(at Steele's Corners)


A class was started in 1843 with 4 member:

Mr. & Mrs. _____ Johnson

Ebenezer Smith and his wife, ?Molly

The Methodist Church at Steele's Corners was built about 1848(Chapman).

A meeting was held on January 10, 1853 and it was decided to build a church just north of the southeast corner of Section 12. David Thomas was the preacher in charge of the Flat River Circuit.

(Recorded- January 28, 1853, Reuben W. Smith, Clerk)

Among the original members were:

Eben. Smith & Wife Urias Goss & wife

A. J. Provin and wife Mr. Shotwell and wife

At a Quarterly Meeting of the Conference of the Cannon Circuit of the Methodist Episcopal Church, held at Oakfield on April 23, 1870, the following were elected Trustees:

L. D. Hoag A. Kromer

J. Thomas William Beardsley

Thomas Noy C. L. Chamberlain

H. C. Wrightman

Election of Trustees at the Quarterly Conference held August 18, 1870, at Steele's Corners for the Cannon Circuit of the Methodist Episcopal Church.

The former board of Trustees was re-elected except Charles M. Hartwell was elected in the place of C. H. Wrightman.

(signed by Moses Reynolds, Sec'y and A. J. Eldred, President)

There is no material available on members. It was probably served by circuit riders.

Ref: Memoirs of the Grand River Valley by Everett; History of Kent County by Chapman; MSA, Kent Co., #65-29-A-B1-F4