The Methodist Episcopal Society of Cedar Spring was organized October 6, 1866, under Presiding Elder J. Coggeshall and Orison A. Pierson, Sec'y; B. W. Smith, Preacher in Charge; F. Deitz, Preacher; D. J. Gilbert and J. D. Town, Local Preachers; H. Streeter, KS. Brown, Jos. Clark and W. H. Clark, Stewards: George Jocelyn, Exhorter; E. Jewell, L. Smith, A. Dean, S. Ackley, O. E. Pearson, A. Angell, Leaders.

The original members included the following named persons:

Bradford Baily Emity Baily Sandford Baily

Ebjona Baily Emily Clark Mary Carpenter

Sarah Farr Chester Ford Dilla Ford

Edward Jewell Sarah A. Jewell Samuel Pangborn

Rachael Pangborn Samuel Runches Elizabeth Runches

James Rounds Abby Ackert Barton Eddy

Marion Eddy Thomas Totten Herkiah Lacy

Mary Lacy William Brown S. L. Ackley

Evalina Ackley Warren Ackley Fanny P. Fairchild

Joel Pangborn Sarah A. Pangborn Mary C. Goldsmith

Eliza Hopkins Ida Jewell Charles Farr

Lucy A. Brown George Robertson Margareet Boles

In 1870 B. Fairchild became a member.

The first Trustees of the Church, after the division of the Cedar Springs Circuit, July 17, 1869 were:

Edward Jewell Benjamin Fairchild Orison Pearson

William H. Clark Bradford Bailey

At the same time the M.E. Church of Oakfield and Courtland was organized.

During the first years of the organization, services were held in the village school-house. The corner-stone was laid August 17, 1870, during the pastorate of Rev. John Graham. The dedication of the church took place June 7, 1871. Sermons were deliverd by Rev. J. M. Reid of Chicago and Rev. G. B. Jocelyn of Grand Rapids. Rev. A. J. Eldred was the Presiding Elder. The building committee in charge of the construction of the church, comprised Benjamin Fairchild, Edward Jewell and H. M. Rudes. E. P. Hayes was subsequently appointed, Vice H. M. Rudes, resigned.

Ref: History of Kent County, Chapman, 1881, pg 1250-1