Organized in 1881 #115

The Christian Reformed Church was formed in the United States in 1857 when the Rev. K. Vanden Bosch of Noordeloos and four small congregations left the Reformed Church. They felt that the Reformed Church had become too Americanized - discipline was neglected, hymns were sung and lodge members were allowed.

Growth at first was slow. By 1880 there were only 3,566 members in the new denomination. But the decade of 1880-1890 saw a tremendous emigration from the Netherlands, so that by 1890 the membership had jumped to 55,794. It was during this decade that Alpine Church was organized.

Prior to 1881 members of the Spring Street (now Bates St.) Church who lived on the West Side walked two or three times a Sunday across the river to worship. A petition was signed by some of these requesting the consistory of Spring Street to establish a church on the West Side. The consistory appointed H. Datema and A. VanBree to find a suitable location. Alpine and Eleventh was chosen and the owners donated the land if a church were built.

On April 20, 1881 a meeting was held to see if there was a desire to organize a church and there was a unanimous agreement. $348 was subscribed for a salary for a pastor. H. Datema and A. Van Bree asked permission to dedicate the Alpine Avenue Church on the evening of May 25, 1881 and was approved. The following consistory members were appointed - elders H. Datema, B. Schrikkema and H. Naber and deacons were A. Van Bree and A. Hooghuis.

The Charter Members on May 25, 1881 were -

Harm Datema

A. Hooghuis

Wm. Joling

K. Timmer

Arie Van Bree

Egbert Smitter

B. Scrikkema

R. H. De Vries

Wm. Dykstra

H. Joling

L. M. Vanderveen

A. T. Gilde

J. A. Andree

Y. Van Vliet

J. Folkertsma

J. Vander Veen

K. Postmus

N. Dys

Wm. Naber

D. J. De Boln

Ch. P. Van Vliet

G. Timmer

The first minister, Rev. W. H. Frieling, was installed in the fall of 1882 by the Rev. Vos of Spring St. There was no parsonage so a house was rented near 10th Street. Mr. Stocking gave two lots to the church to build a parsonage.

In 1886, Rev. Frieling accepted a call to Lamont and Rev. P. Ekster of Spring Lake Church was called and accepted.

In 1886, due to phenomenal growth, the church was enlarged by building a section onto the north side of the original church. During Rev. Ekster's nineteen years of ministry, an organ was acquired. Mr. H. Verhaar was the first organist. Due to the great demand on the pastor's time, Elder Datema became his regular assistant. There were about 100 in the catechism class. A new school was built in 1900 and a new church was erected in 1903 at approximately $16,000. The new building was dedicated on March 17, 1904. The following year Rev. Ekster received and accepted a call to Midland Park, New Jersey.

Rev. S. Volbeda of Beaverdam succeeded Rev. Ekster in the fall of 1905. Rev. Volbeda remained only a short time and then left to complete studies at the Free University of Amsterdam.

Dr. J. Van Lonkhuizen paid a visit to America and preached in several places. The result was that the consistory placed him on trio and the congregation called him. He came from Rijswijk in the Netherlands. During his pastorate, the church building burned. It was a heavy blow as the debt had just been paid off in a period of ten years

and there was only $5,000 insurance on the building. But the congregation was of one mind and a larger, more beautiful church was built at a cost of $35,000. This was paid for in about 12 years.

In 1914, there came an insistent demand for English and the consistory felt compelled to comply with this request by having English at the evening service. The matter caused the minister some difficulty and when he received a call from Chicago in 1918, he accepted it.

Rev. P. A. Hoekstra of Paterson I, New Jersey saw his way clear to come to "Jerusalem" as Grand Rapids was called. He served 8 and one-half years and left to work in Cicero II, Illinois.

Rev. Dr. W. Masselink from the 14th St. Church of Holland succeeded Rev. Hoekstra.

PASTORS - 1882 TO 1966

1882-1886 W. H. Frieling

1886-1905 P. Ekster

1906-1911 S. Volbeda

1911-1919 J. Van Lonkhuyzen

1919-1927 P. A. Hoekstra

1928-1942 W. Masselink

1942-1948 P. Y. De Jong

1948-1954 J. T. Holwerda

1954-1961 A. W. Hoogstrate

1961-1966 George P. Holwerda

1966- John H. Bergsma



Items of Interest, 1881 - 1941

First Church built 1881.

First elected minister, Cand. H. Bode, who declined.

Parsonage and Holland School built 1882.

