2004 Walker Township Map Cemetery Locations
- Walker Township
Ahavis Achim. (Jewish) (#92) - Section 14,
East side of Garfield St., north of Richmond, north of Freedom Lithuanian
Brooklawn Cemetery. (#2)
- Section 4, East side of Walker Avenue, south of 4 Mile Road
Lithuanian Cemetery. (#93) - East side of Garfield St., North of
Richmond, south of Ahavis Achim
Mill Creek Cemetery (a.k.a. Lamoreaux) (#76)
- Section 1, 3550 West River Drive, Comstock Park
River Bend Cemetery. (#18)
- Section 31, SW corner of Wilson Avenue and Riverbend Drive
Rosedale Memorial Park - O-50 Lake Michigan Drive in Tallmadge Township,
Ottawa County
West of Walker on south side of Lake Michigan Drive.
There are many burials from Kent County.
Transcriber: Evelyn Sawyer
Created: 13 October 2004