 d.Feb.16,1917 Wood, Louisa M. (Mother); b.Jan.25,1820 d.Dec.23,1890
Wood, Mabel J.; w. of C.A.; b.1884 d.1910 Worden, Logan A.; b.1911 d.1921 Yeiter, Elizabeth; w. of David; d.Aug.2,1857; a.-19y 5m 14d Yeiter, Nellie V.; w. of Geo. F.; b.1870 d.1916 |