"A" - Volume I - Historical - Name Index
Fisher - Grand Rapids and Kent County Michigan - 1918
Abel, Julius C. 145, 295
Ada township, 219
Ada village, 223
Adams, Edgar J., 359
Addison, Thomas, 242
Adsit, Allen C., 470
Alaska village, 255
Albert, George, 275
Albright, Joseph, 429
Aldrich, Moses V., 171
Algoma township, 300
Alger, Russell A., 74
Allen, George W., 138, 353
Allen, H.H., 100, 245
Allen, Nathan P., 469
Allen, Sterling W., 423
Allen, Wright C., 250
Almy, John, 74, 152, 351
Almy, Mrs. John, 152
Alpine township, 271
Alto, 566
Alpine village, 272
Andrus, Wesley P., 347
Angell, Crawford, 175
Archaean rocks, 18
Arson, arrest for, 137
Art, 563
Atwater, Luman R.,
Authors and their works, 520-527
Averill, Hiram N., 470
Ayer, Frank M., 473
Aylesworth, Wm. H. 432

Document Source: Fisher, Ernest B., Ed., Grand Rapids and Kent County Michigan: Historical Account of their Progress from First Settlement to the Present Time, Chicago: Robert O. Law Company, 1918.
Transcriber: Jennifer Godwin

Created: 17 June 2000