Calvin College Heritage Hall - has many Dutch
records in the archives at Heritage Hall
Christian Reformed Church ministers,
Searchable datebases of genealogical data
http://www.genlias.nl/ - births,
marriages and deaths, 1811-1842.
You must register but there is no charge
Searchable databases of genealogical data - births,
marriages and deaths, in the Province of Friesland, 1811-1922
Ferweraderadeel, Friesland families
Dutch Telephone Directory -
This is a global search screen for all of the Netherlands.
Translation: Uitgebreid zoeken = Advanced Search
Wie? = Who? ; naam = surname (ignore prefixes such as van, van
der, de, etc. For example, to look for "De Vries"
simply enter "Vries" and ignore "de") (bijv. Smit of KPN) =
(e.g. Smit or KPN)
Zoek alleen naar exacte resultaten = Search for exact results only
Waar" = Where? plaatsnaam = city
straatnaam = street name (bijv. Leiden) =
(e.g. Leiden)
kies een regio = select a region (bijv.
Javaplein of Delflandlaan) = (e.g. Javaplein or Delflandlaan)
Zoek in regio = Search in region OF postcode =
OR postal code (bijv. 1151 or 524) = (e.g. 1151 or
OF provincie = OR province kies
een Provincie = Select a province
Drenthe, Flevoland, Friesland, Gelderland, Groningen, Limburg, Noord-Brabant,
Noord-Holland, Overijssel,
Utrecht, Zeeland, Zuid-Holland
OF heel Nederland = OR all of the Netherlands
- http://www.zeeuwsarchief.nl
- Zeeland Province, the Netherlands
http://geneaknowhow.net/digi/resources.html - Zeeland Province,
the Netherlands
- http://www.tresoar.nl/
- For Bentheim ancestors -
- For Overijssel ancestors -
Click on "Genealogen" - "Indexen online" -
"Huwelijk OV" - Index of all marriages registered in the province of
Overijssel between 1811 - 1922
"Overlijden OV" - Index to all deaths registered in Overijssel between 1811
- 1932
Contents of death certificates will be available online later in 2005.
- For Drenthe ancestors and immigrants -
http://www.drenlias.nl/emigranten/index.php and
Click on "Zoeken" (search) Explanation below:
Achternaam = surnaam Voornaam = First
name Schoonmaken = Clear
Meer zoekmogelijkheden = Advance search
Kind = child Bruid =
Bruidegom = bridegroom
Overledene = deceased person Vader = father
Moeder = mother
Alle relaties = all relations