John Post appointed janitor - $60 per year

Rev. W. H. Frieling accepted call Nov., 1882; left May, 1886; died Dec,1905.

Church enlarged 1886. 40 x 50 feet at cost of $3,000.

Rev. P. Ekster accepted call Aug., 1886. Salary $700.

Decided to build another church on Crosby St., May, 1888.

New congregation started from the mother church with 44 families.

First organ was installed June, 1891; cost $2,000.

English speaking congregation started on Broadway Avenue.

Congregation grows to 300 families. Church getting too small.

So-called doopleden stelsel done away with, Sep., 1900.

Elder Datema assistant to minister, salary $300.

Society for Christian instruction started, 8-room school built, upper rooms for church use.

Congregation incorporated again, 1902.

Decided to build new brick church. Cost with organ and seats about $20,000.

Dedicated to the seervice of God, March 17, 1904.

Rev. P. Ekster accepts call to Midland Park. Farewell sermon October 29, 1905.

Rev. S. Volbeda accepts call. First sermon December 3, 1905.

25 year jubileum held May, 1906. Bell in tower installed as jubileum gift.

Mortgage on church building paid off December 5, 1910.

Rev. S. Volbeda gets leave of absence, Jan., 1911.

Decide to build new brick parsonage, April, 1911.

Dr. J. Van Lonkhuizen accepts call Aug., 1911. Entree Oct., 1911.

Budge in 1912 was $8.00 per family for one full year.

Church building burned down February 12, 1914. Rebuilt at a cost of $35,000.

First English service held February, 1915.

Dr. J. Van Lonkhuizen accepts call to Chicago, Sep., 1918.

Rev. P. A. Hoekstra acepts call. Entree January, 1919.

School building and lots sold and $4,000 given to the W. S. Christian School Society.

Vacancy of a year and four months.

Baptismal Font purchased to $125.00 in 1927

Dr. Wm. Masselink accepts call. Entree May 6, 1928.

50 year jubileum - May 26, 1931.

Song service in 1932 before evening service was begun.

Dr. Wm. Masselink gets leave of absence in 1935.

Extensive repairs and remodeling of church, 1941.

60 year jubileum May 26, 1941.

Service Flag placed in church in 1944.

Telephone installed in church in 1950.

Started to serve communion in all sections of gallery in 1954.

Junior Choir was organized in 1956.

Alpine Calvinette Club started in 1961.

Terpstras left for Nigeria in 1964.




Mr G. Palma

Dr. Wm. Masselink

Mr. W. Folkertsma

Mr. G. Rodenhouse

Mr. E. Kunst

Mr. H. Kuieck

Mr. H. Stevens

Mr. J. Nyeholt

Mr. G. Andree

Mr. T. Van Kiuken

Mr. M. De Voogd

Mrs. J. Heyboer

Mrs. G. Joling

Mrs. H. Kuieck

Mrs. J. Nyeholt

Mrs. H. Stevens

Mrs. G. Raterink?

Mrs. E. Kunst

Mr. G. Raterink

Mrs. D. Krombeen

Mrs. D. Folkertsma

Mrs. Wm. Folkertsma

Mrs. P. Van Vliet

Mrs. G. Tilma

Mrs. Andree

Mrs. T. Van Kuiken

Mrs. M. De Voogd


J. VanderZee
K. Bakker
L. Huizenga
L. Wielenga
H. Bakker
C. Folkertsma
G. Tilma
L. Vermaire
T. Schoonbeek
D. Krombeen
S. Ruster
L. Westmaas
H. Burggraaf
J. Timmer
Rev. P. Ekster
O. Kuieck

May 15, 1961- Twenty-two young people made Confession of Faith.

Kenneth Bont

Robert Lane

Michael Bruggema

Kenneth Medema

James Bruining

Mary Niemeyer

Janna Daling

Charles Olds

Lois De Heer

Marilyn Piper

Robert Glass

Linda Postema

Mrs. Lavern (Louis)Helder

David Rinzema

Kenneth Schaafsma

Henry Hofstra

Eunice Snippe

David Jeltema

Ralph Verbeek

Janice Koppenol

Ben Van Houten

Kenneth Koppenol

Dr. Masselink was pastor until 1942. He was followed by Dr. P. Y. DeJong who served until 1948.

Rev. J. T. Holwerda accepted the call and remained until 1954.

Rev. A. Hoogstrate accepted the call in 1954 and remained until May 29, 1961 when he accepted a call to Third CRC in Zeeland.

Rev. George Holwerda and family - Congregational Reception Sep., 8,1961.